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Everything posted by Tyree_Cooper

  1. Japanese games for Japan, I understand why they don't mention it (they are in Japanese, what else), but at least SOME devs actually think of the confusion and mention the languages on the box, which is nice. Or maybe it's Sony that does it for those special games with languages you might not expect. Though many PS2 games in Japan have full cover in Japanese and full manual in Japanese, but the game remains 100% in English (many EA games for example). So the opposite problem also exists
  2. ya dont need enigma to "just play the game" had fun playing hell with differents classes on my own for 10+ years, never gave a crap about all the online stuff and the rune craze came pretty late anyway
  3. Somehow I also thought of Shadow of the Colossus. I guess because I just finished playing The Last Guardian, and was wondering how it could be so bad. Diablo II is definitely one of the most influential games though . And it kept being patched officially until 2016. That's 16 years of free support. the game is fine-tuned and well balanced like nothing else in gaming history. the maths behind it are incredible, it is a marvel that you can study for a long time. p.s. i mean PS2 SotC, not the half-asses PS3 texture-licked version. And not the remake on PS4 either.
  4. as a seller, this is a nightmare because if it's from ebay, a collector could have an opened copy and claim it's the sealed one, and return if for a refund. a guy wanted to pull this scam on me after i sold him a sealed super mario kart years ago. it really sucks for this buyer though. i'd be incredibly angry. i hope you got it at a good price at least...
  5. im sure someone with a legit complete copy can help the guy confirm the ILlegitimacy of this thing. hope he hasn't pulled the trigger yet.
  6. ain't this a fake box? the print quality and colors look like shit. but i know most gba boxes are crap anyway. i can't buy gba games anymore, they all look fake to me! (and i'm not even commenting on the seal, which looks as fake as can be)
  7. nothing on the website sorry some of the ps2 games you got recently were of interest
  8. Mussolini Advanced Daisnryaku is like one of most well known md games in asia, it was all over the place
  9. was it acidjaguard who added a thing inside gb carts so you can put a cell battery and replace it when it's dead? it is cool but only for a loose cart you keep for playing. do this to all your carts and we will take you to jail for the rest of your life.
  10. direct photo links for you lazy porklet https://www.dropbox.com/sh/evkkemsf70s752n/AABL0VnXLiFu98gQxRK2_luGa?st=xmuifct1&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2frx4l73fhwfmwo36le05/ADwVKroeqI4DsJJPiRFRKR4?rlkey=y6i76sodllnqdq76pusyh07mc&st=4tbas99z&dl=0
  11. no worries just let me know whats available for trade
  12. Just reply mylast pm, the one that you completely ignored
  13. Click the link at the top of the post to see detailed photos of every item Gettysburg is 100% in English and is one of those really scarce asia releases by EA. Sure trade with some of those ps2 games you got recently
  14. People looking for interactions, yuck, like it's 1987 or what. Crazy stuff out there. Even crazier, they need your info to make a bit of money, ultra yuck.
  15. Yeah they are fun to collect but a bit of a headache. Asia got several releases of the Mega Man games which are hard to tell apart from the front of the box.
  16. Ohh finally i found one Promo mug for tales of destiny 2 To promote the release of the chinese subbed version. That year, someone from the dev team came to the asia game show to reveal the game. Not sure who exactly but i have a video of it
  17. Why was Remixed not released in Japan? And why were they called Remixed and Reloaded? What does it remix and what does it reload... the PS2 collection? At least the Japanese release of Reloaded was simply called Capcom Classics Collection. I've always been a bit confused by these two collections. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/930836-capcom-classics-collection-remixed/data https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/932524-capcom-classics-collection-reloaded/data And then both collections were re-released together but only in the US. What? So random. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/211699-capcom-classics-collection-remixed-capcom-classics/data
  18. nice mega man for game gear!! i got this in way too good condition for local standards, crazy it was kept so well for almost 20 years.
  19. it's ok i'm not "hating", but it's fine if you think i am seems every time someone's not congratulating or awing, he's automatically hating, like some kind of modern manichaeism. enjoy your sealed game didn't even pay attention the buyer was here
  20. Imagine if every first game every mum bought was 90,000 usd coz of nostalgia or something.
  21. Sounds like a lazy seller. Probably reusing an old photo for selling more copies without having to retake new photos because "it's the same game". If he knew this variant was more expensive he'd price it... higher.
  22. I love guides, especially those bundled with magazines. This was a common thing with Japanese magazines, and Hong Kong copied the trend. They age like shit due to humidity and tend to get thrown away anyway, so they are not common. This one's a pencil size mini guide with character bios, moves and general tips for Street Fighter II Game Boy version. Published by Mani with the rights from the original Japanese publisher.
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