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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Small Oblivion update: I decided to sacrifice the Sanguine Rose to progress. The quest took mere minutes, and while it's a cool reward, it's one that would sit in a chest in one of my player homes and never be seen again, so it made sense to make it my sacrifice. After this, I closed the Bruma Oblivion Gate and started on the optional ally recruitment. I'd already cleared out Kvatch so I just had to go claim that unit. Despite the optional nature of the quest, I'm going to get every possible body I can for this quest, if only to make my life easier in the long run. I do feel like this may drag on a bit, as the main quest feels the least enjoyable part of the game to me for whatever reason, but at this point there's no real reason to take chances, and this way I can experience a part of the game that I'll probably avoid in the future if I decide to replay the game again. In other news, my NES streak is still alive, 24 days and 25 games total. My last mention was when I beat Astyanax. Since then I did the following: Kid Klown in Night Mayor World (Jan. 22): I was expecting a lot better from this one, not gonna lie. I think it might have been better overall if it was still a Mickey Mouse game like in Japan, but still, it's just a "meh" IMO. I still need to go back and try hard mode at some point, but for now I'm fine with it. Skate or Die(Jan. 23): After attempting a couple other games and running short on time to finish one, I took one of the remaining gimmies off my shelf. I really like the game, have fond childhood memories of it, but it's definitely a multi-player focused title. And with no default scores or AI competition, it's like a 10 minute completion. The Rocketeer (Jan 24): This was one I'd played in the past and enjoyed, but never got around to finishing. Definitely better than I had expected from a 90s movie tie in. Also, having never actually seen the movie, it kind of makes me want to. Only took about 2 hours to burn through it, but I could see myself playing it again in the future. As yet, I've only done one of the 10 NES games from my official list, but since I've dropped a total of 26 games from my full backlog, I can't complain. And hopefully I'll be able to cross Oblivion off the list soon enough.
  2. Well shit, I'd just beat a game to keep my personal streak alive at 24 days, and it turns out today's game hasn't been done yet. Y'all can scratch off The Rocketeer. I've been checking whenever I've been beating a game, but since I'm focusing on easy shit that can be done in a couple hours, I honestly didn't realize it hadn't been done yet Pretty solid game, a few frustrating parts but nothing too crazy. I started shortly after 1 am, and it's about 20 after 3 am now, so yeah, not hard at all. Sure it's a one-life game, but unlimited continues AND passwords make this super easy to pull off if you're so inclined. Definitely better than I was expecting for a 90s movie tie in, that's for sure.
  3. You mean Break Time. Breakthru is an action game Anyway, aside from those and Lunar Pool, I can't think of any other pool games on the NES. Probably not on the Famicom either, as it's not exactly popular in Japan as far as I'm aware.
  4. Yeah, I went through the stats for the year when picking teams to short list, and because defense was super important I ended up with GS, who was the top defensive team that year. The Bulls just couldn't cut it in that regard, and I wasn't consistent enough to pull off a win with them. I posted a ton in the contest thread if you want to check it out. https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/10395-2022-vgs-nes-weekly-contest-tecmo-basketball/ Good luck!
  5. I don't get what you and @Daniel_Doyce have against it. when we did it for the contest a couple years back, it took a couple games but once I got the hang of it, I was regularly beating the computer by 30 points or more. I did find some teams better than others though. I couldn't for the life of me win consistently as the Bulls. I did, however, go 81-1 and undefeated in the playoffs with Golden State. Focus on defense and its a lot easier.
  6. For some reason I thought that I had progressed the main quest further in my prior playthroughs, but I just got an achievement so I suppose not Anyway, I'm at the point of needing to sacrifice a daedric artifact, but have not acquired any yet. I'm probably putting far too much thought into it though, as odds are if I ever play it again, I'll start from scratch anyway, but I can't decide which one to use. I thought Namira's Ring would do because it wasn't something l would use, but I somehow have to self inflict over 40 points of personality damage on myself to start the quest, so that's probably not happening. Anyone have any suggestion? Both for speed of acquisition and not giving up something I'll care about?
  7. Just knocked off the Mage's Guild questline. Encountered a bug where Mannimarco was immune to damage, but I managed to make him follow me into some underwater tunnels. I had the Ring of the Rumere from the early side quest to kill the slaughterfish, which meant I just had to sit and take a pathetic beating without any risk to myself while I waited for him to die. Now to plow through through the main quest. And from there, I switch to my disc copy on my 360 to do the expansion.
  8. I played it as a kid (friend had a copy). When I got older, I played Castle of Dragon, which reminded me a lot of Astyanax, except with nowhere near as much polish. Wonder if they're related games in Japan or something... I'm definitely pushing forward! I want to see how long I can go, but the number of quick games left is getting shorter and shorter every time I beat something. It's why I'm restricting to one game per day as well...I don't want to accidentally burn one while pushing this streak along. Pushing toward having at least one per day in January though, since the odds of achieving it after this decrease every time I knock something off.
  9. I actually liked it enough to do all four endings, but not enough to want to play it again after accomplishing that lol. It's not a good game, but it's also not terribly difficult.
  10. Bigger update for Oblivion. I've now completed the Dark Brotherhood quest line, and have progressed in the Mage's Guild far enough to get the next achievement. According to the official strategy guide, I've got four remaining quests until the MG line is done. Once that's done, all that's left is the main quest and Shivering Isles. I may just focus on getting it all done and moving on at this point...while I thoroughly enjoy the game, I'd like to move on through the rest of my list as well. Also kept my NES streak alive by taking out Astyanax. I'm honestly surprised how little people talk about that one. It's a pretty solid game overall, it has Ninja Gaiden-esque cutscenes to add flavour to the game, and was thoroughly enjoyable. Oh, and that's 22 first time NES completions in a calendar month, breaking my previous record of 21, set in January of 2022. So yay for milestones. Next milestone is 300 US completions, which if all goes according to plan will be hit on the 28th. Hey man, no sweat. While I wouldn't do it myself, I can understand why people would want to do it that way. Some games can take days or weeks to get good enough to get through, and free time is becoming scarcer and scarcer. Ultimately, unless you're in a competition with someone, how you play doesn't affect anyone else, so as long as it facilitates your enjoyment, have at it! I mean, there's a reason the Game Genie was as popular as it was
  11. That makes sense. Probably should've put that context into the original post though, cuz it did just sound like slagging the guy
  12. Yeah, the only one of those that I would find fun to replay would be Genghis Khan. I could see myself doing Romance 1 again because I like the setting, but I'm never gonna touch an NES Nobunaga game again. They're both pretty blah IMO.
  13. I just played it for the NES Completions thread a couple weeks back, so it was fresh in my mind. I was actively trying to beat it. The frisbee took me longer than any of the events to break the score because there really isn't much leeway for it. And finding out about the BMX exploit meant I could just rack up points until I fucked up my rhythm, which was good for completing it, but bad for competitions. I don't think there's any way to really cheese hackey sack though, and I think the skateboard event could be fun (but was done better in Skate or Die). Surfing might be feasible too, but it isn't terribly fun to do.
  14. I'm currently working on Bandit Kings. If you want to go for it feel free, but figure you might want to narrow the choices down a bit.
  15. So my current NES completion streak has hit 20 days, with 21 total. And I know that I've done a couple of the games I had on last year's backlog that weren't on this year's (I had 37 games remaining, which I pared down to 10, so that makes sense). Last year I knocked off 3 games from my list. I just find it mildly amusing that I've knocked off as many games in the first 20 days of 2024 as I did in all of 2023 For those curious, here's this year's first time completions: Additionally, I knocked off The Chessmaster for the Game Boy (also not on this year's list) for the first time (scholar's mate FTW...takes like 3 seconds to beat it ), marking 22 games taken off my backlog so far. Still several thousand to go, but it feels good. Once the month is done I'm not gonna worry too much about the streak, and aim for some longer games, and some from other systems as well. Oh, and according to my NES completion list, I'm 8 away from 300 US completions, so unless I start pounding out a bunch of Famicom games in the next week, that milestone should pass soon. Also made some more progress on Oblivion, but nothing really noteworthy yet.
  16. I'm thinking along the lines of how I've seen some reviews that are like "the graphics on this NES game aren't bad, but they don't compare to Dark Souls so they get a 2." Like of course it's gonna look like shit if it's compared to something later. There are a few metrics that work regardless, like the overall enjoyment factor, but one shouldn't be factoring in things that have no bearing on what's in front of you. But that's just my opinion. You do you.
  17. Yeah, thats fair. It's partly knowing the audience, but I do appreciate seeing some come up. I've just got a hard time being interested when it's a game I've never played and isn't something I'd be interested in playing.
  18. Well, you gotta pick something that people have still played I'd say anything up to N64 could work, since it's a retro site and a ton of people would've played what they're collecting. But I would say the more recent a game gets, the less likely there'll be a huge audience for the obscure.
  19. It's not so much reflexes as rote memorization. Some folks do just react to whatever pops up, but others play it enough that they know exactly where everything is going to spawn and when, so they can execute accordingly. EDIT: Also, don't feel bad for cheating through it. If you're happy with the experience, and cheating helped keep it fun for you, then all the power to you. Games are meant to be fun, so have fun however you enjoy :)
  20. I'm actually okay with the logic there tbh. I'm not big onto action platformers at all (how the NES is my favourite console I don't know...probably just nostalgia ), so even the best of the best of them wouldn't get a 10 from me. One should be comparing games to their contemporaries when rating them. Otherwise older games couldn't possibly get anything close to what current games would based on technical limitations alone. Yeah. I would much rather see some oddball titles thrown in here and there, but putting crap games in won't generate any real discussion.
  21. Then do it up! So today I knocked off the next two achievements in the Mages Guild questline, and after learning about Mannimarco's return, I'm on a 3 in-game day cooldown before the next quest. So I suppose my next order of business would be to knock off some more Dark Brotherhood quests. Also, I figured out why I didn't get Shivering Isles. Turns out I don't own it as DLC. I own the Game of the Year version, so it's on the disc itself. But because I'm playing via Game Pass on my Xbox One right now, I can't access it. Guess I'll just finish off the main 1000 first, then knock off Shivering Isles after by switching consoles.
  22. It's a pretty good game, but having beat it I have no desire to ever play it again. I did have fun playing it in the tournament a couple years back, but I don't think I'll ever pop it in again just to play it, so I gave it a 6/10. It's an excellent action-platformer on a system that has a ton of action-platformers...one of the best in fact. But the genre is part of what I dislike about it...I just am not much of a fan of platformers, no matter how good. I would've preferred if they threw in some exploration elements (like TMNT) or some sort of investigation aspect (like Dick Tracy). But that's just my personal opinion.
  23. Especially from the user's only board post.
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