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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. Honestly, I don't see the problem with that. It's prominently displayed on the playfield. You shouldn't be punished because of your ability to read another language.
  2. Super Jeopardy is done. Probably my pick for the weakest of the four NES games. Too many repeat categories one game after another, missing answers that were correct (I said singing and got it wrong, they wanted singing songs), etc. The looser spelling was nice, but not enough for my liking.
  3. I emulated a couple years ago because I was living in another city away from my collection, and for a short time after returning because I had everything packed up. But this year, and most other years I've contributed, has been on console. I'm only missing the Panesians, Cheetahmen 2, and Stadium Events though, so for this challenge I have a functionally complete collection.
  4. Fair enough. I only ask because I spent hours trying before I figured that out. I got pretty close without, but couldn't pull a run together. Then I saw that and was like "oooooooh"
  5. Are you using the controller to scroll the screens at all? Because I am pretty sure that's what I needed to do in order to get the gold on hard. Finding that out was a game changer.
  6. I just finished my first game for the year. Magic of Scheherazade. Such a great game that nobody ever mentions.
  7. The Magic of Scheherazade is in the bag. What an interesting game. I highly recommend it to anyone who digs action RPGs. It's just pretty damn awesome overall. Some neat ideas, some that don't work so well, but a great game overall.
  8. Started up The Magic of Scheherazade. Always liked it, but never managed to finish it. I'm on the third chapter now, kinda flying through the game in all honesty. It's not hard at all, at least as far as I've made it so far. Currently on a no death run too, although I'm taking passwords just in case. I don't plan to use them, I'd sooner leave my system on than input passwords, but this way if the power goes out or something I'm not too screwed As for Wizardry V, I'm still grinding away at it. I'm fairly underpowered for the point in the game I'm at. I've also decided to make progress on the NES completions thread so it's kind of sat by the wayside for the time being. But I'll get back to it soon enough.
  9. Just thought I'd mention that I'm working on The Magic of Scheherazade in case anyone else plans to start it. I'm currently on the third chapter, making decent progress quickly. I just don't want anyone starting it for this only to get game-jacked
  10. I remember having a bitch of a time with it, until I discovered that you can use the D-pad to scroll through the levels. There's way more targets available that way.
  11. Yeah. It's crazy how tough those defaults are to beat. Most of the "Games" titles have a reasonably low bar to bear...you need some skill, but not a stupid amount. Cali Games almost needs you to be a pro in order to pull it off. And yeah, tying isn't good enough, you have to top the prior score.
  12. So this is our best Day One since NA died...awesome!
  13. Normally I don't do pictures, but this was a lot harder than it really should be, and I figured @Dr. Morbis would have a hard time believing it California Games is done. Edit: I thought I'd add in for anyone who wants to go for this, tying a record is not enough to override it. I tied multiple times on Flying Disk, and once on Surfing. The game only recognizes the first score of that level, and not the most recent. Flying Disk also has to be pretty much perfectly executed if you use the overhead grab. Diving left theoretically does more, but it's a lot harder to pull off...in an hour of trying, I never got it once. So yeah, I'd suggest trying to get that one first if possible, as the rest are comparatively more forgiving.
  14. Harlem Globetrotters is in the bag. Still kinda dig this one. Got it as a cheap game back when I was a kid, and I always dug it, even if it could be frustrating. Not the best basketball game, but far from a bad one either.
  15. Its all good. It's part of my backlog challenge list for the year, and one of two strategy games left on my unbeaten list, so its gonna get done eventually. No worries
  16. Hollywood Squares is done. First time completion for me. It's okay, but I'd rather play Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy.
  17. Sesame Street Countdown is done. I can't believe the four Sesame Street games added up to 15 fucking points I do wish I'd thought to fire these up with my nieces when they were toddlers though, as they're all decently fun for what they are, and I think they would've enjoyed them.
  18. Things like that are why I'm glad for AdamL's endings guide. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/nes/916386-nes/faqs/26831 A lot of times he goes way overboard on games that loop endlessly, but it's a fantastic resource nonetheless.
  19. And so is Classic Concentration. I swear I'm not gonna take @nerdynebraskan's place...just on a bit of a roll knocking off some easy stuff I certainly can't keep this pace up all year
  20. Wheel of Fortune Family Edition and Junior Edition are both done.
  21. I don't know, that feels like it should be it's own console, like the Sega CD is counted separately. But it's up to the guys that are probably gonna play more than a couple games to decide how much they want to expand the list
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