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Everything posted by Nintegageo

  1. It's the only complete set that I own
  2. Souldiers. It's a pretty cool Metroidvania. I just did FF7R +Intergrade. Happy with the direction they seem to be going with it story wise. Hoping either Returnal or Demon's Souls go on sale as interested to play those games.
  3. Wow, irrelevant. The piece of shit canceled the order cause I'm in Canada and when I told him he can ship it to the US he said it was gone. retro-gamer-rob on eBay guys, screw him.
  4. Hey guys, I see 2 Tumble Pop USA labels online. One says Data East and the other Sunsoft. They both have a US code though. Are the two correct? Thank you .
  5. I do enjoy the new FF7, just don't consider the new aspect as canon
  6. I don't know that I had any entertainment medium in mind, though it was Castlevania Legends and FF VII remake that had me considering retcons.
  7. I do. I think there's no takesies backsies with a story, so writers just need to use more caution with their work. And should a new thing not work with the old? Well then, do a new one that isn't related to the other. Curious other people's opinions with this one.
  8. @MiamiSlice okay that is a nuts $, though the game is at least legit uncommon-rare. Not like those common 100$ titles that sellers seem to love.
  9. @RH a friend told me the main issue with the game is it's short. I'm alright with that :). Just hope Demon's Souls has a sale haha
  10. I managed to snag a PS5 so playing Astro's and FF7 Remake. Ratchet & Clank is prolly the nxt game and then I am not sure.
  11. Group 2 just got an e-mail to acknowledge their address. Sweet!
  12. Actually hoping they do these with modern consoles.
  13. I actually rank them in that order, though I only played the GC's 1 not the PS1. Just curious which is others' #1 choice with the games.
  14. 8. I wanted to do 9, though I know many people do not enjoy the challenge. Just wish it was more exploratory rather than directing you.
  15. Which non NES set would you want to collect was the other choice as a title
  16. So everyone knows how the $ have changed. Do you think there are more speculators or genuinely interested collectors who have joined this hobby since 2020? I am honestly curious.
  17. I just meant in general. Heck Switch games generally command higher $ with the used game market as well
  18. @Tabonga oh good eye. I know approx. nothing regarding the Sega CD. @Tanooki that is some research!
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