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Everything posted by Nintegageo

  1. With your criteria it's SMB3 however it should have had a freaking save feature which is why I wouldn't personally place the game #1. I know we have some psycho on here who claims the no saves improved the game and warp whistles are just as good though they are not. It's a great game though that 1 thing.. grr
  2. Do you think it helped or hindered the NES? I understand why they did it though it is sad we didn't get certain games due to this.
  3. It's dope. Pretty linear though. Think Fusion-ish. Some cool new gameplay.
  4. Wow sorry I did not realize that this thread was so old.
  5. Robotrek. A game no one else seemed to know when I was young even existed.
  6. Cows. Despite what someone in this thread seems to think, they are absolutely horrible environment-wise. Not as bad as humans obviously though their CO2, the deforestation to raise them and the fresh water used are all just great reasons.
  7. Appreciate the advice guys. Good idea to keep an eye on the sales threads. @Aguy a Saturn and an NES top loder not exactly common ones haha. @ginoscope yeah, I am just hoping to avoid doing a CIB purchase. I'm in Canada so in general that is a way higher pain in the ass than the US.
  8. I only purchased the 1st one and that was due to Terry. No announcement since then has interested honestly.
  9. Real ones. Is there a good place? I have 2 consoles without their box and it is sad :'(.
  10. Honestly, SNES and possibly Genesis, the general rule is you want to avoid Made in Mexico labels.
  11. I would say that generally, no I don't care. There are some games that are like events though, and yes it does matter. Like when people were walking into moving cars to capture little animated monsters on their phone. That was an event.
  12. Okay I checked and it is the same concept. I just won the Saturn with the Rhea installed. Pretty sure it was the original Saturn ODE as the guy did a Dreamcast one as well. Man, I might have also kept the DC with this tech.
  13. @attakid101 yeah, I think I got a good deal though honestly who knows. Not sure what the Satiator is, though the Rhea essentially just swaps the disc drive to an SD card. It's using the hardware to play the game. Wish this tech existed when I had my Saturn collection, I might not have sold/traded it in to a LGS.
  14. I am so excited. I won an auction (aka only person who tried to win it) and it's a model 1 Saturn with a Rhea. I miss the Saturn! I am normally anti-piracy as heck however, as mentioned in this thread, the $ has just gotten ruined. I wanna support game devs not people who ruin the market.
  15. Were the colours used in the original DK intended to match Popeye's shirt? Or was it some lame technical reason? I know the game was originally supposed to be a Popeye game. Google didn't really seem to have an answer.
  16. Wow, great game. Did you save it as a cool game to play or was it just no real reason?
  17. To those whose set only needs one title, which is it? The last MVS cartridge I got to complete the set was Puzzle de Pon! R. The game isn't a super expensive title. The first 2-3 that I purchased were bootlegs so I decided screw it, that was to be the last game and I just waited to purchase it. I think I have one title remaining in my own 'set'. SNES games dev'd in Japan. The problem is it's Sonic Blast Man 2 :(. The really shitty thing is I had actually purchased it online at one point and it was apparently some kid who was scamming people. I got my money though the game has gotten pricier than I want to spend on the title. Not interested in playing it doesn't help it.
  18. I was actually just pondering this and realized it has several answers and one I am not sure I'd recognized. So to explain, the 1st one that I owned was the GameBoy so it is a handheld. It was a present along with Yoshi. I played so many games thanks to friends and fam. Honestly, I adore this console. My 2nd answer is the SNES, though it was a Christmas present that was given to my sister and I so not sure it counts. This is my jam! Greatest console. The last console was the one I hadn't considered. One Christmas my dad and I saw a Game Gear in a pawn shop and I mentioned that as a present. He didn't want to purchase it with me there so he went to the store some other night and it was sold. He did see a Genesis though and thus that has a legit claim as well. What was your 1st console? How does it rank in your console history?
  19. @Enternal how dare you compare Neo Geo to those things! Vectrex is pretty dope tho.
  20. @DoctorEncore lol as I was reading your comment I totally thought Zelda 1 haha. The games are sorta the same other than the POV you play them.
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