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Everything posted by Nintegageo

  1. How do you think these are going to rank with long-term popularity? Let's say 50 years or so. Not necessarily investment-wise, just in general. I've had this conversation with my buddies who sorta laugh when I say I adore the old consoles and ask me how they rank. Curious what others think. They each have strong arguments. The NES has the whole 1st console aspect. It is an important aspect to Nintendo and gaming history and it introduced many popular game IPs. The SNES has arguably aged the best due to its awesome spritework. The SNES' soundchip allowed some pretty awesome tunes and the console was another one that introduced us to some beloved series' while also providing some amazing new entries to established game IPs. The N64 is the newest amongst these consoles, and yet has arguably aged the poorest with regards to graphic and controls. This console was the 1st 3D Nintendo console (hush Virtual Boy) and can also be attributed with some incredibly important games that people argue as #1 to this day. I think they rank as NES, N64 and SNES with regards to long term. The NES is the original, and whilenthe hardware was limited it was not the Atari. The N64 was the 1st 3D Nintendo console and changed gaming. The SNES, despite being my #1 console, doesn't really have the high claims that those two do history-wise which is why I think it'd rank last. Oh and I think the GameBoy prolly would rank #2 were we to include it.
  2. Anyone play this game? It's pretty sweet. Mario 3D World meets the Yoshi's series.
  3. I've considered posting how overrated it is in the Unpopular Opinions thread haha. It's a decent tune though the NES has ones that stomp it.
  4. This is a prime example with this era as each console had their own awesome game. When I was younger I'd say Genesis due to the sword (swords are cool, right?) though now I actually rather the acrobatic play in the SNES version.
  5. Yep! The board game with the crappy video lol. Good thing you don't watch it to play the game. It was great! Though had to read the instructions several times and not sure with some rules at this point. We got the hang-ish o it though so hoping to play again now that we understand it.
  6. I am pretty excited. Haven't played the game since I was in grade school and only nostalgia-remembering it so no chance to disappoint right?? I actually purchased the game last year though haven't had a chance to play it. Anyone else played this game?
  7. Well, except 'rare' games to grade they have those in droves.
  8. I gave 10s, though did consider a 9 to the handheld simply due to the item select graphic lag/switching your sword. Great game and a neat way to show someone how the old titles can compare and impress.
  9. @darkchylde28 my point is that I don't consider them athletes with any athleticism. I am not saying what they do isn't crazy, just that m against the term e-sport.
  10. You can say that regarding any computer-related position. Pro tax accountants prolly get carpo tunnel all the time. Do you honestly think most 'e-athletes' could run 1km without any problem? .. admittedly I wasn't sure whether you were using sarcasm haha
  11. Has anyone mentioned how stupid they think the term 'e-sport' is? Sure the people have talent, though they are not athletes >_>. E-competition!
  12. Mario NES was the 1st game I ever played. I was so young though and it wasn't mine which is why SMW has that honour.
  13. I'm pretty sure mine was Super Mario World.
  14. Sly Cooper! I been hoping they'd remaster the PS3 so I could play it without a PSN account.
  15. Anyone own/play an Arduboy? I got one recently and have had a great time exploring the library. There are some pretty decent games that copy NES titles such as Mario, Zelda and Castlevania. It has several genres and the screen is surprisingly crisp and clear despite the mini-ness.
  16. 8s. I think RE1 is a 9 though have only played the GameCube version
  17. Nintegageo


    @DefaultGen weird, eh?
  18. Saturn, DC, CD. Admittedly the CD is the only one I hadn't owned and thus played.
  19. Nintegageo


    I did Capcom. I think Konami would win their #1 > Capcom's #1 though collectively Capcom has the better games and the variety as well. When you continue to the 8th gen then Capcom really does own the lead.
  20. Epona, like most mounts, controls like crap compared to the actual character. Miss a turn as Link and he just turns around and goes the proper way. Miss a turn with Epona and you gotta parallel park your ass into the proper direction. I honestly do not enjoy using mounts in most games, particularly the ones that run along the ground.
  21. The reason I chose Mario 64 is that it is never not a good time. Running across the plains in Zelda gets tedious and is a slow chore. Even while Mario runs around to choose a level or just exploring the castle you're doing stupid little things like jumping acrobatically which is cool.
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