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Everything posted by RudeGravity

  1. Kickle Cubicle or the Lolo games. Maybe also Puzznic, Mendel Palace, Solomon's Key and Fire N Ice.
  2. You have to find a warp to reach the final levels and get to the end boss. Otherwise you'll be playing the same stages over and over again.
  3. Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck The game only has an Easy and Normal mode. I beat it on Easy. It's a really fun platformer, I'll probably try to beat it on Normal too, although I don't think you get anyhting extra for it. Castlevania: Bloodlines (EUR: The New Generation) I beat it on Normal using John Morris.
  4. The second game we owned a home. As a kid it was too difficult for me. Now I can beat it easily. I really like it now, love the music too. I never made a map like that thoguh, I just wrote the numbers down (section 1, up=2, down=3, etc) together with some additional info about the level (which items can be found, is there a boss to fight, etc).
  5. Adams Family Values would be my choice too. To get the password you always have to find cousin It in the swamp which is really, really annoying. Another choice would be Bubsy. Give Bubsy a life bar or a "ring system" like in Sonic and it would probably be a lot better.
  6. I've beaten it a skid without turbo (and it ruined a controller) but Track & Field II would still be my pick.
  7. It's not a series but The Rocketeer is better on NES than it's on SNES.
  8. I got 59. I missed two games (well actually three) that are probably in my top 20 NES games of all time which are very nostalgic to me. How could I forget them? Talking about (MIke Tyson's) Punch Out and Faxanadu.
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