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Andykin Skysk8r

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Everything posted by Andykin Skysk8r

  1. The -s plural is what everyone Ive ever met has intuitively used - Nintendos. Even the examples above of words where apparently this isnt used, it seems entirely regular. "Samurais are cooler than otakus." The only reason I can think to avoid this is for purely print purposes as maybe one wouldnt recognize to pronounce the s as a plural with the z sound. In that case you could use the cool street spelling "Nintendoz", bro. The Latin endings only occur in English when academic people insist on using the original Latin grammar despite speaking English. The plural = same as singular doesnt really make sense because Im pretty sure people just do that on words that are funny to pronounce like fish instead of fishes. Another alternative could be to use the irregular plural suffix -en as in oxen, children, brethren. So "Nintenden" or "Nintendoen."
  2. Its not as fun as a face paced sonic game but thats what happens when you experiment with a different approach, you often get mixed results. Chaotix does some things well and is kinda lame is some regards, but overall its a solid and fun game as long as youre not expecting it to be a Sonic game. I give it a B+
  3. Ive come to the conclusion that it probably makes more sense to master each level so I can get to the late level with a ton of lives rather than just grind at the late levels constantly continuing at 10 and rarely 11. In an ironic twist a compile game turns out to be a bit of a memory shooter. I can get to level 8 with 1 continue so Ill work on extending that.
  4. If you beat level 12 does it loop back to level 1?
  5. I got to level 10. Its pretty suiting this game sounds like a pharmaceutical because its crazy addicting. Im literally butthurt from sitting too long, and Im sitting on a bed. Some levels seem not entirely in order of difficulty. For example trying level 4 without powerups was pretty brutal so I just reset to level 1 and beat level 4 first try when I got back to it with power 7.
  6. Wow those backwards warps are BS lol I just got sent from level 7 to 4. Okay I have to remember to avoid the right half of the screen at that part. As for the more memorization based shooters, after finishing 2 loops of Super R-Type and training for months to achieve a 178cc on Pulstar, its pretty relieving to play this game where I can mess around a bit and then dial up my focus for some matrix dodges and every now and then beat a hard part just by doing that. My favorite shmup is Blazing Star which I would say is a nice balance of the two styles.
  7. Im really surprised I never ran into this game until recently because its a really fun game. When I looked it up and saw that it was made in 1986 I expected it to be somewhat archaic feeling as those were pioneering days for the genre, but it doesnt feel old at all, in fact it plays great. The only give away that its from that time is that the bosses are not really proper bosses, theyre basically big clusters of strong stationary enemies. A potential flaw for some fans may be that its pretty long and a bit on the tough side considering its length. Ive played the first 6 levels so far and its the kind of difficulty that gives you a firm slap at first but very quickly you start to learn and make progress and its a pretty thrilling experience.
  8. Im glad I dont collect stuff period. Not that I dislike collecting but as soon as there is a significant paywall in front of me I pass. Looking at the prices on some things collecting is an easy way to ruin your finances and to some people its more addicting than cigarettes. These days If I buy games they are PS2 or Xbox games, simply because they are the only ones in the price range where I feel comfortable buying them on a whim.
  9. Silver Surfer on NES. The whole internet was having a big party shitting on it so when I bought it for like 10 bucks and tried it with my NES Advantage I was shocked to find an addictive game with the best music on the NES. FF6 on SNES, because my impressions of FF1-4 was basically that they are slow hard and boring, and my impression of FF5 was kinda cool but still a bit slow and boring. Then I played FF6 and got colossally blown away by whats arguably the best SNES game ever made. World Heroes on SNES, because it was just a random 5 dollar pickup from a local game shop that I expected to be a SF2 rip off at best, but its actually a fun and addicting game.
  10. Cliffhanger on SCD would be the right answer but the problem is Im not sure I would accept that as the first level even if the manual said so. Playing the game I always thought of it as level 2, its an entirely different playstyle and its like 15 mins long on its own. Barring that I would say the NES port of Ikari Warriors(no cheats no glitches). Also if we are accepting hard mode picks then you can find plenty of arcade games on difficulty 8 where the 1st level will brutally stomp you into submission.
  11. Any advice on batting? I cant hit anything. Every time I try that game my score is zero. I tried playing it for a while and got to the point where I could stop them from beating me by over 5 points but I still basically never scored.
  12. Ever played 96? Its one of few games that has defied Sega-16 for seven years running.
  13. I actually really enjoyed both those games lol Monotonous but fun.
  14. Yoshis Safari First time playing. Cool game but super scope makes my arm tired.
  15. Me and my younger bro used to play Super Double Dragon as kids, and tonight we tried it for the first time in about 15 years. We beat it first try but with one sliver of health on the last life. We never beat it as kids. I took out the last boss and about 10 other guys with half a health bar and it really just comes down to understanding the fundamentals of beat em up games, which really got drilled into my fingers when I was in college and me and my roommate beat DD2, by far the hardest DD game imo. DD1 was harder than SDD because of platforming, DD3 is about the same difficulty as long as you can do the spin kick easily, Neon was longer but you can save progress. Im actually not sure if this counts as a clear for our purposes because it gave me a neutral ending, it said something like "we never found the girls but we became known as fighting legends." We were kinda celebrating and almost missed it. I remember DD2 pulled the same BS and actually that game has a hidden final level you can only get to by playing on supreme master difficulty. Me and my roommate read that and decided to just gamegenie to that level and beat it lol I have no idea if SDD has a similar hidden level but for now I dont have much interest in harder difficulties.
  16. Just finished Clay fighter. Sorry forgot to screen cap.
  17. Just thought I would mention Ive recently been checking out twitch more and its a great place to find playthroughs/walkthroughs. Pretty much every game is there in full with live commentary.
  18. I should mention I was a little kid in the late 90s, the prime demographic for n64 and I loved Ninja Turtles. I knew about them because my grandma had VHS tapes at her house from season 3 that we would watch and we also got the 3 live action movies from Blockbuster. Despite this I had no idea red sky seasons were a thing. I did however watch Street Sharks before school.
  19. Dark Queen for sure but April is a close second. They should make a crossover comic or something.
  20. I heard international shipping can be massively delayed and I know it already takes a long time to ship something to the other side of the word. Anyone have any experience with this?
  21. I was wondering, before corona was Neo Geo Mini widely available at Gamestop and places like that. I was thinking of buying one but don't really want to pay for 50 dollar shipping. I was hoping to get one after corona ends but maybe theyre not widely available.
  22. I just learned that Brett Hull hockey, one of the NA green games, has a game breaking glitch that makes your opponent not use a goalie if you mess around in the pause screen with the second controller. Might be fun to try out for anyone who has the game.
  23. MK 2 is the only game that 10 year old me could beat but adult me is hopeless against.
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