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  1. Young? most likely. Innocent? certainly some, but then again how do "innocent" people do this? https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-bombs-fleeing-families-at-kramatorsk-train-station Russian Troops Brag They Bombed Fleeing Families at Train Station
  2. Manufactured by US weapons manufacturers Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, the Javelin costs $178,000, including the launch system and missile, according to the Pentagon's 2021 budget. Each replacement missile costs around $78,000
  3. Looks fun! I take it you're a big horror fan? I do really like horror movies, but don't watch them much since most are just boring Last two "horror" films I truly enjoyed were The Lighthouse and The Witch.
  4. ? I think, or at least hope, we can all agree Mr Putin is evil and clearly the "bad guy" here. What I'm confused about is why you seem to think that Putin is not very well supported in Russia - you seem to argue that independent polls done in Russia are wrong for some reason, and you also seem to question experts who conclude that Putin is overall very respected. I agree with you that news directly from the Kremlin is 100% suspect, but these polls were independent. Although, as of now, I don't know of any independent news in Russia, I think Putin has destroyed it all https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/05/russia-media-independence-putin/
  5. Again, experts are saying one thing, and Reed Rothchild another Maybe you don't know any "real numbers" but experts from within and outside of Russia sure do. His current approval rating is 83%. Saying things like "it's not 100% accurate" and "we don't really know for sure" are meaningless statements. https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/ It's very well known that during times of crisis and war, approval ratings for leaders often skyrocket. That sure happened to GWB and numerous other USA presidents. Russians are not Americans, they have different sensibilities and the general populations have always liked "strong" leaders like Putin.
  6. Supporting a (fake) war and nuking the USA are not exactly the same questions! That said, younger people in Russia who get news from outside the lies they are being fed are certainly more likely to be anti-war and anti-Putin. However, they are the minority. If you look at what I linked, an actual polling expert, someone who has done this their entire life, says the poll is very accurate and the statistics taken from 1640 adults across Russia shows 58% of Russians support the war. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it you're not an expert on polling nor international relations? No offense, but when it comes taking the word of some random person on a video game site or people who study Russia for a living, I tend to trust the experts. Maybe that's just me
  7. "The age of engagement with Russia is over," UK Foreign Secretary tells NATO https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-04-07-22/h_c7e5d7b38b80464002f7f4f98f823fb7 In her remarks, Truss told her NATO counterparts the "NATO-Russia Founding Act is dead and it is time to cast off an outdated approach to handling Russia,” the foreign office said. The Act, signed in 1997, rules that "NATO and Russia do not consider one another adversaries", according to the original document.
  8. 58 percent of Russians support the invasion of Ukraine, and 23 percent oppose it https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/08/russia-public-opinion-ukraine-invasion/ From March 8 Gary Langer, a U.S.-based polling expert who runs a research firm, obtained the results of the study from the Russian research organizations and shared them with The Washington Post. He declined to name the Russian firms involved because of the risks they face as Moscow tightens censorship, but said he has partnered previously with the organizations, which he described as “strong, independent survey research firms.”
  9. That SFC CD was just not for me, I sold it (or traded it) years ago Determining whether a CD is fake or not can be challenging, some of the bootlegs can be convincing until you put them next to the real thing. Colors look faded, obi/insert often has Chinese characters, just feels cheap... I know, that's rather vague. All of K-O Records' (they made the bootleg Zelda & Mario) are bootlegs. With little exception, everything by SM (SonMay) are bootlegs. Unfortunately bootlegers continue today, and they can easily confuse people. For example, this might look legit, but it's a bootleg https://www.ebay.com/itm/265353164980 If you're considering investing $50+ in a CD, make sure you purchase from someone that knows they're stuff (like me Or, double check and make sure the CD is legit before purchasing it. Oh, and just because it seems like maybe it should be legit https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/lunar-eternal-blue-video-game-music-414083780 Does not mean it's legit - that Lunar CD is 100% bootleg.
  10. Wow... that was $10 on amazon for the longest time! However, price and quality are not always directly correlated, because Slay the Spire is a fab game! Seriously fun, despite all the repetition. It's a rogue-lite game with cards and I love it Great music too.
  11. Kinda figured the vinyl SOTN would sell quickly, and it did Lots of other games and soundtracks for trade or sale!
  12. Play it Loud is a cool collectible, but not a great soundtrack. I also owned Nintendo Super Famicom Game Music, and I was not a fan either. Again, collectible, but not a well-designed soundtrack. I prefer soundtracks that are not just a big compilation of games - with some exception. I do enjoy arranged and in particular live music arrangements. Two such albums I really love are shown here Now, the Mario & Zelda Live CD was at one point easy to find, a bit harder now. BEWARE OF BOOTLEGS! This is a bootleg https://www.ebay.com/itm/185339305164 This is legit https://www.ebay.com/itm/384214950865 Typically if you purchase from Japan it will be legit, but not always. The "Free Play" CD is incredibly hard to find. I've actually not seen any for sale - they were all signed and I believe only released to supporters. However, lovely music that can be purchased digitally here https://covervillerecords.bandcamp.com/album/free-play And you can stream it for free, so give it a listen!
  13. https://kotaku.com/world-tanks-russia-invasion-boycott-fundraise-casualtie-1848746116 “Over the past weeks, Wargaming has been conducting a strategic review of business operations worldwide,” it wrote. “The company has decided it will not own or operate any businesses in Russia and Belarus and will leave both countries.”
  14. I think and hope it will surpass Squid Games in every level
  15. A Honea Path man accused of owning a dangerous animal that attacked a woman who lost both her arms was granted a $15,000 bond Thursday. I'm sure he did not mean for this happen, but I don't feel a few years in jail (if he gets any) is fair. Letting dangerous animals just run around... I'm not even sure what a fair sentence would be. Financially he may be ruined, but no amount of money can amend what happened to this poor woman.
  16. I wonder if he knows just how hypocritical he is -- rhetorical, he does not! He was supposedly protesting violence and injustice (a good thing to protest), but the driver of the Jeep had no warning there were going to be people on the interstate because the protest was illegal. So what does this idiot do? while supposedly protesting violence, he SHOOTS at unarmed people in a car! What a loser.
  17. First all-private astronaut mission to the International Space Station!
  18. For Trade/Sale -- 20 Limited Edition Vinyls -- includes:
  19. There Will Be Blood is a masterpiece. It's based upon Sinclair's novel "Oil!" which I highly recommend reading
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