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Everything posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. I just dont see GT being a sim game. Theres no car damage, which makes it far from realistic. I think a simulation with cars would be Hard Drivin where youre not actually racing anything. You just get a timer.
  2. I disagree with your views on racing games and sports games being sims 100%. Is Madden a sim or a sports game? Gran Turismo is absolutely a racing game, and not a sim, even though it marketed itself as the Real Racing Simulator, but its a racing game. Flight sims, I would say Flight Simulator is the only one that qualifies as a sim, but being on PC, its excluded from this conversation. Im not trying to sound like a dick whatsoever, but Im just trying to get my thoughts across.
  3. 3 was a good movie even though I had very little interest in the subject. ESPN does that kind of stuff really well.
  4. Whats the best Nascar movie then? Talladega Nights isnt even close. Very funny, but the story has nothing at all on Days of Thunder.
  5. 1. Risky Business - Also my favorite movie 2. Days of Thunder 3. Top Gun
  6. Theres nothing Nascar around here. Its just a super iconic movie that everyone loves.
  7. My tastes are different alot of the time, and vary quite a bit. I basically have to try everything for myself to see if I will like it or not. Examples against RT: Low Down Dirty Shame and Wagons East are ok movies. Id give them each a 3-5/10. Days of Thunder gets a 38%. WTF! That is one of the most quoted, and most beloved movies for almost everyone! Metacritic is great for game reviews. I trust the sources that the reviews come from, so when a game scores somewhere around 92% and above, I automatically buy it so that I can experience it for myself at some point.
  8. One of my all time favorites, and an amazing soundtrack! Shuuuuush!
  9. As far as movies, I never pay attention to Rotten Tomatoes because I have seen many, many movies that they rate somewhere below like 40%, so their opinions are useless to me.
  10. Im not too big into Sim games, but the 5th generation is where gaming meant more to me than any other generation because my PS1 got me thru the worst times of my life, and without it, I probably wouldnt be here. Obviously PC dominated this genre at this point in history, but we are debating consoles here. I remember trying Command and Conquer on the PS1 and just didnt understand or enjoy it, and that was the biggest chunk of my experience with the genre at the time. Looking back now, as a collector, a much more skilled player, and a wiser person in general, I would back the PS1 in this category due to the amount of sim games over the other consoles of the period, as far as I can think of off of the top of my head, and the controller was better suited for the gameplay of a sim, as they had more buttons typically, and were better laid out. Also, the graphical style of the genre, and its most popular games, would be displayed the best thru the PS1, as I think of how terrible a SimCity game would have looked on the N64, even though they did release one for the DD.
  11. Lets limit this list to "Construction and Management Sims," and "Life Simulation," as reading through Wikipedia's definition of a sim game, I dont agree that racing games classify as simulations like SimCity. 5th Generation Consoles: 3DO Atari Jaguar incl. Jag CD Sony Playstation Sega Saturn Nintendo 64 Apple Pippin Sega 32X Definition of a Simulation Video Game: Simulation video games is a diverse super-category of games, generally designed to closely simulate aspects of a real or fictional reality. - Wikipedia
  12. Tecmo Super Bowl. Any time I can squeeze in a game is good.
  13. The 3DO. One of the few systems from my childhood that I havent re-bought in the last 12 or so years of collecting. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had one when I was younger, because somehow my mom bought one for the xmas of 1994 i believe, so by that time, it had to have tanked in price. I had Madden and Doom for it that xmas, and never got another game for it. I longed for Foes of Ali, Demolition Man, Gex, and Samurai Showdown, but still never ended up with any other games for it, and got rid of it around 2001. I honestly dont think that I ever saw a system or a game on store shelves in the 90's. I remember playing Doom and loving it, and playing Madden a bit, and being amazed by the graphics for a football game of that time. Id say within 6 months or so, I never touched it again. These days I have about 10 games, none of which I am excited to play, but I hunt for the 3DO and Jaguar on Ebay daily as they are kinda my white whale consoles, but the price is just too high on them.
  14. Did you play more of the PC version or the PS1 version? My cousin had the PS1 version when it came out and it was mind blowing, but impossible to play these days.
  15. On our way home from my daughters school, we were jammin to some Marc Anthony on Sirius XM.
  16. Id like to see a combo of all of the Gran Turismo games in one game to bring back some of the cars from the first 4 games. The Sega Sports games from the Genesis era were amazing and I wish they were part of the Genesis Classics compilations that have come out, but they probably cant license the players and put them in the game.
  17. Is it possible to schedule a post so that I can make sure that my new series of threads come out at a specific time weekly?
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