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Everything posted by T-Pac

  1. Oh - and another addition for my list: ...some form of Sokoban. (What a great question @CastletonSnob - really makes you think about the medium as a whole.) [T-Pac]
  2. I was speaking in general. I struggle with the same urge to correct people on trivial stuff when I feel like I know better/more than them, but I’m learning that those responses make people cold towards me and I end up feeling way worse than if I had found something complementary to say instead. (And hopefully you can look past the irony of me "correcting" you here haha.) [T-Pac]
  3. I'll caveat that these are my answers for games ANYONE should play before they die, not that just GAMERS should play before they die... Tetris Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man) Space Invaders (or Galaga) Super Breakout Frogger [T-Pac]
  4. @Sumez - focusing on something to complement in a post can make you feel a lot better than focusing on something to refute. [T-Pac]
  5. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Oooooh - well that explains it! I wondered if those Moai constellations were a warp-tunnel... Thanks for the info - and I'm glad I didn't miss much from the second volcano level. [T-Pac]
  6. 14/40 - Gradius [Nintendo Entertainment System - 1986] Finished: 2024/03/15 Caveats: Used turbo-fire, and save-states at the start and end of each stage. [T-Pac]
  7. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Gradius [Nintendo Entertainment System - 1986] Can any Gradius experts weigh-in on why the manual says there's an "Inverted Space Volcano Stage" between the jellybean level and the moai-head level, but I never saw it in my playthrough? Also - apparently the kid who owned this game before me couldn't decide if their initials were "J.M." or "J.W"... [T-Pac]
  8. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    This is glorious haha! And it looks like I've inadvertently risen to the @DefaultGen challenge: "I DOUBLE-DOG DARE YOU! MAKE A MOUNTAIN KING VIDEO!!!!" Bet you thought THAT would never happen! Now you owe me your Famicom Golf Champions' Course. No takebacks. [T-Pac]
  9. Noted. You are a madman and I thank you for your service, @Khromak. [T-Pac]
  10. Finished reading Anna Karenina (1878) by Leo Tolstoy. [T-Pac]
  11. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Super jump glitch? No - but that sounds awesome! Please enlighten me haha. [T-Pac]
  12. Bubble Bobble for the Game Boy is my favorite version of the game, although you might argue that it's not a direct port considering all the level differences, introduction of sub-bosses, etc. I also prefer the Game Boy port of R-Type to the TurboGrafx-16 release. It has fewer levels, but is way more accessible for players like me who enjoy easier games. [T-Pac]
  13. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too! I've got Boulder Dash on my backlog for this year - and even though I plan to use save-states on it, I'd like to know what I'm generally in for haha. [T-Pac]
  14. I actually had to watch this movie in my high-school physics class... Our assignment was basically to tear it apart for how painfully off-base it was with regard to actual space science. But I thought it was neat anyway. I like space stuff. [T-Pac]
  15. I beat the Mountain King challenge score this week! 115,140 And I forgot to post my Pitfall high-score from last month, too. 100,648 [T-Pac]
  16. 13/40 - Mountain King [Atari 2600 - 1983] Finished: 2024/03/13 Caveats: Game 1/b ; High Score: 115,140 [T-Pac]
  17. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Mountain King [Atari 2600 - 1983] This game was a lot more complex than I expected, but I ended up absolutely loving it. [T-Pac]
  18. Isn't this that game where the "Jason!? Jason!? Jason!?" sound-clip comes from? [T-Pac]
  19. Oh sick! I've always wondered what it would've been like to be a graphics artist in the 8-bit / 16-bit era. Like - how much programming knowledge did they need, and what compromises did they have to make for system limitations and stuff? [T-Pac]
  20. This brings a whole new dimension to the argument! If I remember correctly, the rationale behind the proponents of "P" was that PlayStation is a single word - so only the first letter should be represented in the acronym. But now that these bootlegs are branding themselves "P Station", we're back to "PS" - one letter to abbreviate each word. Still doesn't solve the "X" versus "1" problem, though... [T-Pac]
  21. Thanks, dude! I feel like this thread is fine for now. It's not terribly active anyway - plus I wouldn't consider my writeups "reviews" so much as "my thoughts on what I just read". [T-Pac]
  22. Haha that's makes sense. I guess I've just inadvertently established you as a "shoot-em-ups and Runescape" guy in my mind, so "sports-ball and carnival games" caught me off guard. [T-Pac]
  23. Finished reading The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. [T-Pac]
  24. Yup - that's basically how I responded haha. [T-Pac]
  25. Neat! I'm curious, though - what made you pick Barker Bill's Trick Shooting and NBA Hang Time? Those don't strike me as the type of game you typically play. [T-Pac]
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