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Reed Rothchild

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Blog Comments posted by Reed Rothchild

  1. 5 hours ago, G-type said:

    Deep Rising has a really incredible kill where a formerly eaten crewmate is cut free of the creature, half-digested, and still conscious. For a smaller budget movie from 1998, this shot really holds up well and looks nasty.


    Yep, that scene was vividly burned into my brain as a kid.

  2. 8 hours ago, Sumez said:

    Mouth of Madness is already on my to-watch list 🙂

    The other two are great movies (Army of Darkness might be a little overhyped, but I respect its place in movie history), though they didn't make the cut for my own definition of "horror movie", as I've never even made that connection in the past. Still, 2/3 is the best statistic I've pulled off so far.

    ItMoM definitely feels like a John Carpenter movie made in 1985, so I'm sure it felt a bit silly in the wake of films like Silence of the Lambs.  But it has a cult following.

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