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Everything posted by GPX

  1. Reserved (32-64 bit era)
  2. Reserved (32-64 bit era)
  3. Saturn Brand new Saturn console with unused components and a sealed demo disc included with the console.
  4. Reserved (16-bit era)
  5. Reserved (16-bit era)
  6. Reserved (16-bit era)
  7. SNES Probably my favorite gaming console and gaming era with the early to mid 90s. My gaming nostalgia on the SNES pretty much is carried by the 4 big companies: Nintendo, Rare, Capcom and Konami. Love those colourful box covers and more importantly, plentiful arcade quality mixed with innovative games! Blissful gaming period indeed! SNES rare highlights These are games I’ve yet to play in proper, but happy for them to be cherished as display pieces for now.
  8. I’ve been sorting through the collection recently and decided it’s time I do a proper inventory list of what I own. This thread, as per title, aims to showcase the games I’ve played and enjoyed (the “nostalgia” part), as well as games I might not have as yet tried, but are notable for their historic or rarity aspect (the “highlights” part). I regard myself as a pretty diverse collector and gamer, so here you will see a collection spanning between the late 80s to the late 2000s. These will be either in CIB, new or sealed form. Enjoy!
  9. I think M. Bison is my pick. I had spent many coins trying to beat this mofo on the original Streetfighter 2 arcade. Then spending more coins to do it many times more repeatedly. Then SF2:Champion Edition came out, allowing you to play the 4 boss characters of the original SF2, including Bison. There was a lengthy period where I liked playing as Bison. So I guess the unique aspect to this answer is that I loved playing the villain just as much as I loved to beat the crap out of said villain!
  10. GPX


    I like this thread concept. Good fitness gain while enjoying the scenery. I haven’t been bike riding for over 10 years since being married, but in the past few months I’ve found the motivation to do a lot of running and tennis. Not quite the scenic route, but still the sporting/fitness mindset as your cycling goals. I play tennis with a local group of random middle age guys from 40s to 60s. 1-2 months ago, we had an all-day tennis arrangement with lunch/BBQ in between. I was able to play 8 sets of doubles and 7 beers throughout the day! My aim is to beat that this year..
  11. I feel it’s like a spiritual successor to both Contra and Ghouls n Ghosts. Good amount of running, gunning and jumping; mixed with a bit of dry humour, and a great co-op munching machine back in those days!
  12. I used to go for full sets of everything I collected for, but over the years I find myself trimming most of the sets and focusing only a select few for my full set goals. I see some comments about collecting for full sets is no longer as fun as it once were. I don’t think it’s just the price issue, but I believe it’s also having to deal with snobby sellers and A-holes. Having to deal with too many arrogant/dodgy sellers really can wear you down, which makes the full set collecting an exponential challenge compared with 5-10 years ago.
  13. Happy new year, ya dirty gaming animals!
  14. Go ahead, make my day. If I do end up doing a YouTube channel, I might have to ask a few hints and tips. Or else I might have to hire you to do some professional art. Hoping you charge around $10 per hour, too wishful on my part?
  15. Thanks for reminding me of another decent looker but poor mechanics - Sword of Sodan for Megadrive/Genesis. Those era of big juicy sprites but butt ugly gameplay!
  16. It all started with an innocent handshake behind Heritage headquarters..
  17. My aims in 2024, in no particular order: 1. Get fit and healthy. Through work and family commitments over the pandemic years, I’ve suffered from burnout on a couple of occasions and had stopped playing sports for the first 2 years of the pandemic between 2020-2021. I’m aiming now to purely focus on health, and will do less work hours overall. 2. Buy a new house. My collection is overflowing and need to buy a new home to then take the games out of their stored boxes and put them on proper display shelves and cabinets. The time to act is now! 3. Start a new life venture. I’m also planning to do less gaming/collecting overall and will do something different this year. Might join a tennis club to start playing competitively for the first time, start a new YouTube channel, go on a marathon run…at least something new! Get my ass off the gaming couch! 4. Inspired by @T-Pac, I will continue to draw more art and maybe take over the reign as chief art person on VGS. Or maybe not. But definitely will do at least a drawing for Ink-tober. Heck yeah!
  18. The new year is about to kick into gear! The Christmas holiday is making you feel sluggish with all the foods and drinks you’ve ingested in the recent week. Do you continue this trend of gluttony and spend, or will this year be something…newish?
  19. I think there’s logic to the madness - female villains are less in games, rarer in essence, and we gamers/collectors like the rare stuff. But that’s just a theory…a Game Theory!
  20. One good example of a “great visual but poor gameplay” is Fantasia for Megadrive. It’s prequel, Castle of illusion, was one of my favourite games of all time. Fantasia continues the trend of gorgeous graphics, BUT…has extremely poor hit detection that I couldn’t even get past the first stage! Absolute travesty of a game!
  21. That’s got to be one of the newest looking oldest thing I’ve ever seen! As retro collectors, I’m sure a lot of us would appreciate this rarity. It’s also the perfect example on how it’s near impossible to gauge the value, because how many collectors will pay premium prices for this item in 10-20 years? That’s always an unstable variable when projecting forward.
  22. @DivOveR, congrats on all the epic stuff you’ve obtained over the years! Some items which I’ve never even seen before. How long have you been a collector for?
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