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Everything posted by Jicsan

  1. They showed new gameplay footage at Tokyo Game Show, still no release date though. I can't possibly be any more hyped for this game, it's like a dream come true. It's amazing to me that this is happening, it's been so long since the original game, plus only Japan got the online only "sequel". It looks to be sticking to exactly what I loved about the first game without any modernized "reimagining" nonsense all the companies do these days! Hurray Capcom!! Anyone else ready for this one?
  2. I agree with this for sure. I do wish it was pixel graphics instead, but I’ll take what I can get in this case.
  3. All these remakes from Nintendo themselves; Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, and Luigi's Mansion 2 basically just points to all of their new game development has moved onto the Switch's successor by now. These "easy effort" games are gonna fill in the gap till it launches with a hopefully awesome batch of new games. I'm gonna buy these remakes (well maybe not Mario vs. Donkey Kong), and so will millions of others. The highlight of this direct for me was Contra: Operation Galuga. WayForward returns to reimagine the original, sign me up!!
  4. Way to go!! Wish I'd thought of hitting up everyone in my school for their NES games.
  5. Played tons of new releases. Finished the campaign in Diablo IV, then finished Final Fantasy XVI, and also played way too much Double Dragon Gaiden. I've been chipping away at Dragon Quest 11, in fact I saw credits roll on August 10th... But of course... According to @monkeybut625 I still have 30 more hours to see the "real" ending. So I haven't called it done yet.
  6. They’re 100% yard dogs. I live in northern Alabama, what “city folk” probably would probably call the sticks, but it’s not what I’d call the sticks. We have about 40 acres of pastures and fields so they got the run of the place. They’re about a year old now, we got the German Shepard for my son’s Christmas last year. She’s a good dog, the black one there my wife rescued from a coworker who got her for Christmas too, she was too much for the little old lady to manage. She’s the bad dog that chews everything lol. She even chewed the license plate off the back of our car once.
  7. Here's a pathetic addition to my collection. I love Dragon's Dogma, it's one of my favorite games. A few weeks ago when they showed the Dragon's Dogma II trailer I decided I'd waited long enough to get myself some shelf copies of Dragon's Dogma Online for PS4. Literal shelf copies because it's all shut now. So I poked around the internet, decided to order from amazon.co.jp and got all three volumes for PS4 for around $65 shipped, which is about what one alone goes for on eBay. So I'd been having some mail issues with the post office just leaving packages in my yard, thus feeding it to my dogs. After some GI JOE's I'd order from Amazon had got eaten I went to the home improvement store and got the biggest mailbox I could buy and went to the post office and requested they not leave packages where the dogs could get them. The new mailbox solved most of my post office problems, but you can see where this is going. Apparently amazon.co.jp uses DHL or something and they don't use the mailbox, so guess what happened... And here they are on a shelf... Not something to be proud of. I'll probably try ordering them again in a month or two. Think I'll talk to a friend or my parents about shipping to their house instead. Stupid dog.
  8. It's the Castlevania Requiem Collector's Edition from Limited Run Games. https://limitedrungames.com/products/limited-run-443-castlevania-requiem-ultimate-edition-ps4
  9. Finally got this in today, only sixteen months after paying for it. They did include an apology card with a code for $5 my next purchase.
  10. Still grinding away at Dragon Quest 11. It’s so long. My party is about to be in the 50s with their leveling up, and in the story…
  11. I'm just over 50 hours into Dragon Quest XI now, I think I added about 30 hours played in January. Unfortunately for the backlog I just got Hogwart's Legacy... Then in March it's Resident Evil 4 Remake, then Star Wars in April, then Zelda in May, then Final Fantasy XVI and Diablo IV in June.
  12. . Sephiroth's amiibo finally came out. Cloud, and all my other amiibo are still packed away in a box. I have no idea how I'll display them all with my limited space though. Here's NES Works 1987, one of the best years ever and a much fatter book than the other volumes. I got Death's Door on PS5 because I heard it was a good Zelda like and it was only $20. There seemed to be a vast gulf of time between when I decided to get the Mega SD and it finally being back in stock somewhere. But finally I have one. Fire Emblem Engage Divine Edition, I've really like this consistent style to Nintendo's collector's edition. I missed out on Xenoblabe Chronicles 3 though.
  13. Alright, I'm keeping the list super simple for 2023. Just putting on one game, and when I finish it I may add another. I'm going to finish Dragon Quest XI. It was already on my backlog challenge list in 2021, so I've failed this game before lol. This year should be better for my gaming time, but there is also so much new stuff I want to play in 2023. 1. Dragon Quest XI (PS4) Finished on 11/14/2023
  14. Finally crossed another one off the list: New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS. I love the 3D effects in this one. I’m pretty sure the final Bowser fight is repeated in another New SMB game or else I was having deja-vu. Or maybe I had already beaten this one and just forgot.
  15. Not yet. It may be a while before I get around to it.
  16. Here’s the last of October’s haul. Maybe I’m done buying TMNT games for a while. The Genesis 2 mini actually came in today, it’s so tiny!
  17. 100 isn’t very many. Hopefully they didn’t let just one dude buy them all.
  18. First up, my bingo trade from @JamesRobot came in yesterday. The all singing all dancing Pikachu is about four times bigger than I thought he’d be. And he sent along some extras. Also yesterday SNES Works Volume 1 came in from lrg. And a week or so ago I got Shredder’s Revenge locally. And these blew up my gaming budget for a while, I got the Cowabunga Collection CE for Switch and PS5. And I’m looking forward to playing Ninja Saviors soon.
  19. I love VGS bingo! I really enjoy seeing the variety and creativity everyone had. One week is about right. If I’d only had one more day off work. However, I probably couldn’t have done It’s Dangerous to Go Alone even if the event was a month long lol. Thanks @ZeldaFreak for the event! I had so much fun! And thanks to all the participants too!!
  20. I did bring my switch to work today (don’t tell ‘em) so I will try to join. I appreciate you trying to accommodate me though, that was cool of you. But you know I don’t need the extra square and I’d rather a larger pool of vgs-ers be able to get it done.
  21. I’d really like to do this but I’m working all weekend. I can take my Switch and see when it is you guys are playing. But unless it’s after 10pm Central on Saturday or after 9pm on Sunday I won’t be able to devote much attention to it.
  22. I believe I have me one them there trendy bingo lines!
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