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Everything posted by themisfit138

  1. There were a few Wendy’s in Louisville with this issue. It was on the news this morning. I saw a sigh in Kroger recommending the Impossible burger as an alternative. Kroger now has a limit of 2 meat items total.
  2. I enjoy all these songs you listed. It is just not something I go looking for. So that fits the 5/10.
  3. The Anthology edition of Mania 1 is 2 hours 17 minutes.
  4. Gorilla and Jesse make a great announcing team. Vince did have a good voice back then. I always liked his rundown of the Survivor Series Card. The early version of the Mr. McMahon voice from the Attitude era. I think Gorilla interacted better with Jesse. A lot like JR and King. Bobby Heenan and Vince worked pretty well also.
  5. I was 9. I don’t think Trump went to Indiana in the 90s. It is all nostalgia even watching them on dvd now. I also went to Wrestlemania 25 as an adult. I can remember that quite a bit better. The crowd reactions on the network and bluray versions have been altered. The worst offender is. The HHH vs Orton match the live crowd was chanting “triple H, Sucks” “Orton, Sucks” and “BORING” the entire match. None of that is heard on the official releases.
  6. Same. 9/10. On the Sports album. Even the non-radio hits are good.
  7. I have been rewatching the older pay per view in order. I have seen both of those recently. 7 was just kinda boring. No standout matches, no real big story lines. It just kinda happened. Summer Slam was much better that year. Wrestlemania 9 was mostly a good watch. I enjoyed quite a few of the matches. The ending really upsets the show. Don’t want to spoil it. Incase you haven’t seen it. Side note, I was in attendance at Wrestlemania 8. So I can’t give an unbiased opinion on that. I also went to a Saturday Night Main Event in 92. If you want shorter shows. From the 80s and 90s. Summer Slam and Survivor Series have been pretty solid. Mania is mostly hype. I think the other three PPVs from the same era have been more enjoyable to watch.
  8. Don’t trust a New York and China based reporter to tell you a true story about Kentucky. I have been watching all of Governor Basher’s. He did not accredit the increase in cases with the protest. The Governor actually said it was because more people have been tested. The number of cases has been increasing the whole week.
  9. Easy 10. They Live and Big Trouble In Little China are classics. John Carpenter was on top of his game in the 80s.
  10. The nasally voice is fine. It is just as a punk band you need to be PISSED OFF. There is no angry edge to the voice. A good example of what I am talking about is Minor Threat. Besides that, it is good punk.
  11. 3/10 is my exact opinion of them. If I hear them on the radio I change the channel.
  12. @Reed Rothchild I am adding Wintersun to your list. For the Power metal fans Lastly a little Japanese Punk. Saw them open for the Michael Graves Misfits.
  13. The first CD I bought was Metallica - And Justice For All. The first one given to me would have been the Batman Movie Soundtrack. Or something along those lines.
  14. I would be one of those. Gummo is weird surrealist trash. It is a movie you feel dirty after watching. On topic, @RH nailed it. Donny Darko was for the emos. It is well made though. 4/10 Second vote for They Live. Or Big Trouble in Little China.
  15. I started using bait when I want to fish, at least until the 12th. After that last update the egg rate is slightly lower. It is only half now. On 1 Apr my egg catch rate was 70% or more.
  16. It is one of those movies. If you didn’t see it as a kid, or you aren't big into cheesy 80s movies. It just won’t have the same impact. Karate Kid is an 8/10 for me. I watched all the 3 movies alot as a kid. Even saw Next Karate Kid in the theater.
  17. I do not like the stupid eggs. Of my last 10 fishing attempts I got 7 eggs. Then all the balloons were eggs. I guess I will just wait until after the 12th to start up again.
  18. 9/10 I went Gilmour. He sings on most of my favourite Floyd songs. My top song is Welcome to the Machine. Can’t really explain why, but it speaks to me. That whole album is top tier.
  19. Given that the world is on lockdown. I figured these songs were quite fitting.
  20. With all this downtime. I decided to read my old comic collection. Starting off with Todd McFarlane’s run on Spider-man 1-15. 1-7 were all top notch story and art. Then the are became average with only a few good pages. The Hobgoblin books were especially good.
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