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Everything posted by captmorgandrinker

  1. If it helps, Albert already upgraded the AA backbone, so there's not any reason for that to go away with new ownership. NA was being held together with the digital equivalent of a stick of gum there at the end.
  2. At least for Burrow it was just an off day instead of the norm. Lots of wild NCAA action the day before!
  3. Yep, all three of those things are why I'm not even watching that dumpster fire of a team anymore.
  4. I think RP was talking about the board when he mentioned his cleaning methods.
  5. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/boxscores/1996-09-28-cincinnati.html ^^^I was at that game, and that had the single most brilliant defensive play I've ever seen in the third OT. Miami was driving to score, and their guy was churning towards the end zone with a defender on him trying to stretch across the goal line. One of the Cincy guys got down on all fours on the goal line in his way, and when the Miami guy tried to stretch across the goal line he bumped into him and lost the ball, game over!
  6. Just TG16? Some of these (like Soldier Blade) are much cheaper for PC Engine and play the same.
  7. All prices are shipped to the US. Einhander tested and works, case has a smidge of adhesive residue on the lower left front of the case. Disc, manual and insert look great. Combatribes has a price sticker that should come off if you hit it with a hair dryer. Peace Keepers is a former rental copy with stickers and writing as shown. The SNES games worked a few years back when I played them. Einhander - $150 Combatribes - $40 Peace Keepers - $50
  8. We had a KFC nearby with a buffet. It was as diarrhea-inducing as you would imagine.
  9. The one closest to my parents' house was the last one in our area to sell the Bigfoot. They sold so many that they didn't want to discontinue it, so the other Pizza Huts in the area sent their Bigfoot pans to that store.
  10. Not Detroit style; think like the Bigfoot that Pizza Hut had in the 90s. I'd link to it, but apparently HH doesn't serve that size anymore.
  11. Howie's sheet pizza is pretty good though. And I don't know what Domino's did to their sauce, but the last pizza I got from there was inedible because of it.
  12. Pretty sure this is one of the signs of the apocalypse, but ol' Skinny has been behaving himself for quite some time now
  13. Every repro falls under this same umbrella. As far as a crime, so are speeding, jaywalking, and apparently wearing patent shoes with no underwear in Cleveland.
  14. You appear to be the first tire kicker but wongo may have been the first to actually commit.
  15. My point was that most Americans will have no idea who that is, but I would wager at least 1.5 billion other people do.
  16. ....guessing you've never heard of Timewalk then. OP, are these just the regular versions as far as you can tell? They did some limited stuff too.
  17. Or the people that couldn't figure out the item that was ten times the regular price (there was only one that ended in zero!)
  18. Rude Dog and Big Dog are totally separate things!
  19. Especially during quarantine. Helped make up for the shitburger I had to eat on my pay at work at the time.
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