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Everything posted by mlbfan10

  1. Awesome additions! I have a couple Duke Nukem Forever I need to grade at some point.
  2. VGA has had a long stance that stickers can take the grade down. If you can remove it safely you're better off doing that.
  3. Latest submission back from WATA. Several POP 1 of 1's! POP 1 and highest graded Player's Choice copy!
  4. Got my mechanical error submission back yesterday. It took about 4 weeks door to door.
  5. WATA is under Collector's Universe and CGC is under Certified Collectibles Group I thought.
  6. I'm talking about making money in general with selling games, I spoke out of context.
  7. What's wrong with making money? Making money ≠ being greedy and there is absolutely nothing wrong turning a profit or selling to fund your collection with video games sealed, graded, cib, cart. Also I'm not trying to be snarky just curious.
  8. Nice, want to get an Xbox copy for the collection at some point.
  9. Strolling through eBay and found something I want to bid on but it's more than meets the eye. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354581173008?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=OkwYNr9CQ4i&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Ges-8UPzT9a&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. Went to a video game auction in NC in 2013 and what do I find rumbling through the bins? A Donkey Kong competition cart in a mixed lot. When then lot came up for bid I won the lot for $120. Was absolutely thrilled, got home and verified the board and tested the cart, it played perfectly. I sold the cart several months later for $500. Wish I never sold it but was cool to own for a little bit nonetheless.
  11. I don't recall back in the day but during the original Xbox run did Disney stores sell Xbox games?
  12. Surprisingly no, just the one I bought is all I see right now. Though I did see multiple people have offers to buy a sealed printer and paper combo
  13. Yea I bought a green game boy camera to grade during the auction lmao
  14. Awesome on the live data from eBay and I like that it's checking daily. For graded games I'd want the grading company, box grade, seal grade, certification number at least. Not sure if pricing can be based on the data set in the box grade, seal grade to help depict a smaller subset data with more accurate pricing. However graded games will not always have price data for the box grade/seal grade due to rarity, none graded prior, etc. You may not even want to include pricing for graded games if its too much effort.
  15. I see in the screenshots, pricing for cart, manual, box, complete, and sealed where will the aggregate pricing/sales data come from? How often will it be refreshed? Will I be able to track my graded games? I like the app idea overall and I like that I can have it on an app and export w/e I want to store it somewhere else. Win Win.
  16. Has anyone used their grading credit with CGC? Did you see the credit get applied to your balance when paying?
  17. Awesome grades! Hope you get a 9.9 on one of the Metroids!
  18. Welcome back, always great to see more from NA making their way back and finding VGS!
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