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Everything posted by mlbfan10

  1. Quite a CGC are showing up on heritage for 12/30/22 auction start date. Hope my personal subs start to ship out soon!
  2. Ending price didn't move for almost 4 days lol what happens when its already over priced. Solid first sale, looking forward to see how CGC graded games sell once more ship out.
  3. My items are getting closer to shipping I can now see the sub grades for my CIB I sent in. What do we think the final grade will be for subs: box 9.0, cart 9.4 and a manual of 9.6? I'm thinking 9.2 but hoping for a 9.4!
  4. Love the cell shaded Zelda games but OOT was my first Zelda game so it will always be my favorite!
  5. Hmm I have an additional link right underneath by orders that says "view all previous orders" and when I click that I can see the completed-orders page and that shows the status information. Here is a link to the page with the status link. https://www.cgcvideogames.com/submit/completed-orders
  6. You're on a roll with these post grades!! Congrats!
  7. Yes some have overlap seams such as third party reprints from Majesco but majority are V-Seam. This one should have a V-Seam to be authentic. This is probably a store reseal.
  8. I selected My Submissions then clicked View All Previous Orders and I see the link on that page. It's called 'See Status for Received Submissions'.
  9. That Mario Kart LE will always be a favorite of mine
  10. I see they added a new link on the submissions history page and when clicked I can now see the status of my orders!
  11. The first time I sent in WB games variant and it didn't stat the variant in the title. A few weeks later I subbed these and noticed they had each variant listed when searching for a game to sub. Guess they want it to stand out but I agree the publisher names could have gone in the smaller text portion.
  12. Unfortunately no way to not pay the membership fee however if you do pay you get access to submit to all of CGC services: video games, cards, comics, coins, etc. They got me to send in CIB as I've been waiting for a cheaper option than WATA for those.
  13. Wanted to start a thread for general conversation around all things CGC grading. I currently have 5 sealed and 1 CIB at CGC. I haven't heard anything back from CGC yet other than they received the packages. Who else is sending stuff in? Helpful links and Contact info: Contact: submissions@cgccomics.com What do I do if received my games back and there damage to a case or particles loose inside a case? You have 14 days to send a Mechanical Error submission or you will need to pay for a recase. Create a new submission Select Mechanical Error as Primary Service Select Pre-Paid FedEx label as CGC will pay for shipping/insurance to and from CGC Complete Checkout without having to spend a dime Ship to CGC
  14. Haha, was very happy with the grade. I have Zero and Zero 3 graded but not as high but still nice. Will share soon
  15. Just got my post grading email from WATA and went to check out the scans and the grade was already posted. Love it!
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