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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. For like a Pokemon or Super Mario Bros I bet it would. I think it's inconvenient though. I'm happy you're living your life and put that sucker in a box protector.
  2. I used to take them off but now I keep them for the vaaaaalue. But for Light Crusader I still might take it off since it's common sealed and it's a slide box. But you get the prestigious ugly shrink wrap on the side look if you keep it, so meh still keep it. So prestigious.
  3. Did anyone welcome Shawn to the thread? I for one am comforted that we have a sophisticated investor watching over us Timmys trying to put us on the straight and narrow.
  4. Petition to unban Hopper/gratongames/whatever he went by from VGS btw. I have no idea what he did but he's an entertaining character and can't be half as bad as the rest of you jokers. Dude just wants to learn about vidya game variants.
  5. A couple people online have claimed missing/duplicate things (two people same singular grade) but I didn't see anything definitive. I saw one copy of Spelunker on Ebay that wasn't in the report and literally the minute before I commented about it the report updated from Oct 31 to Nov 1, and that one game was added. I'm guessing it's accurate at least on the sealed NES stuff unless there's still evidence something is missing. I can't wait for the thread when VGA releases their next pop report so we can all argue how many were crossed and how all the data means nothing.
  6. To the bulls, collectors will only ever want sealed games and a $40 used substitute for a $20,000 new game is just unacceptable, so there are only 10 copies on Earth or whatever. That's why card people are like "Omg, this is 1000x rarer than Jordans" To the bears, paying $20,000 for the best condition mass produced thing is crazy because it's not some 1/1 unique thing like original art. There could be 250 SMB3s or there could be 5 and the argument would be "Well there isn't ONE". Just look at the latest Reserved Investments, where he talks about there being 20 Castlevanias like it's all the copies in the world to go around. There's no substitute for OG art baby. Both sides will repeat arguments like this forever regardless of what the pop report says. The pop report is basically meaningless, lol.
  7. There are 20 million bitcoins are people still pay 60 grand for them. In a market driven by speculation with a meaningless object, whether it's shrink wrap or 1s and 0s, all the prices are just made up. I think the pop reports will make people bid more aggressively for the r@re highest grades or random bullshit no one one has bothered sending to Wata (make sure to bid big on the sealed Fun House on Ebay, only 2 others exist in the world!). But I think everyone knows there are 100s of SMB3s out there based on the fact that they come up every week on Heritage and they're for sale all day on Ebay (and there were 100s in the leaked pop report, and there were probably 100s reported by RETRO!) So if everyone already knew SMB3 is a commonly graded sealed game, that fact is priced in. Also it seems like tons of sports and comic collectors are buying these, directly comparing them to their common graded thing of preference, Jordan rookies or Hulk 181 or whatever. It doesn't matter if there are 10,000s CIB copies of SMB3 and 237 are sealed, these guys come into the market and see "Oh my god only 237 on planet Earth and the population is 8 billion". It doesn't matter what the "reality" of rarity is if that's how all these guys coming in perceive it.
  8. People are speculating on sealed Fortnites as if kids today have a prosperous future, lmao
  9. Maybe it's just me, but this commercial feels way too much like a corporation telling me consuming their products is literally a preferable substitute to... doing things in life. It just feels dystopian.
  10. Cause who would send a SMB2 for grading? That game sux.
  11. Conquer means 1cc btw Opty. It’s gonna take you longer than Fallout.
  12. Pico Park. Fun $5 game, but I think you need to get a bunch of non-gamers together to get the most out of it. It's basically a very easy multiplayer puzzle platformer but requires a bunch of people to coordinate or lose, so for it to be funny you need the non-gamers to screw up a bunch There's also a multiplayer Tetris-like minigame which is super fun on its own. Maybe I need to look more into multiplayer puzzle games.
  13. Both started collecting and started buying more games than I played in 2006 (which obviously goes hand in hand). Not just because I started building my collection, but because it's when I started earning more money at my job, flipping flea market games online, and the rise in cheap digitally distributed games made it more normal to have tons of games I bought but didn't play. Just a couple years before I started collecting, having a game and not playing the shit out of it would've seemed crazy to me.
  14. 8. Obviously killer atmosphere and graphics. I do prefer the heavier exploration and RPG elements of System Shock, but the mid-2000s were crazy for FPS. I was playing so many games in so many different styles around this time... UT2004, Half-Life 2, Far Cry, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2 and 4, FEAR, Halo 3, Portal, Crysis... and even though I probably prefer all of those games to it, none of them would be a replacement for the story and atmosphere heavy style of Bioshock. Super good era for FPS and Bioshock definitely adds a lot to it.
  15. Can I remove a point from my score? Oh wait, we're not supposed to rate historical influence.
  16. I'm guessing this only tracks graded games (based on the GTA Trilogy version in spot #3). According to GVN data... Wii Sports is the #1 seller last week. And last month. And the last year. I'm going to take a wild guess and say next week... Wii Sports will be the most actively sold game.
  17. You could also try the HighEND Games Room Facebook group. Lots of dealers and collectors scooping up all the expensive stuff in there. Should be extremely easy to sell it since there are none for sale or in sold listings on Ebay right now (besides one non-serious BIN listing). Personally to maximize value, I would figure out how to get an Ebay auction going though even if you have to wait. When the market is starved for a higher end game for a while, you might bring two crazy bidders out of the woodwork. Did you actually list it at $1000 CAD, because that seems way too low.
  18. It's funny, when the first Bioshock Infinite sold for some ridiculous price ($1k?) a couple dozen $10 shipped copies sold on Ebay. But no one is buying out these "just in case" because everyone knows they're worthless, lol. No one even bought out the non-budget versions sitting unsold for less than half the price.
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