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Everything posted by Splain

  1. ZF finished Brunswick already, I just haven't marked it yet. I'll update everything first thing in the morning. Only thing left is PGA.
  2. Yeah, it definitely removes all of the urgency, but might also increase the value of each clear. For example there's not much incentive to beat anything in December if it looks like the library isn't going to be completed, and every clear will be reset soon. Is there some other way we can change it? Establish a different timeframe that's longer than a year?
  3. Here's my one from @JamesRobot. I hadn't realized there was so much Zelda stuff on my list, and my happiness at seeing this stuff made me realize that I'm actually a pretty big Zelda fanatic. This box PLAYS THE TREASURE CHEST MUSIC FROM N64 ZELDA WHEN YOU OPEN IT. Coolest thing. Love the awesome Master Sword + sheath keychain too. I can't wait to play these games, thanks JamsGobot!!
  4. I wanted to keep those Game Gear games so bad lol. Glad they arrived ok.
  5. Predicting what Nintendo will do is great fun lol. Speculating about the NX/Switch with randos online was my main hobby for a couple months there. I guess I predict the Switch 2 to be named something with Switch and one other word in the name. Like... Switch Flip or something that sounds goofy, but then we all get used to it, like basically every Nintendo product since the Super Nintendo. I can see some kind of VR headset at some point. Nintendo fans will resurrect Beat Saber and Alyx and stuff. And there will be a Wario minigame collection for it to help sell it. There will be some huge misstep that everyone will immediately facepalm about. Maybe the joycons aren't removable anymore and you have to buy extra controllers that are pretty much joycons that only connect through bluetooth. Or it will use the same size carts as Switch but it's not backwards compatible. Gimmick? It'll have a 3DS slot for 3DS games. But it will still just have one screen, and DS and Switch won't work.
  6. A little. If I stand a bit to the right of center, and aim just to the right of the kingpin, I've managed to get some consecutive strikes that make ALL the difference for my score. You can get peppered strikes and spares for all 10 frames, knocking down every single pin, but your score just won't be competitive unless you get a solid run of uninterrupted strikes. So I guess it's a matter of getting to be consistent enough. I've learned a few tricks that probably apply to every bowling game. And irl bowling. I honestly have more luck throwing straight than trying to spin it. I'll have more time after Christmas for more attempts.
  7. If nobody's opposed, I'm going to turn this thread into a forever Beat Every Game Boy Game and stop resetting it. I'll keep everything that has been done this year, so it'll be Every Game, retroactively starting January 2023. Thoughts?
  8. Well, it doesn't declare any kind of a winner after a skins game, at all. Not even the order of names changes. So I'll say the closest thing to beating the game is winning a tournament. I'll also try the Nugfish Technique.
  9. Really? I don't think it's all that bad. I get better scores on like, Nester's Funky Bowling because you can do the same thing over and over for all 10 frames, but seemingly not here. Maybe we can win a Skins game and call it beaten, but even then, the game makes no effort to declare a winner of skins matches, so it's either the number of skins or the total winnings. Shrug. It's definitely odd in that it focuses so hard on being a professional bowler, and everything you do contributes to your career earnings and records and such. And playing the cosmic bowling mode is like "welcome professional bowler SPLAIN for an exhibition game!!" and you can't just, like, bowl a quick round without it playing somehow into your total career. It makes me wonder if there's some kind of end to it all when you earn enough money or something. But the manual says nothing and nobody on the internet has said anything. There's a guy on YouTube beating all the N64 games, but he hasn't gotten to this one yet. MeridianPrime back in the day just got second in a tournament and called it good. So it's the same question as in other games that don't show credits or do anything special when you win a tournament.
  10. Three hundy!!! @ZeldaFreak let me know what you think of Brunswick. You don't get credits when you win a tournament, or skins game, or anything at all. But you can stumble through a tournament and come out the other side with a terrible score, so it still seems appropriate to have to WIN something to call the game beaten. Nugfish legit won a tournament last year, so I just haven't figured out the secret I guess. But you have to get a LOT of strikes to even compete with the CPU players. And the game kinda prides itself on having the oil patterns change on the lanes as you wear them down. So the stuff that gets strikes at the beginning of the tourney won't necessarily keep working as you go. I've been through a bunch of tournaments by now but I haven't placed 1st yet. I'm hoping you'll waltz in with beginner's luck and just destroy the first tournament you enter. I'll take the embarrassment for the good of the thread lol.
  11. And we watch all the dope collection pics roll in
  12. Lolll, All I Want for Christmas is You, 8-bit style. And Feliz Navidad. And Mele Kalikimaka. And Rockin Around the Christmas Tree. Love the soundtrack so far. Here's a "at least I've got a better score than Splain!" score. 73490
  13. If you want to work on Brunswick, I'm actively playing it but I haven't managed to win a tournament yet. With 2 of us on it maybe someone will get it. Or more, if anyone else is available.
  14. I remember playing this one in college, with my roommate standing over my shoulder telling me not to ever equip the Monk with weapons, so that his bare fists would become OP at around level 10. I didn't believe him but he basically watched my entire playthrough, so I went with it. Sure enough, the monk got real strong, and I never gave him a weapon. I later googled it and it looks like you can equip weapons all you want, just un-equip them at level 10 lol.
  15. I'm taking a break from DKC2. (like I wasn't already doing that) I haven't finished it, but I'm close-ish and I guess I'm not excited enough to finish it this year. I'll finish it next year sometime, since I won't be trying to play as much N64. My hot take is that the game is great, but it's not better than DKC3. The two are equal. I can rehash the usual complaints about the game and the series, but those are googlable. I guess I just don't agree with all the nebulous arguments about how 2 is "just better" than 3. Each one has very tangible plusses over the other, and neither is better. Of course, I haven't finished DKC2 yet, so maybe there's some amazing boss fights or something in the late game. Final judgment pending. That puts me at... still a solid 2 for the year lol.
  16. Package came today! Can't wait to open this on Christmas Day and no sooner!
  17. You don't like it? I briefly looked into teaching at local colleges and there were no openings at all, and huge waiting lists. I guess I made some assumptions based on that.
  18. I'm doing Brunswick, is anyone feeling up to playing Attitude?
  19. He's a professor these days I believe.
  20. I've never even come close to beating all the games I list here, and I've put some thought into Reed's idea of really focusing on the ones that I'm fired up enough to push through. So for 2023 I'm reducing my lofty goal of 6 games down to... 15. In past years I've spent a lot of my gaming time on N64 games for the N64 thread. Since that thread will probably retire this year (wooo!) and since I'm not expecting Nintendo to release another open-world Zelda game in 2024, I'm legitimately expecting to play all of these games. Just Aidyn and TotK took up enough time in 2023 to cover this list. Here goes: Progress: 7/15 - Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) CHECK - Zelda: Skyward Sword CHECK - A Mario 64 romhack (try out the big ones, make sure I beat one) - Commander Keen Ep. 4: Secret of the Oracle CHECK - Commander Keen Ep. 5: The Armageddon Machine - Ten (10) US Game Boy games that I've never beaten before: - Beavis and Butthead CHECK - Side Pocket CHECK - Bubsy 2 CHECK - Cool Ball CHECK
  21. I've come across literally-impossible/unplayable situations in a handful of games, and I haven't been able to tweak the emulator just right or find anyone else who has either. Of course it's in the less-popular games.
  22. Weird, I'm also emulating but those stairs worked for me, there's a button somewhere that I'm sure you pressed. I see other weird stuff, like sometimes the control stick stops moving Bomberman left or right, and I have to use the D-pad until I finish the level and can reset the game. Also some stuff is invisible that shouldn't be, which is manageable but gets really bad in the casino level. But I can pick this one back up, I've still got my save file. Meanwhile, I'm not sure about a win condition for Brunswick. You can view the credits at any time from the menu, and I haven't found a playthrough of someone placing first in a tournament to see if anything happens. I saw one of a guy placing 2nd (it's grueling, so many games and the CPU gets upper 200's in every game) and nothing at all happened. So maybe just surviving a tournament is good enough, or maybe some other mode.
  23. A while back I sent a big ol' box of goodies to a friend in the Netherlands, we had been trading boxes for a long time. Shipping was $60. It got returned because the customs form wasn't specific enough. I had to pay another 60 to try again. So don't just put Gifts as the contents of the box lol. It can be categorized as a gift but the itemized list has to be more specific.
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