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Beat the SNES Library - 310/714

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I beat Seiken Densetsu 3 with Duran as the main character and Angela and Charlotte as companions. Usually I prefer any of the other characters, but I wanted to try something different and play through Duran's/Angela's story, which I have never experienced before. Turns out that this team didn't quite fit my playstyle and that it was a tough challenge. Furthermore it took me about 30 hours and I died quite a few times due to frustratingly overpowered attacks from certain enemies.

Anyway, I have quite a history with this game, too. This was actually the reason why I started using an emulator back in the day just to play this awesome game that I had heard so much about in magazines back in the day, but it never got brought over. When I heard many years later that you could play SNES games on a computer and that there were even a few Japanese exclusive RPGs with English fan translations, I couldn't stop my excitement (Some fan translations were even damn hilarious, like the legendary line "I bet she fucks like a tiger." from a certain other Action RPG). This game was the first I had to try out and it was glorious back in the day. It was even bigger than its predecessor, looked absolutely gorgeous and had some bosses or set pieces that were almost unparalleled on this hardware. I would even argue that the vast majority of modern pixel art games haven't even come close to replicating some of the amazing visuals found in this game. They look even better on a nice CRT and with an RGB modded console. The soundtrack was also pretty cool, even though I was missing some of the unique musical pieces found in SoM.

However, there were a few parts of the game that I didn't enjoy so much nowadays compared to back in the day. For example I have less patience for the constant breaks in the action. In this game it's not just the many spells that pause the battles, but also the majority of special attacks, both from you and the enemy. Sometimes you could almost put away the controller for a minute as all the animations were being played. At least it's a far cry from the excessive summon animations found in the PS1 era Squaresoft RPGs (I shudder when I think back to the long loading times or summon animations of FFVII and FFVIII.). But I guess I'm partially to blame since I chose a group that's focused on magic. But in the later parts of the game it was a bit too much for me.

Another issue I had with the battle system was how the dungeons mostly consisted of a series of single screens, which often repeated with just slight variations. This not only made the many rooms within a dungeon look very similar, making it easy to get lost, but this also meant that most battles took place on a single cramped screen. And with how your characters movement speed is lowered noticeably every time you enter combat, the battles usually turned into a giant brawl where you were just mashing buttons and hoping to hit enemies. Most people don't seem to mind, but I actually preferred the system in SoM where you could walk around, evade enemy attacks etc. This also made the boss battles more interesting and strategic. Here you mostly stood in one place hitting them repeatedly with attacks or magic and healing yourself every once in a while. It was usually a battle of attrition and less of skill, imho. The AI was also even dumber than in SoM. Angela and Charlotte constantly ran into battle while dealing only 1 damage point per attack and getting slaughtered by the enemies. There were no AI setting like in SoM that made them stand in the back row. Plus, there were no ranged weapons, so I couldn't just equip them with bow and arrow or a boomerang and have them attack from the rear. This is a huge oversight making them pretty much useless unless you constantly cast spells. I'd say they had lots of good ideas, but the resulting battle system wasn't the most fun and engaging to me. However, the remake actually seems to have improved on most, if not all, of my issues with this game. I don't want to sound too negative, though. After all, this is crying on a very high level.

Seiken Densetsu 3.jpg

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I might have beaten Super Smash TV. I had to use up all of my continues though and only got through with just one extra life left. Also, I missed the pleasure dome. I had a previous run where I had enough keys, but I died in the room where I could have progressed to the plesure dome. This was really frustrating. Overall this game is incredibly difficult and feels like a quarter muncher. Of course, there are no quarters to be used on the SNES, but in the arcade original. Some bosses are so ridiculous and potentially waste so many of your lives. It seems to me as if the game was designed from the ground up to be played in two player mode. Anyway, I hope the clear still counts.

Super Smash TV.jpg

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On 4/22/2020 at 9:53 PM, Bearcat-Doug said:

Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run is done.

Does it have a full season like the original? I've completed seasons of the first at 152 games. Thought about slowly dredging through it for this at some point. Got enough baseball for a long while in Bases loaded 2, so don't take this as a commitment 

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2 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Does it have a full season like the original? I've completed seasons of the first at 152 games. Thought about slowly dredging through it for this at some point. Got enough baseball for a long while in Bases loaded 2, so don't take this as a commitment 

It has a full season mode as well as shortened season options.

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Editorials Team · Posted
7 minutes ago, Jeevan said:

How does that work lol, i mean, we did both beat it, if he wants it he can have it 🙂 but if u put us both down, i will share 🤣

Honestly, it doesn't matter.  I put an end to annual resets, my scoring system, leaderboards, and all that crap.  Now, I just want to see the whole list knocked out from scratch.  I'll call it a team effort.  It's happened in the past when I had posters clear games in coop mode.

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The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse is done. This way my first time playing this game and I quite enjoyed it. It's not on the same level of some of the platforming greats on this console, but it's still fun. The mountain climbing however took me quite some time to figure out meaning that I died more often in those levels than I'd like to admit. It also reminded me a bit of Bionic Commando.

Magical Quest.jpg

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Events Helper · Posted
13 hours ago, MrPeaPod said:

I've finished off the last two games in Super Mario All Stars. I'm still not really a fan of Mario Bros 2. I remember it always being my older brothers favorite when we were growing up but it always felt too different for me to fully enjoy. 

I loved 2, beat it in kindergarten when I had my bout with the chicken pox lol.  My Grandma and Mother were there and I was in the front room playing.

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On 4/17/2020 at 12:30 PM, Bearcat-Doug said:

Finished Final Fight, Final Fight Guy

I'm glad you knocked these out, I'd been trying to finish Final Fight on and off for months now.  Younger me must have always played on easy because normal consistently kept me from beating it.

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3 hours ago, Jicsan said:

I'm glad you knocked these out, I'd been trying to finish Final Fight on and off for months now.  Younger me must have always played on easy because normal consistently kept me from beating it.

I like the entire series, but the first one is the only game I had as a kid. I think it's the most difficult of the three. It seems like the last area is as long as the first four combined.

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