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I'm sure there's a thread about the zelda and Mario 64 that broke records. I wanted to ask a question about these items (and the SMB). 

What is it you guys look for on these? Think it was @Braveheart69who wrote over on [NAME REDACTED] about a boxed SMB and broke down what made it HTF. I think ovals and seals were mentioned, showing they were first editions (I think). 

Is there a concrete breakdown for these games, letting collectors know what version they have? 

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Wata has a black box spreadsheet with most possible variants that goes over seals, Rev-A, etc.: https://www.watagames.com/learn/blog/post/nes-black-box-variant-guide/

Our own @0xDEAFC0DEhas a Zelda variant resource: https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/121-list-of-all-north-american-zelda-game-variants/

Most of the info is hidden on forums and social media posts and private conversations. It's crazy how this market works TBH. Lots of enormous sales this weekend were on games that people would call the less desirable versions (like a 100k late print FF7 that wasn't even mint).

Edited by DefaultGen
  • Like 5

To add on, the record breaking Zelda wasn't even the first box variant. It's the third variant box identified by not having "Rev-A" on the box, and having the newer screen shot on the back. The first print box has a TM instead of an R next to the "Nintendo Entertainment System" on the front of the box. The 3rd variant box is not super uncommon (at least CIB, I don't follow sealed), but it's at least harder to find than the 6th variant box (last circle seal).

I really need to update my thread as it's a bit outdated (although I think the NES stuff is up to date). I've also wanted to add a picture guide, but haven't had the time.

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22 minutes ago, 0xDEAFC0DE said:

but haven't had the time.

I'm *thisssss* close to releasing my NES Seal of Quality variant list.

But I just don't have the time to double check 677 games in a weekend until some time in fall.

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@DarkTonesince no-one mentioned the SM64 yet, that one's fairly simple. If it's a US copy and it doesn't have a giant Player's Choice logo on the front, it's the "first print".

There are two variants of the Player's Choice print, apparently, though I dunno what the difference is. But AFAIK there's no variants of the pre-PC US box.

In general, as others said, this varies a lot between games and you really should do your research. There are general patterns, like Player's Choice / Greatest Hits prints are almost always worth less, but there's often more detailed print differences for individual games that aren't easily summarized.

Or alternatively if you're just trying to make a quick buck, bet on whatever you like and hope you find another idiot fast, because a lot of people right now don't do their research and stuff that really shouldn't sell for much is going for thousands, like @DefaultGen said...

My personal take on this whole crazy sale price thing of graded games by that specific company being sold exclusively via specific auction site is that it's a racket. That whole thing has been artificially contrived and made profitable by a select group of people in a very short period of time. Is it real sales or a marketing tactic without said large amounts changing hands, I don't know. What I can tell is it's these sales that are going to bring in those outside of the group who built this thing in hopes of getting there money, be it by way of fees or percentages of sales. I think the tax man is gonna see some of this and be like "where is our cut of this 1.5mil" and so on.  

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On 7/14/2021 at 10:07 AM, OptOut said:

Hd Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

I'm trying to work on it, but time limits me.

Here's the 30 black boxes. Yellow means it's a little more uncommon, orange means it a little more closer to rare. Color codes are relative to the average. (e.g. if Stadium Events had a U.S. oval seal variant then the normal Circle seal variant would be coded green, while the oval seal would be a red, or maybe even a purple color on my scale)

Fun Fact 1: There are 8 black box games with Oval TM seal cartridge variants, but no boxes to match (Balloon Fight, Donkey Kong 3, Ice Climber, Mach Rider, Mario Bros., Popeye, Urban Champion, and Wrecking Crew)

Fun Fact 2: There are an additional 7 games with Oval TM seal cartridge variants, but DO have boxes to match. (Excitebike, Golf, Hogan's Alley, Kung Fu, Pinball, Slalom, and Super Mario Bros)

Fun Fact 3: Of those 7 games with Oval TM CIBs, Only three of them have Oval (R) variants, all of which have matching boxes. (Golf, Kung Fu, Super Mario Bros.)

Title Circle Oval ™ Oval ®
10-Yard Fight CIB - -
Balloon Fight CIB C -
Baseball CIB - -
Clu Clu Land CIB - -
Donkey Kong CIB - -
Donkey Kong 3 CIB C -
Donkey Kong Jr. CIB - -
Donkey Kong Jr. Math CIB - -
Duck Hunt CIB - -
Excitebike CIB CIB -
Gumshoe CIB - -
Gyromite CIB - -
Hogan's Alley CIB CIB -
Ice Climber CIB C -
Mach Rider CIB C -
Mario Bros. CIB C -
Pinball CIB CIB -
Popeye CIB C -
Pro Wrestling CIB - -
Slalom CIB CIB -
Soccer CIB - -
Stack-Up CIB - -
Super Mario Bros CIB CIB CIB
Tennis CIB - -
Urban Champion CIB C -
Volleyball CIB - -
Wild Gunman CIB - -
Wrecking Crew CIB C -


Edited by ThePhleo
  • Thanks 1
48 minutes ago, DarkTone said:

Huh. Wonder why the boxes don't match the carts...

No idea! The concept isn’t limited to Nintendo black box games either. Konami is another huge contributor to the “games with no matching box” list.

29 minutes ago, Hybrid said:

I wonder where the scribbled out variants count in all this


They’re a different thing all together.

Basically I have different classes of lists that I’m working towards unifying one day.

There are “major variants” where artwork changes significantly. As large as entire box design changes (eg Metroid or big box Gyromite) to as small as the position of REV-A (eg Anticipation)…some would consider these must haves depending on how extreme they are

There are “early variants” that tracks every permutation of screw variant, Hangtab, and Rev-A.

There are seal of quality variants which I’m currently in the process of merging with the “early variants” list.

Then there are minor variants such as -1’s, packaging inserts, back sticker labels, cartridge manufacturer, etc

Then deep, deep into the woods is the possibly never ending micro variants like date codes, board layouts, shell codes, screw types, etc.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/14/2021 at 7:26 PM, Shawn said:

My personal take on this whole crazy sale price thing of graded games by that specific company being sold exclusively via specific auction site is that it's a racket. That whole thing has been artificially contrived and made profitable by a select group of people in a very short period of time. Is it real sales or a marketing tactic without said large amounts changing hands, I don't know. What I can tell is it's these sales that are going to bring in those outside of the group who built this thing in hopes of getting there money, be it by way of fees or percentages of sales. I think the tax man is gonna see some of this and be like "where is our cut of this 1.5mil" and so on.  

Between Heritage, WATA, and GoCollect, a small group of people, and in the case of WATA and Heritage closely connected people, are trying to manufacture sky high game prices.  iirc the $100K SMB a year or two ago was bought 3 ways by the owners of Heritage in an effort to make the hobby "legitimate" with high-dollar sales.  The crazy Mario 64 and Zelda sales happened the weekend before Heritage was set to be sold to another company and are almost certainly bullshit.  It's all a racket and anyone buying [sealed] games at ridiculous prices in an effort to strike it rich because of this is just a useful idiot in a market polluted by these investor grifters.  I've never been interested in sealed anything and I'm just staying far away from everything.  

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