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Anyone still have their original CRT TV?

Nes Freak

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i hate you.... 🙂 jk thats fucking awesome. please always keep it in remeberance of me.

wish i still had that lil 13" black and white. first nes memories right there...days of thunder comes to mind...didnt even think it was a bad game. and smb2, was bad then, still is @Richardhead 😉 

13 channel dial....

Edited by docile tapeworm
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My first gaming TV was an old B&W 10".  Since it was a spare, the Atari 2600 was hooked up to it in the corner of our living room.  When the NES came out and we finally got one, my Mom let us hook it up to the main TV.  Good memories.  I think it was an RCA.  I wouldn't mind having another one.


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41 minutes ago, docile tapeworm said:

i hate you.... 🙂 jk thats fucking awesome. please always keep it in remeberance of me.

wish i still had that lil 13" black and white. first nes memories right there...days of thunder comes to mind...didnt even think it was a bad game. and smb2, was bad then, still is @Richardhead 😉 

13 channel dial....

in remembrance of you?  lol  i will keep it but i dont think i knew you as a kid XD

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36 minutes ago, RH said:

My first gaming TV was an old B&W 10".  Since it was a spare, the Atari 2600 was hooked up to it in the corner of our living room.  When the NES came out and we finally got one, my Mom let us hook it up to the main TV.  Good memories.  I think it was an RCA.  I wouldn't mind having another one.


i always used this tv but when i got to hook up my nes to the main tv which was over twice the size  it was always a special experience lol.

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47 minutes ago, docile tapeworm said:

i hate you.... 🙂 jk thats fucking awesome. please always keep it in remeberance of me.

wish i still had that lil 13" black and white. first nes memories right there...days of thunder comes to mind...didnt even think it was a bad game. and smb2, was bad then, still is @Richardhead 😉 

13 channel dial....

days of thunder was an interesting game.  it used some cool trickery to make that 3d track.

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I have had so many over the years it is hard to keep track of them

By far my favorite was a Mitsubishi 36" with PIP.   I still miss that one.

Our upstairs tv (a Phillips 32" CRT died 2 days ago.  It didn't get much gaming - although I am going to start hooking up my switch to the replacement. I just got one of these off of craigslist to replace it:


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1 minute ago, docile tapeworm said:

@Tabonga i dont care for anything over 20" (thats what she said) too heavy and too much space. ive prob run through 10 of them. d-series (hype), trinnys (thats me), panasonic....

I have always had room for  bigger ones* - handy since I also use whatever I use for games for movies also.   That 36" was a bitch kitty to move though..........

*Our first tv when we got married was a 13" color Sharp - that was long before I started gaming.  That was mostly a matter or economics.

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21 minutes ago, drxandy said:

My dad is a huge nerd. He had a commodore 64 monitor I used growing up for atari and nes (great picture) he loves that thing and secretly so do i. The moment I moved out he took it back, and one day I will have it again.


i used to have one of those but i sold it off with tons of commodore stuff.  im not a big fan of commodore tbh.

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