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2 minutes ago, drxandy said:

Any group that uses those dang catchy phrases, actually! If you are parroting something you heard from someone else and it's connotations are to demean then hey! You're part of the problem!

Not sure how using a term is part of the problem. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Social Justice Warrior

Are people who use the term BLM part of the problem? Are people who use the phrases "the left" or "the right" part of the problem? These phrases are simply meant to identify a group of people with similar ideologies.

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1 hour ago, Rhino said:

It's really hard to rank issues because what's a big issue to one person isn't that big to others. Animal abuse is a good example. Some people who are dog or cat lovers value their pets' lives more than human lives, but for a majority of people, they probably value human life over animal life. 

If you truly want to make a change, become an elected official in whatever capacity you can, get involved with your community by volunteering, going to rallies, educating yourself, etc. Work on the issues you think are important first. Whining and arguing about this stuff on a video game internet forum isn't going to do anything. Get involved if you want to make a change. Stop whining about it and go do something (I'm not singling you out btw. I'm generalizing what I've seen in this thread and irl. "You" is a general you referring to everyone.) 

Oh I totally agree in this. I'm not whining, btw, just stating the fact of the matter. I have a great life outside of here, just enjoy stirring the pot.

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11 minutes ago, drxandy said:

What was the point again?

Lets see the tags. You don't show the tags, I have nothing more to say here, sweatshop supporting hypocrite!

You do show the tags, maybe I can see you are indeed taking a stance against issues in the world.

Let's just be done with this once and for all, show us the tags... 

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3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Lets see the tags. You don't show the tags, I have nothing more to say here, sweatshop supporting hypocrite!

You do show the tags, maybe I can see you are indeed taking a stance against issues in the world.

Let's just be done with this once and for all, show us the tags... 

But why do you care if I'm a hypocrite or not?

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@drxandy : We all talk big and do big, but only when it's convenient. That's my issue. If you're (not you personally) wearing tags from a poor country, yet preaching the social justice call, you're a hypocrite in my book, it's obvious that you only preach when it's convenient. That's why I'd like to see some tags.

Everyone, goodnight, stay safe, chat with you all tomorrow, love you all, hahaha.




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11 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

@drxandy : We all talk big and do big, but only when it's convenient. That's my issue. If you're (not you personally) wearing tags from a poor country, yet preaching the social justice call, you're a hypocrite in my book, it's obvious that you only preach when it's convenient. That's why I'd like to see some tags.

Everyone, goodnight, stay safe, chat with you all tomorrow, love you all, hahaha.




Wink wink


You know for a fact I own shirts that are made cruelly (because we all literally do) otherwise you wouldn't back this rhetoric. 

I end up buying the majority of my clothing from thrift stores. I don't care if they are originally made cruelly, I am reusing something that potentially would be discarded and create more waste in the world. 

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Editorials Team · Posted
2 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

President Snowflake.  Can't even handle an interview with his homies if they dare ask fair questions.  Pathetic lack of leadership and accountability.

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2 hours ago, Rhino said:

Sorry, I'm not referring to you per-say. It's a generic "you" meant for anyone.

Oh, I see. You’re arguing against a character you have constructed and ascribing those aspects to me. OK then.

While I’m here, since you found it worthwhile to correct my mistake in writing “of” when I meant “to”... it’s spelled “per se”. 

2 hours ago, Link said:
  2 hours ago, Rhino said:

There you go. You just dismissed evidence of mistreatment of people and animals so that you can justify continuing to shop as these places.

And no, I did not. I said the one case is from 15 years ago. Can’t you find anything more recent than that? Because I can, regarding CFA. Don’t tell me to apply my values when it comes to prolonged and current patterns of abuse to a one-off incident. In the other case, I sought better alternatives, and avoided worse alternatives. Better was not available, that sucks, it does not make me a hypocrite.


Still waiting on my 80%.

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55 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

We all talk big and do big, but only when it's convenient. That's my issue. If you're (not you personally) wearing tags from a poor country, yet preaching the social justice call, you're a hypocrite in my book, it's obvious that you only preach when it's convenient. That's why I'd like to see some tags.


2 hours ago, Link said:

I’d like to point out that nobody in here went on a crusade “everybody should boycott Chik Fil A”...
Part of my action is choosing where to allocate my resources (money) in ways that are as ethical as I can, with a view to what a company does at large with funds they control. Demanding that I be 100% perfect in that because I do something is not your right. No, it is not all or nothing.

You don’t have to do anything. Neither do you have to complain that I do. 

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36 minutes ago, Link said:

Oh, I see. You’re arguing against a character you have constructed and ascribing those aspects to me. OK then.

While I’m here, since you found it worthwhile to correct my mistake in writing “of” when I meant “to”... it’s spelled “per se”. 

And no, I did not. I said the one case is from 15 years ago. Can’t you find anything more recent than that? Because I can, regarding CFA. Don’t tell me to apply my values when it comes to prolonged and current patterns of abuse to a one-off incident. In the other case, I sought better alternatives, and avoided worse alternatives. Better was not available, that sucks, it does not make me a hypocrite.


Still waiting on my 80%.

I only corrected you because you were being a little smart ass correcting one of my misuses of "their". I'll have to tie up the score in the future. You're up 2-1. I'll get your 80% when I have more time to look stuff up. It's really not hard. You'll just choose to ignore it anyways though and come up with excuses for why you can still shop at your places. How dare you insult SJWs as made up characters. You just offended several folks. 

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@Link target donated funds to a campaign against same sex marriage. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/target-apologizes-for-controversial-political-donation/

There was also animal abuse going on at one of their egg suppliers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation

Transgender people can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. Only an issue depending on what side you fall on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation

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31 minutes ago, Rhino said:

I only corrected you because you were being a little smart ass correcting one of my misuses of "their".

That wasn’t me broski brougham Broficer Callahan. Try to pay attention who you’re sputtering at. 

Man it’s like you have learned nothing from video games. You and fcgamer would shop at Umbrella Corporation and call me a hypocrite because Hanes is a member of the Fair Labor Association but inadequately reports their forced labor risk assessment process.

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25 minutes ago, Rhino said:

@Link target donated funds to a campaign against same sex marriage. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/target-apologizes-for-controversial-political-donation/

There was also animal abuse going on at one of their egg suppliers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation

Transgender people can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. Only an issue depending on what side you fall on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation

Do you even read what I write, or are you just raging and equating me with some “SJW” somewhere who tried to get you to have some compassion for once in your godforsaken life?

One-off incidents are not long-standing and current patterns of bad acting. 

Is Target still buying from Sparboe Farms? No, it “immediately discontinued its relationship with the company.” That’s the right thing to do. They got called on something, and addressed the complaint.

Does Target still donate to MN Forward? Still support companies who lobby for business policy but also support anti-gay politicians? Or did they “set up a review process for future political donations”? They apologized, acknowledged, and addressed the issue. I don’t think you even read the stuff you cite. 

Do points 1 and 3 cancel each other out? I am in favor of transgender rights so that one’s a non-starter.

For goodness’ sake. I put Target on my list because I do go there. Just to be honest. I don’t really like big box stores in general but Target happens to be convenient. Are they perfect, maybe nobody is but they’re better in the round than Walmart, et al. 

I didn’t expect to be a bigger fan of them at the end of the day, but here we are. Thanks for the links. They really do listen to people and take concerns seriously and work on problems when they come to light. What a better world this would be if everyone did that. You think this makes me a hypocrite?  🤷‍♀️ 

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3 hours ago, Link said:

Do you even read what I write, or are you just raging and equating me with some “SJW” somewhere who tried to get you to have some compassion for once in your godforsaken life?

One-off incidents are not long-standing and current patterns of bad acting. 

Is Target still buying from Sparboe Farms? No, it “immediately discontinued its relationship with the company.” That’s the right thing to do. They got called on something, and addressed the complaint.

Does Target still donate to MN Forward? Still support companies who lobby for business policy but also support anti-gay politicians? Or did they “set up a review process for future political donations”? They apologized, acknowledged, and addressed the issue. I don’t think you even read the stuff you cite. 

Do points 1 and 3 cancel each other out? I am in favor of transgender rights so that one’s a non-starter.

For goodness’ sake. I put Target on my list because I do go there. Just to be honest. I don’t really like big box stores in general but Target happens to be convenient. Are they perfect, maybe nobody is but they’re better in the round than Walmart, et al. 

I didn’t expect to be a bigger fan of them at the end of the day, but here we are. Thanks for the links. They really do listen to people and take concerns seriously and work on problems when they come to light. What a better world this would be if everyone did that. You think this makes me a hypocrite?  🤷‍♀️ 

So why don't you go to chick fil a anymore? They don't donate to those 2 organizations who were against gay marriage anymore. Stay woke brotato chip. Re-edumacate yourself. Your previously boycotted businesses may no longer have these long standing issues. You all can go back to eating at CFA CONGRATULATIONS!! https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/18/chick-fil-a-drops-donations-to-christian-charities-after-lgbt-protests.html

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