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29 minutes ago, Gloves said:

As I said, a stereotype can be "positive" but that doesn't make it non-offensive.

For instance and back to my earlier example of asians being good at math.

Imagine being an asian kid who ISN'T good at math. People might start to make that trait into a talking point about you, and that's not particularly fair, nor welcome. Or let's say that "Swedish chicks have huge tits" (completely random stereotype I'm making up for demonstrational purposes); again, imagine having that be a stereotype, and being a chick with not huge tits. Or an African without a monster schlong.

Surely you see the point here. "Positive" stereotypes are STILL damaging.

I see what you're getting at. You could also flip it and say it's positive if people have a certain perception of you but you don't actually meet it. "My online profile says I'm swedish, which means I'll get more dudes because they perceive me to have big tits."

How is Mexicans are hard workers negative even if you are actually lazy?

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While we're on the subject of stereotypes (no not Sony or Panasonic or those kind of stereo types!) there was a race car driver several years back who commented on a fellow driver from Columbia saying he's probably off "having a taco"...dude, tacos are Mexican! 😛   Instead he could've said something like "having coffee with Juan Valdez"! 😄 


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7 hours ago, CodysGameRoom said:

When Estil gets stymied he stops responding. I've witnessed it numerous times in this thread. Then he will be back after a while with a different topic. Whereas some others in this thread just won't quit no matter how badly they get owned.

I now see exactly what you mean 😂

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4 hours ago, Rhino said:

No thanks. I don't have time for that. Most of this thread is bickering anyways. 

I strongly disagree. There are tons of positive stereotypes out there. 

It's both man. The WHO is in China's back pocket. China has been lying about everything since day 1. China's numbers have been fake since February. Then it came to the u.s. Tons of people in the u.s worship Trump. Trump initially largely blew off covid-19 and has refused to wear a mask until recently. His followers followed. Things got bad then got better, then states opened back up way too early. Then mass protests happened. Then memorial day, then 4th if July and beaches and vacations. Sure trump and WHO are to blame but there are many many variables. You cannot stop a pandemic that kills 4-8% of those it infects without a vaccine. 

Are we talking about the USA here, or England? Almost the whole paragraph above equally applies to England, from protests to non-essential people being told to stay home and then going to the beach instead, en masse, to closing and reopening pubs last week or so, just to have infections increase and have things shut down again. Same situation, different country, different leaders.

I actually think @Bearcat-Doug is into something here, regarding it being the people / population and their attitudes more than anything else.


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3 hours ago, Link said:

We get it. 

Nobody cares.

and yet — 

Trump made it political so yes he has some of the blame.

Why don’t you get that it can be two things? You’re just willfully ignoring what Trump does because you like his isolationist economic ideas and you love talking shit about China.

No, I'm just in a different position than you, and I see a very different reality.

Regarding Trump making it political or not, the virus was already political before it ever reached the States, so that sentence doesn't make sense.

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3 hours ago, Rhino said:

I see what you're getting at. You could also flip it and say it's positive if people have a certain perception of you but you don't actually meet it. "My online profile says I'm swedish, which means I'll get more dudes because they perceive me to have big tits."

How is Mexicans are hard workers negative even if you are actually lazy?

It's a stereotype, and stereotypes are baaaaaaaadddddd!!!!!

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29 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Are we talking about the USA here, or England? Almost the whole paragraph above equally applies to England, from protests to non-essential people being told to stay home and then going to the beach instead, en masse, to closing and reopening pubs last week or so, just to have infections increase and have things shut down again. Same situation, different country, different leaders.

I actually think @Bearcat-Doug is into something here, regarding it being the people / population and their attitudes more than anything else.


We got him boys (@MrWunderful)! He admitted that it isn't just the WHO that led to the virus running rampant in the U.S, and that the leader, Trump, can be blamed. Game. Set. Match.

24 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

It's a stereotype, and stereotypes are baaaaaaaadddddd!!!!!

Troll attempt 1/10, please try again later.

Edited by Rhino
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22 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

No, I'm just in a different position than you, and I see a very different reality.

Regarding Trump making it political or not, the virus was already political before it ever reached the States, so that sentence doesn't make sense.

Except it wasn't. It didn't get political until it was in the U.S and Trump said it was nbd and that it was all under control and going to be fine and that the flu was far worse. 

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27 minutes ago, Rhino said:

Except it wasn't. It didn't get political until it was in the U.S and Trump said it was nbd and that it was all under control and going to be fine and that the flu was far worse. 

Hahaha, except it was.

Go back and look at the first days of the virus. It was political from the start, before it even reached America. No point for you to try to argue otherwise.

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31 minutes ago, Rhino said:

We got him boys (@MrWunderful)! He admitted that it isn't just the WHO that led to the virus running rampant in the U.S, and that the leader, Trump, can be blamed. Game. Set. Match.

Troll attempt 1/10, please try again later.

Nope, don't try to twist my words.

China and the WHO are at fault for the pandemic, for the spread, the bogus information, and for the virus being political.

The general population is also at fault in a way, key words being general population. If people don't social distance, don't stay in, don't wear masks, it spreads. Period. It happened in England, it happened in the States, it happened in Norway, etc. It didn't happen in Taiwan because the population as a whole bought into wearing masks and social distancing, likely due to their experience with sars so many years earlier.

Go on and try to blame Trump for people not wearing masks, well there was a mask shortage back in February already, and many doctors at that point we're still saying non-mask face coverings were worthless.

Furthermore , what about all the BLM protests, those guys aren't social distancing, there is potential for spread there as well. Beach goers in Florida? And the list goes on. Yeah I know it must be frustrating if you're trying to do the right thing and no one else is, but this goes much much further than anything Trump could influence.

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10 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Hahaha, except it was.

Go back and look at the first days of the virus. It was political from the start, before it even reached America. No point for you to try to argue otherwise.

Strike two. Troll attempt .5/10. You're losing your touch. None of CNNs articles in January about covid-19 were political. Please try again. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/13/world/cnn-coronavirus-coverage/index.html

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7 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Nope, don't try to twist my words.

China and the WHO are at fault for the pandemic, for the spread, the bogus information, and for the virus being political.

The general population is also at fault in a way, key words being general population. If people don't social distance, don't stay in, don't wear masks, it spreads. Period. It happened in England, it happened in the States, it happened in Norway, etc. It didn't happen in Taiwan because the population as a whole bought into wearing masks and social distancing, likely due to their experience with sars so many years earlier.

Go on and try to blame Trump for people not wearing masks, well there was a mask shortage back in February already, and many doctors at that point we're still saying non-mask face coverings were worthless.

Furthermore , what about all the BLM protests, those guys aren't social distancing, there is potential for spread there as well. Beach goers in Florida? And the list goes on. Yeah I know it must be frustrating if you're trying to do the right thing and no one else is, but this goes much much further than anything Trump could influence.

You're funny man. Not a good troll but you're funny. You're proving all my points I originally brought up. No clue what you're even trying to argue at this point. Are you drunk? You okay man? You don't understand American culture right now if you don't think Trump has much of an influence on U.S citizens. 

You literally only have to go back one page in this thread to see you just agreed with all the points I brought up. 

"It's both man. The WHO is in China's back pocket. China has been lying about everything since day 1. China's numbers have been fake since February. Then it came to the u.s. Tons of people in the u.s worship Trump. Trump initially largely blew off covid-19 and has refused to wear a mask until recently. His followers followed. Things got bad then got better, then states opened back up way too early. Then mass protests happened. Then memorial day, then 4th if July and beaches and vacations. Sure trump and WHO are to blame but there are many many variables. You cannot stop a pandemic that kills 4-8% of those it infects without a vaccine. "

Edited by Rhino
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2 hours ago, fcgamer said:

Regarding Trump making it political or not, the virus was already political before it ever reached the States, so that sentence doesn't make sense.

Regardless of whether “he started it” or not, and I am not saying and never said he did, he made it worse. And continues to do so. Continues to stoke, inflame, divide. He endlessly exacerbates everything. It’s what he lives for. It’s how he operates. He is politicizer #1. He makes everything political. 

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1 hour ago, Rhino said:

Strike two. Troll attempt .5/10. You're losing your touch. None of CNNs articles in January about covid-19 were political. Please try again. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/13/world/cnn-coronavirus-coverage/index.html

Strike two for you mate.

You do realise that politics is not just about the USA, right? 

The virus was political before it even came to the States. Sorry you can't see it.


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1 hour ago, Rhino said:

You're funny man. Not a good troll but you're funny. You're proving all my points I originally brought up. No clue what you're even trying to argue at this point. Are you drunk? You okay man? You don't understand American culture right now if you don't think Trump has much of an influence on U.S citizens. 

You literally only have to go back one page in this thread to see you just agreed with all the points I brought up. 

"It's both man. The WHO is in China's back pocket. China has been lying about everything since day 1. China's numbers have been fake since February. Then it came to the u.s. Tons of people in the u.s worship Trump. Trump initially largely blew off covid-19 and has refused to wear a mask until recently. His followers followed. Things got bad then got better, then states opened back up way too early. Then mass protests happened. Then memorial day, then 4th if July and beaches and vacations. Sure trump and WHO are to blame but there are many many variables. You cannot stop a pandemic that kills 4-8% of those it infects without a vaccine. "

Like I said, that paragraph of text you posted isn't exclusive to Trump or to the States, it holds true for a lot of places worldwide.


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8 minutes ago, Link said:

Regardless of whether “he started it” or not, and I am not saying and never said he did, he made it worse. And continues to do so. Continues to stoke, inflame, divide. He endlessly exacerbates everything. It’s what he lives for. It’s how he operates. He is politicizer #1. He makes everything political. 

I'm sorry if you and your family, friends, and colleagues choose to let politics divide you. I personally don't let things divide me with others, neither sports, politics, sexuality, skin, language, religion, class , etc. 

Anyone can plant any seeds they want to spew hatred towards others, but it's ultimately up to each individual whether he or she chooses to bring it to fruition.

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Editorials Team · Posted


9 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

I'm sorry if you and your family, friends, and colleagues choose to let politics divide you. I personally don't let things divide me with others, neither sports, politics, sexuality, skin, language, religion, class , etc. 

Anyone can plant any seeds they want to spew hatred towards others, but it's ultimately up to each individual whether he or she chooses to bring it to fruition.

Haven't you been paying attention?  That's the only thing we do now.  Starting at the top.  That is literally our president's platform for reelection.  After all it's the one thing he is capable of doing.

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