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9 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Thing is, this should have never even been a topic for 2020. As my doctor friend said from get go, sanitize, social distance, wash your hands, wear masks. It will be nothing worse than anything else we've been through, we will get through it, life continues. 

And he was right! The experienced doctor who also went through the sars ordeal knew right. It's July, aside from at work, I'm mask free, no worries about infection.

But the key difference between my story and that in the USA or the rest of the world isn't Trump, no, rather it is the WHO and China. By drinking bootleg Kool-Aid, false information was provided about the spread, as well as with the benefits of wearing masks. If proper information would have been provided from the start, you wouldn't be where you are now, and the conspiracy theories would have never grown either.

Yet every country outside of the United States seemed to figure that out and we didn't.  Trump and most of our states governors chose to ignore the advice of millions of healthcare professionals, and now a vast majority of Covid deaths and people living with permanent heart or lung damage is on their heads.  That's going to be great for healthcare costs down the road in the US.

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2 minutes ago, Doctornick said:

Yet every country outside of the United States seemed to figure that out and we didn't.  Trump and most of our states governors chose to ignore the advice of millions of healthcare professionals, and now a vast majority of Covid deaths and people living with permanent heart or lung damage is on their heads.  That's going to be great for healthcare costs down the road in the US.

USA has a larger population than a lot if countries.

Also, is the situation really much better elsewhere? You actually talk with anyone from abroad about the situation in their countries? England and the pub / beach situation, Norway , etc? 

If bogus information wouldn't have been provided initially, we wouldn't be where we are now.

Let me ask you something: The WHO lied about spread, lied about masks. They are the health experts lying to kowtow to China. Why should I or anyone else trust so-called "experts" , if the top echilon lied about it during the critical period where the situation could have been better handled? Yup, that's my point, something like that will cause people to lose faith in the authorities, that's why we are where we are where we are now 

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Administrator · Posted
1 minute ago, fcgamer said:

Also, is the situation really much better elsewhere? You actually talk with anyone from abroad about the situation in their countries? England and the pub / beach situation, Norway , etc? 

As a Canadian, the USA's literal neighbor - yes it's better elsewhere:



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Taiwan, as China's literal neighbour, is also doing much better. Same compares to Japan, Korea, or Hong Kong. 😄

We can't directly compare apples to apples though, as we need to consider population, density, country size, climate, etc, amount of people going in / out of the country, etc. These things will all play a factor in this game.

Excluding Canada, anyone talk with people from other countries and ask what the situation is like? If people are taking the situation seriously or not? 

edit: on another note, Canada, I still can't send parcels to you due to covid-19, and even when I could, it used to take about four months for them to arrive, compared to one to two weeks to literally anywhere else in the world 😄

Edited by fcgamer
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Administrator · Posted
2 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Taiwan, as China's literal neighbour, is also doing much better. Same compares to Japan, Korea, or Hong Kong. 😄

We can't directly compare apples to apples though, as we need to consider population, density, country size, climate, etc, amount of people going in / out of the country, etc. These things will all play a factor in this game.

Excluding Canada, anyone talk with people from other countries and ask what the situation is like? If people are taking the situation seriously or not? 

You might be better off asking people in the Coronavirus thread, as I'm guessing a lot of members have this particular thread ignored/blocked.

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1 minute ago, captmorgandrinker said:

You might be better off asking people in the Coronavirus thread, as I'm guessing a lot of members have this particular thread ignored/blocked.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I personally don't feel the need to do so though, I've spoken with a lot of my customers, colleagues, and friends from abroad, and almost all of them feel as though their government handled things poorly, similarly many of them mention how a lot of their people are just taking the piss on the whole situation. 

If we compared the USA to the EU, for example, it might paint a better picture. 

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2 hours ago, CodysGameRoom said:

@fcgamer You don't know his personal experiences. If he went to the Asian market and they were all wearing masks, and he's speaking directly about that experience, then he isn't stereotyping. Why not @ him and ask instead of calling him out about it in another thread?

@zeppelin03 , FCGamer wants to know why you are unfairly stereotyping Asian people. Care to rebut? 

Sure.  The market has had 100% of all patrons and staff I've seen there wearing masks.   The traffic is light compared to the big chains as well.  It's rereshing compared to the chain grocery stores.  Plus the produce and spices are cheap. I got a whole makeral today for a couple dollars. It great.

Not sure how identifying the type of grocery equated to calling out Asians apparently.  They seem to service a fairly diverse clientel.  I've muted this thread a while back and would appreciate being left out of the discussion.

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1 minute ago, CodysGameRoom said:

So there we have it. You don't need to be offended after all @fcgamer . 

Yup. I will add with multiple family members being diagnosed with COVID and me watching my 1 year old nephew while my sister has a baby I'm not taking chances.  The establishments that handle it appropriately get my business. The ones that don't aren't seeing me.  It's as simple as that. 

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3 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

LOL, here's you dragging them into this thread AND saying you are offended.... 🤔



Go back and read my post in this thread bro.

Likewise, I didn't call the guy in here, you did. If I wanted to get him involved, I would have, I'm a big boy, you don't need to wipe my bum anymore.

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2 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Go back and read my post in this thread bro.

Likewise, I didn't call the guy in here, you did. If I wanted to get him involved, I would have, I'm a big boy, you don't need to wipe my bum anymore.

Right, instead you screen capped him and called him prejudiced. I sure hope when people are shit talking me on the board, they are directly quoting me and aren't trying to do it behind my back.

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Administrator · Posted
13 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Right, instead you screen capped him and called him prejudiced. I sure hope when people are shit talking me on the board, they are directly quoting me and aren't trying to do it behind my back.

You suck!

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15 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Right, instead you screen capped him and called him prejudiced. I sure hope when people are shit talking me on the board, they are directly quoting me and aren't trying to do it behind my back.

Nope never did that either, learn to read son! Do you need for me to break it down sentence by sentence 😂

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3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

Saying all Asians "mask up" is a stereotype, regardless of one's personal experience. Sorry @CodysGameRoom , this time, you lose, I don't think anyone else would be foolish enough to try to back up the flimsy justification you made.

I still don't see how this is offensive. @zeppelin03 is saying Asians actually take this virus seriously by protecting themselves and others by masking up, and that the rest of us should do the same. There is nothing negative or offensive about zeps post. You're trying to make this a big deal and go full SJW on zeps @$$ for no reason. 

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4 minutes ago, Rhino said:

How is this offensive? All @zeppelin03 is saying is that they actually wear masks over there.

Asians wearing masks can be viewed as a stereotype, therefore it could be viewed as offensive to some. If I spoke of a popular fried chicken and watermelon stand, people would be quick to draw conclusions.

The larger point though:


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3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

As I'm typing on a phone? Also, wouldn't it be considered abuse of power to be going through the edited posts of others, especially for personal gains? 

On another note, as this is a political thread, I don't even speak Mandarin, I speak Taiwanese Mandarin aka guoyu, rather than standard Beijingesque putonghua (Mandarin)

Anyone can see your posts dude give it a break. @captmorgandrinker is not abusing his power. Take a chill pill man. 

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Administrator · Posted
3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

As I'm typing on a phone? Also, wouldn't it be considered abuse of power to be going through the edited posts of others, especially for personal gains? 

On another note, as this is a political thread, I don't even speak Mandarin, I speak Taiwanese Mandarin aka guoyu, rather than standard Beijingesque putonghua (Mandarin)

Since this comment was "revived" above me here, let me make sure it's clear - if anyone edits their posts in this thread you can be damn sure we're gonna check to see what you originally said. We're not going to tolerate someone actively saying anything outright hateful or racist and then sweeping it under the rug.

You posted what you did, and then almost immediately edited it away. Tell me that doesn't look suspicious; obviously that merits checking what you originally said.

Further, I sit here refreshing the activity feed - you didn't edit your comment prior to me seeing it anyway.

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5 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Asians wearing masks can be viewed as a stereotype, therefore it could be viewed as offensive to some. If I spoke of a popular fried chicken and watermelon stand, people would be quick to draw conclusions.

The larger point though:


Just because something is a stereotype does not make it negative. "All Mexicans are hard workers" is a stereotype, but is it offensive? 

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2 minutes ago, Rhino said:

I still don't see how this is offensive. @zeppelin03 is saying Asians actually take this virus seriously by protecting themselves and others by masking up, and that the rest of us should do the same. There is nothing negative or offensive about zeps post. You're trying to make this a big deal and go full SJW on zeps @$$ for no reason. 

Nope, look at the image on my last reply. Then go view the commercial I posted from China, read dozens of pages back where I posted about racist toothpaste, go even further back for the "coloured" discussion.

I'm just saying that if people honestly care about equality for all, we shouldn't be wasting our efforts on more or less trivial things, such as semantics, and historical artifacts, and we should be addressing the larger issues at hand. 

Comparatively, the USA has it good, and if we want to look at equality as a whole, choosing to look beyond just simply black versus white, then there are even more problems and prejudices we should be looking at. 

With many though, many in this thread even, it's more about promoting the agenda than addressing the issue at hand . All that does is alienate others that also want to fight for equality, it's counter productive.

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1 minute ago, Gloves said:

Since this comment was "revived" above me here, let me make sure it's clear - if anyone edits their posts in this thread you can be damn sure we're gonna check to see what you originally said. We're not going to tolerate someone actively saying anything outright hateful or racist and then sweeping it under the rug.

You posted what you did, and then almost immediately edited it away. Tell me that doesn't look suspicious; obviously that merits checking what you originally said.

Further, I sit here refreshing the activity feed - you didn't edit your comment prior to me seeing it anyway.

D@mnnnnnnn the gauntlet has been thrown down!!!

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2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

Since this comment was "revived" above me here, let me make sure it's clear - if anyone edits their posts in this thread you can be damn sure we're gonna check to see what you originally said. We're not going to tolerate someone actively saying anything outright hateful or racist and then sweeping it under the rug.

You posted what you did, and then almost immediately edited it away. Tell me that doesn't look suspicious; obviously that merits checking what you originally said.

Further, I sit here refreshing the activity feed - you didn't edit your comment prior to me seeing it anyway.

I was not hateful , nor was I racist in my initial post. Do you disagree? I edited bit because  l misread his response, it's ironic because my initial comment to him was about misreading, but I will admit to the situation.  Hence the edit. But there was nothing hateful or racist in there, I hope that you clear it up for anyone else that might be wondering.

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