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Hello there Sagers! I’ve been feeling that forum itch of an Internet oldhead creeping back up after, gosh, decades to be honest. I think the last gaming forum I actively participated in was the old Atlus site, back in like 2009 or something. Since it’s long gone now that’s clearly not an option! While I’m on Twitter, social media just feels like it’s falling apart. It’s just not fun or informative anymore, and is way too driven by algorithms for my taste.

Anyway! I dabble in the retro game collecting scene, finances (and my bank-crippling Warhammer hobby) permitting, of course. These days I try to limit purchases to what I will soon play, though, rather than take up valuable shelf space. My heart goes back truly to NES and SNES, since that’s where I started as a kid, but I also enjoy collecting other 8 and 16-bit games for consoles that I missed out on. Master System especially has my eye in coming years. I’m big on RPGs as well, up to and including more modern stuff when it doesn’t feel like slop. Obviously weeby games tend to be attractive.

Currently playing Yoshi’s Island with my husband and Advance Wars on my Pocket. Happy to be here, see ya around.

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You will find that many (most) people love the NES & SNES around here and discuss all sorts of topics about them.

As someone who is unabashedly an "NES" person, SNES in second, I have *some respect for other systems as well. 😅 Master System I have for Wonder Boy, but looking forward to grabbing some other decent titles.

Yoshi's Island is excellent, great you enjoy playing together!

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