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Games #300-251 are (finally) now up

Reed Rothchild


The SNES Rankings Sage.png

(graphic courtesy of @CasualCart)

Well, it was a marathon, but I finally did it.  After almost 6 months I finally crapped out wrote up 50 more games. 

COVID-19 couldn't stop me.  Losing my home office couldn't stop me.  Buying and selling a new home couldn't stop me.  Losing some of my cartridges couldn't stop me.  Playing Survivor couldn't stop me.  Hosting Werewolf 3: The Deafening couldn't stop me.  Getting a repetitive muscle injury from too much... reading, couldn't stop me.

Of course running out of things to say will stop me.  Or my insecurity over the need to use the words "like" "so" "anyway" and "but" like 5,000 times per page.  You'd think I'd have invested in a thesaurus by now...

Anyway (see, there it is), no one wants to read this crap.  They want to read the crap in the link below.  So have it:

(TRIGGER warning: popular games in unpopular spots below)

(DOUBLE TRIGGER warning: still looks like garbage on mobile, will get to that soonish)


(ALSO, you may need to do a hard refresh to make things look less crappified)

(things like 'search', further incorporation into the VGS main site, and other enhancements are still planned, as soon as I find the time)

Also, an extra big "THANK YOU" to @Splain who did all of the editing this time around

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Nice selection of good but not great titles and “what the heck even is this game” oddities

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Sharpened some of them up.  It doesn't matter how many times I read them, I always think they suck and need to be better.

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11 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Sharpened some of them up.  It doesn't matter how many times I read them, I always think they suck and need to be better.

Yeah, I feel the same way when I read them. 





Hahahahaha, just kidding. You're doing awesome work. 

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You should check out the GB version of Blues Brothers ("the jukebox adventure") it's actually better than the SNES one everything moves so fast and the resolution is small so it's way more challenging. The SNES version is kinda like a stroll you know feels mellow.

Edited by cartman
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