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Code Monkey

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Everything posted by Code Monkey

  1. Oh you're right, it is low in sodium. Wow, thanks for telling me that. However, I know it's high in estrogen, can you point me to the studies? I always enjoy reading research papers.
  2. You are definitely doing a lot of activity to burn that many calories. I sit at a computer for about 16 hours a day, I play an organized sport once a week.
  3. I've been vegetarian ever since I watched Game Changers on Netflix about 2-3 years ago. It wasn't that hard though, my girlfriend is deathly allergic to pork so I could only have beef / chicken anyway. Giving up both of those was quite easy since I never really liked meat much, I always preferred the taste of vegetables over the taste of meat. Eating tofu is really bad for you, it's full of sodium and even worse, estrogen. Intaking that much estorgen can throw your hormones way out of balance and is even worse for women than for men. The argument for protein from meat always intrigues me since meat doesn't create protein naturally. Only plants can synthesize proteins from sunlight and animals obtain it from eating plants. So if you're eating meat for protein, you're only getting it second hand, you're better off just eating the plants directly instead of eating the animal that ate the plants. And that's assuming you're eating a herbivore, if you eat a carnivore then you're getting the protein third hand.
  4. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I haven't published the video yet so I think I'll remove most or all of the car before I do.
  5. Ah, you didn't watch to the end of the video! They do and they do. https://www.videogametrader.ca Even their vintage games are on there, they scan everything in and out.
  6. You mean the movie where the woman and her kid were held captive in a small room? That movie was great, I'd give it a 8/10. One of my favourite movies of that year and the book was even better.
  7. This movie was awful, I barely got through it without turning it off. The acting was bad, the plot was meaningless and an entire fight scene dedicated to 2 people trying to shove dildos in their ass for a powerup was terrible. How did a movie where 2 people fight for an anal dildo win an Academy Award for best picture? It was amusing to see 2 actors from Encino Man win Academy Awards this year though.
  8. When I showed it to someone before I published it, I asked if it was too much and they didn't really have input. The absolute only reason it was included is because I subscribe to Mat Armstrong on YouTube and he said he used to publish his BMX videos but one day he showed his car in a video and that video blew up. Then he slowly transitioned to making car videos as that was what got more views so I tried to emulate the same thing. I've had the car almost 4 years, if I wanted to show it off, I would have done so well before now. But that's great advice, thank you. If the car content doesn't work out the same way it did for Mat, then it won't be in another video. I'm just trying to duplicate anything that worked for other people as long as it's not embarrassing myself. Thanks for pointing that out. I never noticed and I never asked. Maybe they're putting up top what sells more, I'm not sure.
  9. New video! I review my local game store. Some things I learned while doing this pretty ambitious video: making videos is hard doing voiceovers is hard making YouTube videos with other customers around watching you is hard One of the funniest encounters that made it worth it was when I was filming in the corner of the store and this kid about 7 years old came up to me to ask what was the extension I was using with my phone. I told him it's so I could record videos and he said, "You're a YouTuber?" I said, "Uh, ya, I guess so." He asked me how many subscribers I have and I said, "I don't know, 10 or 15 maybe." He kind of scoffed and said, "That's not very many" and he walked away. It was hilsarious. As always, please leave any feedback you have, no matter how negative it might be. I'm always trying to learn how to create better videos since I really have no idea what I'm doing here. Thanks.
  10. Good. Maybe they'll put some order into the staff there to treat people a little better.
  11. Can you lay out all of the NES manuals / posters / inserts and take a few photos? I can help you out with those pretty quickly and will buy a few hundred pieces from you as well. I need quite a few manuals and posters.
  12. There are 10 posts, just tell me what I'm looking for.
  13. Please don't, I constantly see plastic shells ruined from people thinking they're doing a great thing by cleaning it up. More than half of the cartridges I buy have a narrow glossy border around the label and the rest of the shell is matte from scrubbing.
  14. I was mistaken, it looks like we don't have data for any Ducktales print run. It can probably be guessed from other Capcom releases around the same time frame and the date code from your box / manual.
  15. We don't have data for all print runs, Ducktales had a lot. I think we only have 2 for that title.
  16. Weird, it works on my laptop but not on my tablet. I can see them now.
  17. The images link doesn't work. It sort of loads in the background but the screen fades white and I can't click on anything.
  18. Is it possible to turn off quote notifications? If I message him directly, others won't have the knowledge.
  19. That's incredibly strange, I just bought a bunch of stuff from a guy that bought a huge boxed NES collection, including Little Samson, Moon Ranger, Secret Scout, Cheetahmen II, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, things you never see. Well if you send me the list and some closer photos, I can help out a lot for free. I can tell you exactly what's hard to find, even if it's not expensive and the best route to go about unloading it. Also what I'm willing to buy.
  20. I had no idea you could use the Tanooki suit to turn into a statue until I had been playing the game for quite some time and finally read the manual. Nobody had ever mentioned it to me before that.
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