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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. List is outdated. I posted a new version in the link at the top. Scale only goes to "11" but even 10 is a "fake number"
  2. UPDATE: Added Unlicensed games to the mix Normalized and standardized game titles. No more roman numerals, no more missing "The's". "Fixed" the rarity scale and made it work. You might not like it, but it's unbiased, and completely formulaic. To see it in action, download the chart, Sort by price, then sort by rarity and then tell me you disagree with it.
  3. Whoops, forgot to include the unlicensed data. Gotta pick up the kids from school, but I'll post it when I finish my daily errands.
  4. I'm just shocked that so many things that I thought were true staple collector's items are just not as rare as they should be. Bucky O'Hare is a GLARING example of a game that does not deserve its high price. DuckTales 2 as well.
  5. @a3quit4s You're right. Data moved to Google Sheets. Also, I changed the description a little. The "rarity" I included in this data set is just the "R" ratings I gave everything in 2019, this is of course my own interpretation of rarity in 2019 which was based off of NintendoAge's rarity guide, which in turn was based off of Etler's rarity guide, which in turn was based only off of what he seen come into his store in New Jersey....in the '90s. We've been using WRONG DATA FOR 25 YEARS. DELETE ALL THE RARITY GUIDES PLEASE Edit: Also, if anyone tells you game collecting is expensive, they're liars and frauds. Just look at the loose cart prices of fan favorite classics like Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, Mario, Zelda, Castlevania....they're freaking affordable. /r/GameCollecting needs to shut up.
  6. Here it is! ThePhleo's 2023 NES "Rarity Guide" (General Supply / Demand Guide) ^ Click Link ^ Overview: So as it turns out, it's impossible to reconcile Collector Demand with True Scarcity. The two are just completely different metrics, and the rarity guides we've been using and remixing for the past 25 years are just completely wrong to begin with. Etler's List, and subsequently NintendoAge's list, followed by even my own list are just flat out wrong and paint a narrative that made us want games like "Little Samson" and ignore games like "Magician" Your concept of rarity is wrong, and it has nothing to do with collector's price or demand, and I've attached links with supporting data to prove it.
  7. I want a sage plush, yes. But also, I want an angry @Gloves plush too!
  8. I liked it. If I had to criticize it, I'd say either cut out the Porsche and show your shelf off more [or] Give people more insight to all your hobbies and not just your car, maybe make it like a dress-up montage by grabbing an outfit out the closet, show your shoes being tied up, take a shave...make it feel more like "Hey I collect games, and this is my morning routine" and less like "Hey I collect games, and this is my car" Again, only if I HAD TO criticize the video.
  9. The coupon that comes with it depends on which date code is printed on the box flap. It can be any of the coupons from 1 - 3. Also, it comes with no coupon if the banner on the front is removed (the little coupon offer banner! obviously)
  10. Mega Man 6 is not a Capcom published game though, it's considered a First Party game (more specifically, I supposed it's a "Second Party" game but still) EDIT: This is a delayed response to a months old conversation...whoops.
  11. Duck Tales Duck Tales 1 is highly dependant on the date code. It was printed for a long time, and the "insert pattern" changed as time went on. Without precise date codes, you can not even pretend to assign inserts to a box. Mighty Final Fight Poster: CAP-NES-US-5 Mail Card: CAP-NES-US-3 (Free Prizes version, not Coupon version) Document: NES-USA/CAN-2 Nintendo Power: GP-NES-USA (I pulled the ultimate 1-up) Dust Sleeve: Flat black NOTE: GP-NES-USA-1 might also be found if they reprinted this game at the same time as Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2. Rare as it may be, it's a possibility that a second print run exists. Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Poster: CAP-NES-US-5 Mail Card: CAP-NES-US-3 (Free Prizes version, not Coupon version) Document: NES-USA/CAN-2 Nintendo Power: GP-NES-USA-1 (Whoa!) Dust Sleeve: Flat Black Sidenote: NES-USA/CAN-1 an NES-USA/CAN-2 seem to appear whenever they feel like in late releases. Possible that Nintendo just forgot to throw out the outdated -1's at some point in history and they made their way into later 1993 / early 1994 boxes...so don't be surprised if you ever see a -1 in a late late box.
  12. ThePhleo


    >_> Between this and the @Richardhead becoming a homewrecker thing... I'm almost certain VGS has been taken over by AI. @T-Pac we need your expert opinion.
  13. Hypothetical Scenario: Your daughter goes and steals money out of your wallet after your son tells her he’ll drive her to the mall to buy stuff as long as he gets some cash out of it too. As a parent you’d be upset with both of them, and blame your son for encouraging her, and even bribing her with fun.
  14. A good portion of regular guys will just (rightly) kick your ass. So, you have a bodybuilder, a cop, and a literal psychopath as your self-made enemies. Body builder will likely just kick your ass. The Psycho is liable to kill you. But the Cop? That's a nightmare scenario if he has any seniority at all. Also, all three of these woman are highly likely to get whipped (or even killed) themselves. Like, is it really that hard to download Tinder? You said you're a fit guy, right?
  15. I mean, ok you do you in that front. But, karma is a bitch and the three dudes you're describing sound almost like the stereotypical dude you DON'T want to piss off by screwing their wives.
  16. You were cheated on, and decided to let not one, but three other dudes go through those same feelings? wat? And at your age you aren't being messing with a 10 year marriage, you're messing with a marriage that spans a couple decades now. Jesus man...at least get them after the divorce.
  17. Also, there's No ™/® Oval SoQ variants as well. But I can't even remember right now which games they are. Also, for the completionists sake, you have the Oval one that's in Spanish for "World Games" in the USA library.
  18. My rule of thumb is "Can you reasonably expect it to see it at a garage sale one day" If it fails that general rule, then it's not a rare game.
  19. My secret's out! I've been manipulating the Samson market since 2011!
  20. Nah, they have those weird greek alphabet ratio things that calculate this stuff for them and they like to pretend it's just supply/demand so us "normies" can think the world is ezpz. I WANNA SEE THIS DEFAULTGEN...I WANT TO SEE THIS
  21. I think you need to plot price trends on a 3D membrane graph to make full sense of the hobby as a whole. Current Notoriety + Current Scarcity = Current Price I bet there would be some nice sensible peaks and valleys in a graph like this that would give you a "eureka" moment. Like, Little Samson isn't super rare, but it is currently pretty scarce...and very notorious so it has a high price. Firehouse Rescue on the other hand is VERY rare, but not talked about at all so it has very little motivating it to push upwards.......Super mario bros. is EXTREMELY common, but also EXTREMELY rare in (conditionally speaking) in nice condition and EXTREMELY talked about so it's "the grail" in mint condition. Actually, scratch that...you also need to add a fourth dimension to represent condition as well...so include colors to represent condition.
  22. Oh! I was just hyped up to denounce my favorite president everyone loves :V They're all strange people really...it takes a special type of person to want to lead an entire country.
  23. FDR was fortunate to leave a legacy by being a wartime president and used his executive powers to spearhead spending that we're still paying for to this very day. Overall he was a very racist and terrible human being though. He nominated Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. A known KKK member He established concentration camps (just like Hitler!) for Japanese-American's during WW2 He refused to acknowledge Jesse Owens and other black athletes after the 1936 Olympics. Jesse Owens even said "Hitler didn't snub me. It was our President who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram" He was a known anti-Semite, and refused to help the Jews, Romani, and gay during and after WW2. The New Deal & WW2 increased U.S. debt by almost 800% But yeah, the New Deal was a good thing overall...but again, we're still paying for it to this day. In fact, we haven't paid a single cent down of U.S. debt since I think, Calvin Coolidge...every administration since his has added debt, again, meaning to this day we're carrying 100 year old debt forward.
  24. HEY! This is America, we get to choose between an old man with memory problems, and an old man with legal issues.
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