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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Indeed - improvised/made from a paper match. Really poplular until head shops became common and you could buy much better alternatives.
  2. I preferred their earlier stuff (pre Starship) much more. And i may be only one here who not only knows what a "jefferson airplane" was but used them on several occasions. The good old days!
  3. Bring out your worst wretched films!
  4. If you are still in touch with the unhappy parents you might explain to them it was not your choice and suggest they talk to the manager to express their dissatisfaction. No offense, but their input will likely carry more weight than yours. And they have the option of going over her head whereas it might be precarious for you to do so.
  5. As I said - it has many of the hallmarks of an urban legend - this may well be one in a nascent stage. (And while it takes on the trappings of a joke, like any good lampoon it has a decidedly barbed point to it.)
  6. One of the many threads here I don't follow! I just find it sad that all of the responders on reddit seemed to have gotten suckered in by it. (I think the OP may have known it was bogus since he says "if this is real". The ebay message has a lot of hallmarks of any good urban legend - lots of people get suckered in by those too. (Don't get me wrong - I like a good urban legend as well as the next person - lost a kidney to a hooker that way once!) I have a few books on the history of urban legends - pretty fascinating stuff in it's own way.
  7. I just came across this thread on reddit. No one seems to have snapped to the fact that the original twitter post (created from an "ebay message") was a lampoonish/satirical jab at the collecting greed/mania that we are all familiar with. I pointed this out in a somewhat obtuse reference - I suspect that it also will go over a lot of heads.
  8. I have been in touch with a couple of sellers (one several times) and been able to send/receive messages with no trouble.
  9. I had several packages coming yesterday - by 8:00 pm they hadn't showed so I went to bed (I generally read for a bit and then go to sleep - I generally wake up between 3 and 4 am). I got up at 11:30 to get a drink of water and checked my chromebook - the mail had been delivered at 9:12 pm so I put on my pajamas and went out and retrieved it. (Kudos to the mail person for sticking it out - the post office has too big of routes since this happens at least once every two weeks. Or maybe not enough back up people) Anyway one of the packages was from Mexico and required a signature so that one went back to the Post Office - i got a notification to take in. My post office is supposed to be open at 8:30 so I decided to be proactive and get there right at that time. I was third in line and they didn't raise the large gate that covers the service stations. A few minutes before 9 we could hear an announcement for employees not to sign in before 9. Finally a couple minutes after 9 they raised the gate. The employee that was there (normally there are at least 3) explained that all of the people who were supposed to open called in sick - I am guessing they were the more senior people and all wanted a 4 day weekend with the holiday on Monday. Apparently there was no back up plan for this eventuality other to ensure that none of the people who were arriving signed in early.
  10. Meet Cashnip - the cash cow, er, cash cat!
  11. Just start calling your wife Rose (or Sally) and she can start calling you Lord Haw Haw...........
  12. I love this book series - I just got this in:
  13. Don't we have an adult section for that kinda talk?..............
  14. From what I have read you need a couple since they are pretty much a herd animal. But they look adorable.
  15. I guess there are worse critters to have live in your city. https://www.yahoo.com/news/capybaras-move-residential-area-argentina-182051122.html Actually they are supposed to make pretty good pets.
  16. Are you right or left handed? I am right handed but can do a fair amount with my left. My father was truly ambidextrous - which was really useful for a construction worker who did a lot of carpentry.
  17. Nectaris is pretty engaging - lotta gameplay since there are 104 scenarios - that often play out as puzzles as well as strategy ones. Kronos often gets a bad rap since it somewhat off putting since it is pretty complex and you really have to pay attention to what you are doing. The battles are real lengthy - sometimes for a few hours. All of the battles are under fog of war (an attribute I really dislike) and on large battlefields so it is hard to plan out an overall strategy. A few things I like about it are that the air units have some limitations so they don't become overwhelming - and there is no way to achieve air superiority over the whole battlefield; the naval units play an important part but again they don't overwhelm the game and there is a nice rail system with rail guns that takes some getting used to - but they can help turn the tide of battle. I can see where someone who wasn't very deep into strategy games wouldn't like it - but for fans of the genre it is A#1.
  18. https://www.timesnews.net/news/local-news/thanks-obama-obama-blamed-for-kingsport-counterfeiting/article_744927ab-bc2f-5272-baa3-83ad7836e017.html From another article it seems she read about Obama saying it was OK to print your own money on a satire website (and apparently was too clueless to realize it).
  19. The first car I drove wasn't mine - my father was an excellent backyard mechanic and he would get in trends of buying several of one type of vehicle and keeping a bunch of junkers of the same for parts to keep those running. When I started driving he was into Pontiacs (Catalinas, Star Chiefs and Bonnevilles). The one I drove the most was a '63 powder blue Bonneville convertible with a 389. Even after he replaced the four barrell with a two barrel the thing still moved like a bat out of hell. The first car I bought with my own money was a 1960 Fiat 600 - had a 26 horse power engine with an 800 pound body. Would not go over 45 miles an hour. Got terrific gas mileage though - in an era when gas was super cheap.
  20. Have you played Master of Monsters (Genesis), Brigandine (PS1), Dark Wizard (Sega CD) and Nectaris (PS1)? Battle Worlds Kronos (Switch) is extremely deep and very engaging. One of the few console strategy games where the AI is not dumber than a box of rocks.
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