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Everything posted by Californication

  1. This would never have happened if three of Supreme Court justices were selected by presidents that won the most votes. Edit: Matter-of-fact when will the Supreme Court be overturning the electoral college since it's not in the Constitution? Someone file an amicus brief, I'll hold my breath.
  2. They're just getting started. And really the saddest thing after all the damage these rulings are going to directly cause people, is that the rule of law is a joke. There is no consistency to these rulings and they are politically driven to bring out Republican voters. These people hate America.
  3. @Driftwood please no more mass eye rolls, I won't be able to sleep tonight, worrying about them.
  4. So the Republican Supreme Court essentially says states cannot restrict gun laws i.e. New York at the same time they says that states have the right to restrict abortion. Trash. #Why do Republicans Hate Children
  5. A few years ago I would have whole heartedly disagreed with the complaints about the Fed, but after the last two years I have moved over some. The Fed has single handedly re-aligned the economy for decades and we are only seeing pieces of the damage they have done. That being said a decentralized currency is not the way. The same people that benefited the most from Fed decisions are the same people that would benefit the most from a decentralized currency.
  6. It sounds like you're saying that there are other options to decoupling currency from governments and that that is a positive thing. The issue with decoupling currency from government is that government provides regulation which protect people. Since bitcoin has avoided the same regulatory scrutiny as banks what has resulted is massive number of scams and people being defrauded. For me this is evidence that this decoupling is a ridiculous and just another failed libertarian idea. Our banks used to be unregulated and it had horrible results including fly-by-night banks which is exactly what we have seen with these shit coins.
  7. Not sure what you are upset about. You made a long post comparing gold/oil mining to bit-coin mining and I responded by stating that gold/oil is not equal to bitcoin because of intrinsic value. The other issue is that you say that mining gold/oil does not create value, the asset must be sold. That is not true, gold and oil if held will appreciate over time because inflation occurs since the resources have intrinsic value. Bitcoin does not have intrinsic value.
  8. Gold and oil are natural resources and have intrinsic value. Their intrinsic value is based on the fact that they have real world applications. Secondly, you do realize that mining for natural resources and mining for bitcoin are two very different things right? Bitcoin marketers adopted the word mining although it makes no sense they same way they adopted the word currency. Bitcoin has no value, the process of "mining" is masturabatory. It does nothing except try and create a basis for calculating value.
  9. PS1 Adventures of Lomax Rayman Metal Slug x R-type Delta R-types Einhander Zanac x Zanac Sexy Parodius
  10. All of that is after the fact that the money to pay for miners expenses has to come from some where and the system does not generate any type of revenue. This eco-system is essentially functioning like wiley coyote running off a cliff and not looking down. It's amazing how many educated people are getting bamboozled.
  11. The issue is that the system does not generate any value and cannot sustain itself without more incoming money. You guys sound like you actually believe in this stuff and I am not sure how you get past that fundamental problem.
  12. Nes Lone Ranger Dragon Fighter Ninja Gaiden ll Zelda Contra Darkwing Duck SMB3 Shadow of the Ninja Kick Master Battle City Castlevania lll Life Force Bubble Bobble
  13. Has anyone ever seen Opt Out and Mr. Beaker in the same room?
  14. Mmmmm. I'm in the job market. What I am seeing is jobs with a lot of experience available, mid-tier not so much. I've heard anactodal stuff from various people that hiring is slowing.
  15. The covid crash was the fastest recovery in history because the fed. We didn't see the same damage we saw in '08. The fed can't do that again, they are struggling with the 7 trillion they dumped. Edit: Also, an upcoming recession would be following two years of prices exploding and a saturation of the reseller market. '08 and a new recession would be apples and oranges.
  16. Game prices are fuk. Don't understand why people keep forgetting the two years before covid although we've had this conversation half a dozen times. The tax changes were the first punch, decrease in disposable income is the second, there are already people jogging for the exit.
  17. After watching the Electric Underground review, I'll be going with the standard U.S. release. The LRG VHS box looks great imo, but I don't think this is going to go down as one of my fav games to play.
  18. Yay! I'm sure there will be a new episode of Scam economy coming out b/c of this.
  19. Signature Edition Games in last place. https://signatureeditiongames.com/search?q=teenage&type=product
  20. Think I am going to go with the VHS version. Even if I wanted to spend $250, I don't have the space.
  21. That's excessive. Gonna be hard to pass up.
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