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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. I got a new batch of those carts, @Tanooki also hu etc. Indeed to document what I've got. Actually I've been so busy in recent days, I've gotten a lot of things but they just keep piling up, some not so even in my inventory yet. Here's just a few recent finds: Some magazines and guides. Unfortunately the N64 one has some growth on it, so it's likely going in the bin. A Taiwanense 3DO risk, and some old Mario 3 pencil cases. Famicom and Famiclone games. There's a huge mess of titles, about 1/3 I can't get to work and need intensive cleaning. Here's the super rare one, Super Ping Pong. It's a FDS game converted to cartridge, unbelievably rare, I actually doubted it's existence for about eight years. Unfortunately mine has glitched graphics, can probably be repaired.
  2. Yeah I'm doubly screwed I guess. Actually I think there's still a lot of growth in the stuff I primarily collect, especially when I'm manufacturing the growth
  3. Here's a history of EA: https://segaretro.org/Electronic_Arts As they started out with PC games, then unlicensed Sega games, plus as they did their own manufacturing with plants in both Taiwan and Puerto Rico, it seems obvious to me that the seals might not be the same as a licensed Sega game would have. I mean, are Color Dreams games sealed the same way as the licenced ones?
  4. I hate lager though, strong lager us rough. If we were talking Abby ales though, dubbels or triples or quads I still do like that painting your in-laws have, haha. Throw in the extra house and it's a deal
  5. Set up a go fund me for 30 K, I'll do that; if it's new I keep the money, but I'll send the game to someone on VGS, if it's resealed, all the money donates to VGS.
  6. I beg your pardon, am I the one generally shitting on grading? I rarely even view the grading/ sealed forum, of course I think the whole thing isn't organic, but there are much much larger mouths than mine speaking opinions about grading. I said a few years back I'd sell Madden for about 35-50K is what I was asking, IIRC. In recent years my philosophy has been that if I see a game that I don't have, for a platform I collect, for a decent price, in the wild -- I buy it, document it, and shelve it. That's why I have this one. 5K isn't enough for me to sell, I've likely paid four figures for games before, that sort of money isn't life-changing. Five or six could be though, hence why I've even dusted this one off. Is it just because it's convenient for me? Well who knows, I listed it for grabs years ago since it doesn't really fit into my collection.
  7. Yeah, I know. But it followed his theme of "shitty attitudes".
  8. Unfortunately, the "expert" is about to get a history lesson soon.
  9. On a different, yet related note, a few further questions to ask: #1: Does anyone know where in the process games are sealed? Before being shipped off, or assembled and shrinked upon arrival in destination country of sale? #2: Does anyone have pictures of other EA cardboard and clamshell sealed games? I'd like to see pics of both, the more the merrier, please post.
  10. That shit attitude? That's rich, coming from the guy begging me to send his game non flat rate box back in 2014 or whatever, just so you could save $0.50, when I specifically stated in my sale thread everything was going out flat rate, and under market price, as I didn't have time to fart around with things since I was only home for a week. You want to talk about shit attitudes, that was definitely one of them.
  11. Right, says the guy that was quick to message me about buying it, then backed off after I said I didn't know the value but would consider selling it. From my end of it, here are the facts: #1: I bought this game at a prominent toy shop that was in the city since the Atari days. #2: None of the other games the shop had were sealed. #3: The shrink-wrap used on this one is the same style as legit shrink-wrap, it's not the hard crinkly kind that the local shops would use if shrinking games. #4: Considering bootlegs and Japanese games were never even shrink-wrapped, why bother shrinking this one particular game, only, and then seek out a proper style shrink-wrap to go with? #5: It definitely wasn't resealed to trick folks into thinking it was new, considering where it came from, that would be nuts. Finally though, here is the piece of evidence that confirms to me that this is a legit sealed copy, and it's sort of the smoking gun. Those that think it isn't legit (Jone even said he wasn't sure either way in our DMs) better come up with evidence as to why this isn't legit, as being legit seems to be much more in the realm of realism, given the following: Electronic Arts did their manufacturing of Sega games in Taiwan, and they also sold their USA games in Taiwan. This is fact, 100%. So that's how and why the game got here, it went from company to local shop for sale, brand spankin' new. That's why only this game was sealed, of all the possible titles that could have been "resealed", that's why the shrink-wrap doesn't match the kind that the local shopkeepers would use, etc. So if Jone feels that this is a reseal, I want hard, concrete evidence, otherwise he shouldn't be spouting off nonsense, especially when potentially large amounts of money are in play.
  12. Heading back from a music gig, about a two mile walk from mine. Took a piss near the science museum.
  13. Yeah, well this piece of shit ABC broke quarantine to visit his shag piece last September, only got a slap on the wrist. F, I lost much more money in pay due to selfish idiots like him.
  14. No, the problem is that the old aren't doing anything, and that's why we're looking at a potential lockdown again. Accountability and responsibility, damn I sound like a broken record. Why are we even making sacrifices for those that don't want/ care about this?
  15. Well we're required to wear a mask while jogging in a park, or even worse, while cycling alone in the countryside. Yet masks aren't required for huge-ass indoor fancy-schmancy round table dinners.
  16. South Africa did the right thing by reporting the omicron variant, despite the initial repercussions and bans placed on them. China tried to shift the blame against them elsewhere during the initial outbreak, then the WHO refused to listen to warnings and concerns from Taiwan. Heck, why was the latest virus termed omicron? Isn't there a Greek letter we're oddly missing? Fauci bought into all of that early shit, that makes him equally as guilty as the others. If the WHO would have been a non-biased organisation this pandemic would have been over a long time ago, with half as many deaths.But the whole thing is just politics and China. Talk about hate crimes, well racism isn't a crime, but the "No foreigners allowed" signs are starting to pop up again in shop / restaurant windows in northern Taiwan, as the local governments sneakily shifted the blame for the latest outbreaks back on foreigners, mostly SEA ones. Now I love Taiwan, but you guys gotta remember that such prejudices and racism occur everywhere, and most often it's caused by fear and ignorance. Taiwan isn't a particularly violent society, so it generally stops at racist acts, but it's essentially the same.
  17. I'm not referring to China in the last part you quoted, regarding breeding intolerance, I'm referring to Taiwan policies, though I'm sure it's similar in some other countries.
  18. In the end such policies just act as breeding grounds for intolerance, hatred, and prejudice.
  19. I mean, if you know that you were to have a 95% chance of contracting aids from having sex with person "A", would you do it? The situation here is extremely similar, the policies in place were made knowing that after the holidays there is an excellent chance the island will be in lockdown. Why not try to prevent it from getting to this point if you know the current policies will likely bring it about? Idiots.
  20. Apples to mangoes, but I feel the same way about those dumbos too. The situation that is currently happening where I am is akin to if every American with German ancestry flew over to Germany during the Christmas holiday and were let in, despite growing up in / living in the States for decades. Then to top it off, the German government says only these "Germans" can come into the country, the borders are closed to everyone else. Everyone goes nuts over the holidays, spreading the disease that they brought in, and then they leave again after the holidays, forcing the government to lockdown again, hitting the same hapless folks in certain industries again. And what would have been gained from it all? A couple nice family dinners, a week of celebration in exchange for outbreaks out the ass. It's nuts, short-sighted, and everyone knows it. Unless the government accepts a non-zero case policy, they're setting themselves up for a big mess.
  21. Regarding potatoes, hash browns were sadly the ones that has been removed from McDonald's here, for a few months.
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