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Everything posted by B.A.

  1. You can buy medicine for 400 bells from timmy/tommy that fixes your eye.
  2. At least I had the decency to be defeated by someone other than fox!
  3. Well this game has officially pissed me off. I decided to buy it and let my 6 year old start the account. Now the only progress that can be made is on his account. He just wants to run around and build garbage furniture like barbells. Very annoying that I can't use my character who was created 2nd to actually do anything, just put stuff in my house and collect materials. Dumb...
  4. I'd be free tonight or tomorrow night if anyone else is game.
  5. FYI, he ships the posters with TP included in the poster tube!!! That's like using $100 bills as packing material
  6. I'd be down to try a live game either some friday or saturday night after my kids go to sleep. Or now I'm next to my computer all day working from home, so I could probably swing an afternoon.
  7. Yes this will accomplish something, it pushes the peak of infections from 6 weeks out to maybe 10 weeks. Will that make a giant difference on the grand scheme of things? Maybe, though I don't see the hospital situation being drastically different in 4 extra weeks. The point is that guy who got exposed a week ago and doesn't know he has it is still preparing your Chinese takeout, still stocking the grocery store shelves, still doing bank tellery things, and all the other jobs that are called "essential".
  8. Sure if the testing were better perhaps this would have some effect. The way it is now lots of people are walking around with it and don't know it because it takes two weeks to show symptoms. Of course don't go out if you are sick, but the weeks before that those people were still going out. This is the worst of both worlds. The goal of stopping the spread won't be accomplished and the economy will be wrecked.
  9. Minnesota's governor just gave the stay at home order. Thing is 80% of businesses are considered essential. This will stop nothing, the same amount of people will still get it because there are still so many places exempt where people interact with each other.
  10. Yeah, if all the direction and dialogue is given via text. Essentially would my kids who aren't yet strong readers know what they are doing?
  11. I can perhaps concede that point, though the search is so awful it may as well be gone. Either way, no point in keeping it open to new posts with the way it has been setup and maintained.
  12. They really should just pull the plug entirely on NA at this point. That place is just plain sad.
  13. Happy b-day man! I don't understand the dread for 40, you are the same person as you said. Plus be happy that you still have some grandparents, that's not bad for 40!
  14. Because the government doesn't care if a small business goes under, because on a macro level the economy will keep on going. Fair or not, it's just a fact.
  15. Joy-Con drift is a known problem on the Switch. I have been having a ton of issues with mine lately, I'm getting pretty sick of it! I have 4 sets of these things and I have replaced the thumb stick on all of them. They didn't all have issues, but I figured what the hell if I was doing half of them might as well just keep going. I did this about 2 months ago, and now a couple are starting to act up again. Have any of you experienced problems with yours? Just ranting because while I'm locked in my house it would be nice if my stupid controllers would work at least!
  16. They were saying they were exempt from the mandatory closures. The rules don't apply to them.
  17. How does it work exactly? We all need to be online or we wait until someone logs in to take their turn?
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