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Everything posted by SuperJimtendo

  1. That is really really rad. 10/10 the feel good story of the year
  2. I am not backing up any of the kickle stuff or anything else that I've drawn and posted on na. That being said every drained I did for the contest this year is compiled into a binder and will be given away with the rest of the grand prize box to whoever wins the whole shebang. Unless I win, in which case you all will have to send me something neat lol.
  3. All my stuff is packed away but I'll get some pics when I can for you
  4. Where's brock at? He lurking around here? I need to know, FOR SCIENCE! Anyone seen him? The name change thread that I'm too lazy to read?
  5. My all time favorite anime is Azumanga Daioh. If you've never seen the Kaiju big battel wrestling league that's always fun! Can't say I have any modern suggestions for you though.
  6. So, a million years ago I was super into the Simpsons. These days not so much. A by product of that Era is some collectibles I aquired and now wish to rid myself of. I'm too lazy to post new pictures so here's the Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1806045119542185/ Really only posting so you nuts can see these things. I'll probably put them on eBay after Halloween And try my Luck there. Enjoy.
  7. Gen one is the only gen I really care about but i really dug feraligatr in gen two and more recently I've grown fond of alolan vulpix and litten.
  8. Settle it like men! One 1-hour round of kickle cubicle. Furthest progression wins!
  9. One of my favorite aspects of pokemon is that everyone has their favorite. You make think it's the dumbest pokemon ever, But someone out there loves it. That makes my Negative little heart happy. (Ignore the paint. That purple ganon on the other site came with a price)
  10. You know when your leg falls asleep? That's what seltzer tastes like
  11. Dusty’s commentary in wcw was also comedy gold more often than not. Couldn't tell you when exactly when it was but jbl on commentary talking about great Champs from Texas and mentioned Justin hawk Bradshaw which made me giggle pretty hard
  12. @Richardhead made me drink an energy drink tonight. I haven't had caffeine since January. And I don't fuck with energy drinks In general because of an incident a few years back. So not only am I gonna be bouncing off the walls causing mischief all night now. I'm already getting jittery, and headache. And maybe even talking too fast.2 hours left of the shift! So.... What is your go-to "gamer fuel"? For me Gatorade zero gets me through my longer days. Preferably the lemon - lime. It tastes just like regular yellow Gatorade but without the sugar and calories. It's fantastic.
  13. For serious though, I'm having more fun in this moment than I have had in months on na. So thanks glovesie and everyone else involved in this.
  14. Thank you zoidberg. I see your why not and i agree!
  15. What about a friends/rivals option? I really just want something special without having to do anything special for it.
  16. Wata minute here.... Gloves was called new guy and became a mod and is running this ship. 8bit was called new guy and came in 1st over all. Gaia got called new guy and won the only week they competed in..... There's magic in that title. Shit.
  17. I’ve been playing child of light. Its a turn based rpg. Pretty light hearted but deep. And the visuals are pretty good.
  18. I have a pretty hefty ghostbusters collection. i also collect transformers figures.
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