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Everything posted by SuperJimtendo

  1. We need @Murray to handle the proper simpsonian response to this.
  2. We're officially a week away! What kind of prep has everyone been doing?
  3. Everyone here knows that simply is not within my wheel house of Capabilities. But I do bring other things to the table.
  4. 20 more days! Get hype! That's only 2-10s away! 4 whole 5s and we'll be stompin the Goombas!
  5. today's question is how do you all feel about some random prize giveaways this season?
  6. I don't know what this means but it sounds like an awesome fit.
  7. A modest collection. Not pictured is an NES copy of Saturn Smash that I forgot to pull out.
  8. Today's question is what do you plan to accomplish in the year ahead? Contest related or otherwise?
  9. So in April 2022 we had a wonderful 6 ft blizzard. And again in November. The coldest I've seen in -30 with -50 windchill. But yeah the money is quite worth it and the cost of living is so low. My rent is a third of anything I could have got in denver for the size place I've got.
  10. Yup sure did! I play nerf wars with moisty once a month but that's about it these days.
  11. Not anywhere near as exciting as having a kid but I started a new job and got promoted. Haven't bought anything game related, did buy a new vehicle though.
  12. THAT! Is amazing. Congratulations duders. That's the good shit right there.
  13. Alright so we got about a month now until we start. Let's pass the time. Tell me one good thing that happened to you and show me a picture of your favorite purchase from 2022.
  14. I could probably go back and check but I am lazy and old. But I'm pretty sure that SMB was the first game in the first year contest that I played in.
  15. from the frozen tundra a legend was unearthed. Summoned by a tapeworms threat of retirement. After 3 seasons (mostly) away. The menace returns.
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