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Everything posted by chromableedstudios

  1. If Tetris is expensive compared to cave pcbs in your book please direct me to the hookup! (yaj, eoj and some of the arcade suppliers seem to have had the best deals I've seen so far)
  2. If you are going to use examples, maybe less contrived ones than band members would be good? Let's call the lockout chip and seal what they are: a form of DRM used to ensure Nintendo got their share of the $ So are jailbroken iPhone games not iPhone games? 'Nintendo games' on its own really just describes a game that works on a platform.
  3. The word 'actual' seems to imply you either think they are imaginary or less than? Personally I look at a game like Battle Kid, and think, that game is probably better than a third of the licenced set. Seems pretty actual to me.
  4. What do you alls setups look like? I'm pretty space limited for cabs so sharing a computer desk in my kitchen
  5. @retrousb any chance of a few more? Thanks
  6. I'd really like to grab a copy too, sold out?
  7. Yep! That mango one is pretty good. Voodoo is also a relatively short walk from ground kontrol worth checking out if you are in the area.
  8. The Portland one was pretty zany, people lined up around the block in the middle of the night. Good times.
  9. Pretty cool idea, are you on nesdev too? Seems like the kind of thing to folks over there might appreciate
  10. Maybe you guys could git some version control goin. Can really speed up merges on multi dev projects and come in handy when tracking down bugs.
  11. Thanks!! I appreciate the feedback and the examples.
  12. Sure! My ego is as fragile as the next so I appreciate you asking, if you are willing to share i'd love some feedback though. I wouldn't say this is my dream NES game yet, I just, you know, if I got hit by a bus tomorrow I didn't want to go out without having accomplished this life goal. That said, this branch of dev is only a few weeks old so hopefully I am not to precious with it. If I find time to continue my first thoughts were: -Throw out the general level scheme and try to understand how to go from a larger than single screen NES screen tool nam file to a proper vertical scrolling level(I've read through the whole meta tile bg thing but haven't had time to digest or test at all, something will click im hoping) - increase enemy variety and fix movement (need to figure how to get more sine wavy? Trigger spawn from map?) -figure out how to write the attributes properly? Ok this sounds really dumb, but I just took a 'game jam' kind of approach and glossed over anything that put up resistance to get to min viable product (I guess it's just nv ram like any other? Confused why nesst doesn't include the attributes in their generated c? Or maybe I'm using it wrong) -rate limiting the player fire a bit so the stars don't always overlap -I think there might be a bug where I forgot to clear the enemy bullet active flag between rounds -create own sfx, using shiru example ones now (thanks/sorry?) Whatchu got?
  13. Thanks!! Somewhere near the middle I wasn't sure if I'd ever ship something for NES. I recently restarted in c though--between that and a few more years of dev under my belt and I've had a bit more luck this go at it. I'm a bit of a noob at game dev generally, and even more so NES, but it has been fun learning and trying. I still need to learn quite a few things to get it to where it would feel like more than a demo, but I was pretty excited just to get a game loop, music, bounding box etc working.
  14. I always assumed he was some sort of mythical amalgamation of the Canadian cohort in the form of sentient code writing hockey gloves?
  15. Howdy. This is my Nintendoage origin story-ha Many year ago I stumbled across super Mario brothers clouds ( https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.coryarcangel.com/things-i-made/2002-001-super-mario-clouds&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjH94rDqK_mAhWDG80KHY8cAEoQFjAQegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw2KKqvKtd5gC54eU9vND99U ) And after seeing that decided I should make an Nes game (as it has been my favorite game console for most of my life), which led me to nesdev and nerdy nights... And the wealth of Homebrew and information and code shared by folks like shiru, tepples, memblers, Dougef, gg, bunnyboy and countless others has been inspiring and empowering to try and reach that goal. I'm not sure if this is the beginning or the end of this project, but here goes: a ghost named boo. Thanks! Change log: 12/16/19-Flintstone scroll Alt link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V4ZAPAp_lMnSVL4n0MW2uRYRtxs6fVdX/view?usp=drivesdk: booFlintstoneScroll.nes
  16. The na tos were pretty on the money. Although unfortunate, it isn't exactly suprising.
  17. I think shiru includes an asm RLE example with NES screen tool
  18. Howdy. You're the deep fried conspiracy meme dude, right??? Edit: maybe I'm thinking of someone else. Anyway, hi!
  19. Lot of good stuff mentioned already. Harvey birdman, attorney at law is pretty great and so is Venture brothers.
  20. On topics with any sort of depth that could be ten pages of discussion and opinion. I guess I grew up in the catb how to ask questions sort of forums where a technically correct but gruff answer is more typical than friendly chatter. That doesn't have to be every forum, but I think technical folks tend to lean that way. I guess my tldr is, I don't think it's particularly rude to point to the last five times a starting soldering iron thread was posted(get the fx888), not that you have to lock or anything (although without context sometimes tone is difficult to ascertain).
  21. Just my $.02 but allowing the same question over and over is a recipe for driving people that answer questions away and fragmenting the information into many places so it is harder to find. Edit: I haven't had a chance to poke around yet, but I'm missing nerdy nights and the list of local game stores, hope those migrate if they haven't already
  22. I tried to buy a game from them a couple years back. There were several copies on Amazon and I specifically choose jjgames because they had been on na... They cancelled my order without notice-- had triple listed a single item across three platforms and even though my order went through on Amazon they fulfilled someone else. When I tried to figure it what happened they had my thread locked. Mods refused to allow jj to respond publicly which didn't seem fair so I asked them to remove the thread. Jj did later respond to pm which is how I know it was multiply listed, and did offer a future discount to make things right... But the whole thing felt pretty shady since they cancelled a game they had listed again a few days later for almost double(even if that was just a new copy that came in or whatever).
  23. This sounds pretty iffy to me. I've never seen a resume like that make it past the HR bots. The statement about experience rings true though, so I imagine it makes more of a difference for the first job post degree.
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