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Everything posted by Tulpa

  1. I'm convinced some of those games were developed with short term playing sessions in mind and only have season/long modes because it was expected for sports games to simulate an actual sport's season.
  2. Same here. It was all the rage when it came out, but by the mid-to-late aughts (even before Spacey's issues came to light), most people I talked to about were like, "Oh, yeah, that movie. Why did we like it back then?" It was a heck of a breakout for Thora Birch. Too bad her dad derailed her career.
  3. Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness (the non-expansion game) also had heroes. They just didn't have unique voices like Beyond the Dark Portal, instead used the generic unit ones.
  4. To be honest, I'd rather debate the merits of including sprite hacks in a homebrew discussion than listen to Dave rant about how caravan shooter development is akin to writing short stories.
  5. Eh, some people remember different things. If the humor doesn't land with some people, I can see how they forget some of the things. I like Holy Grail, but I stand by my overrated statement. On top of that, the quotes from the movie get rather grating when it isn't one of the Pythons doing it. Yeah, you're not being funny just going "Ni!" all the time. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Yes, you. You know who you are.
  6. Pretty much what happens when you suddenly have shareholders.
  7. *queue Estil mentioning the Oscars snubbing The Wizard* *queue me indicating The Wizard won best picture the previous year under a different name*
  8. Far be it for me to step up in Code Monkey's defense ( ), but the two games he listed are on the page Seth linked, and I didn't see anything that said they weren't eligible. By Code Monkey Logictm they should qualify, no?
  9. They're cool for the story and the humor ("Why do you keep touching me?"), but they definitely show their age nowadays.
  10. Oh, I fully agree that going back to an older, clunkier RTS would not be ideal (especially in 2024), but at the time, it was "Okay, this is cool and more refined, but I'm kind of over WarStarOrcCraft style games."
  11. Same here. Loved the first two Warcrafts and the expansion to II, but I think I was burnt out on RTS Blizzard games when III came out. I don't even remember actually buying it, so I think it was a friend's copy or something.
  12. Frowned upon, but is it actually outlawed?
  13. Recca is a caravan shooter that also has a long format shooter form. So you can absolutely scale it up as Gloves has said.
  14. Well, yeah, I could say Reddit, Facebook, and any number of places that discuss homebrew games. Any actual discussion you can link to?
  15. Where's the link to this "ton of talk on other forums"?
  16. The whole thing is that you're trying to make it out to be an impenetrable barrier to entry. It's not. It's annoying, it's not good web design, but it is not the fortress you're exaggerating it to be. If you want to live your life in absolutes, fine, but be prepared to take some snark. I realize sarcasm is lost on you sometimes, but you know damn well what I mean.
  17. I see your bullet train and raise you a flamethrowing robot dog. Flamethrowing robot dog goes on sale in the US (msn.com) Also: Hey, Maryland VGSers, what's up with this?
  18. Way to be hyperbolic about it. I'm saying most customers don't care. They may be annoyed, but it's not this great barrier to entry you're making it out to be. It's a simple x. Yeah, I'm sure they're going to miss your one decision to not visit because you can't move your mouse three inches.
  19. And news and storefronts and blogs and... They're all wanting people to sign up for this and that.
  20. Do you only develop websites and not actually visit any? This is like half of the web now. Is it annoying? Yes. Are customers suddenly not using websites because of it? No, they click the x and move on.
  21. You mean like a greeter you see at tons of stores? Say, "No, thank you," (equivalent of clicking on the x) and carry on. It's not that hard.
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