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Everything posted by Jynx

  1. I sold my N64 and Game Cube many years ago, and have never bought them again. I've had the most trouble with scratches on Game Cube, and is why I stopped playing it very quickly. I bought two broken copies of three different games, and never got to play them because I wouldn't try again. Don't feel bad about going for it. I know it's hard to sell a collection though, as it feels bad before it feels good.
  2. It's a great concept with the three day cycle, but it's not really very fun to play. Majora's Mask has amazing story, dialogue, characters, music, mood, and unsettling imagery. Most of the time doing the objectives though, it's bothersome and annoying to play. 3D Zelda struggles to make exciting gameplay, and I think Ocarina of Time does a better job of making interesting individual rooms and puzzles. If you like story and can put up with frustrating gameplay, than Majora's Mask is one of the best games ever. For gameplay it's hard to recommend.
  3. If Nintendo were to do another movie after Detective Pikachu and Super Mario, Animal Crossing is probably next. New Horizons has almost sold 40 million copies, which has far outsold the combined sales of Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. Animal Crossing is big stuff these days, and it's a kid friendly series with lots of freedom to write a new story around.
  4. I said it for Sypha fans, but I totally agree! I never care about the story in Castlevania. I only notice in Castlevania 3 because it's unskippable before the credits. I have played the Iga-vania titles on GBA and DS so many times, and have never read the story even on a first playthrough. Circle of the Moon is non-canon, so the timeline is bad for not counting the best hunk of the series Nathan Graves. Since I mentioned it, I'll off topic my own thread and complain about Castlevania Judgement. It's fun and underrated, but what's with the list of characters? No Nathan Graves No Soma Cruz No Christopher Belmont No Charlotte Jonathon Charlotte Jonathon Charlotte Jonathon Charlotte Jonathon No Richter Belmont You CAN play as a Golem for some reason though! Why not redesign and re-introduce Christopher Belmont as something more than a Simon clone for a goofy spin-off? : (
  5. Even though Alucard will always be my favourite, I'll point out to Sypha fans something that they'll like! Konami has mentioned many times that it is canon that Trevor Belmont is married to Sypha, which makes her ending the canonical ending of Castlevania 3.
  6. Maybe I'm just crazy then. Alucard makes the two stages after him much easier. The only hard parts of the water stage are during the flooding, and both sections are made easy by flying with Alucard. If you were really crazy, you'd go that route and leave Alucard behind. I beat it that way once years ago, and told myself "never again." I also like Alucard's ending the best, so I always would rather see my favourite ending.
  7. Castlevania 3 on NES is such a good game, and part of it is due to the different ways you can play! Who is your favourite ally to take? (Or do you go alone!) What route do you prefer to take? How do you play Castlevania 3? Let's also leave out arguing over the Famicom version. Import people like import things, and we understand. ^_^ My favourite route for Castlevania 3 is to keep the axe for the first four stages down the Alucard path. I keep the axe until I beat Alucard and get him to join. Then I go down to the water stage with the bone dragon boss, because it has the best song in the game. From there it's a straight path to Dracula. A lot of people say it's the hardest route, but I've had practice with it. The axe is really good until you get the cross in the water stage. It's best to keep it for the next stage, as the fight with the mummies, cyclops and demon is impossible with the axe.
  8. The only one I played was Battle Network 5, and I really liked it! Though I had no idea the fusion system was in the game, and never once used it. I remember really liking certain chips, such as early on the Guardian chip was powerful, and I did a lot of grinding for Z sabers and Yo-Yos. Nebula Grey was a very fun final boss. The Liberation Missions were great too! I looked forward to them each time. I was turned away from the other games when I found out they were only in the fifth one. Maybe I played an early revision of the game, but I remember being shocked at how many script errors there were. so many typos!
  9. I have never once been drunk my entire life! I don't need to be inebriated to make bad decisions.
  10. I gave you a wow emote because I'm wondering how big is your CRT! I have a little 13 inch.
  11. Thanks! I looked up on Youtube to see if there was a world record video where the points roll over, and there is a guy who got close to five million points. He rolled the score over four times! His score rolled over during a stage though, so his stopped at a different number that's lower than the full max. I think I got lucky, because it looks like the only way to get the full max score is to have your score loop over at the end of a bonus stage, as the points rapidly count up. That's what happened to me, and I even took photos of it happening. They were on my phone though, so they aren't good quality. (I used a real camera for the one I posted) I paused right in front of the final balloon to get my camera. The arrow is pointing at my lives to prove I had two left.
  12. I did something I've tried to do for years, and reached the maximum score on Balloon Fight! I normally don't think of score attack games as having an ending, but I think I can count Balloon Fight as being beaten. I could have played more, but I chose to let my character lose after getting the max score. I only died one time before getting the max score, but there was a lot of wild dodging to make it happen. I wish I had it recorded.
  13. I made my own thread now, but this was ordered two weeks ago before I started my thread. This was the successful purchase that made me want to buy NES games in the box. I don't like to spend more than $150 Canadian on any game, so I try to shop under that amount. That makes many games I love too expensive in the box, so I've never seriously tried before. I saw a boxed NES game that would normally be too expensive in interesting condition, and put it on my watch list. The seller sent me a really good offer, and after shipping and tax I bought a boxed Balloon Fight for $149.81 Canadian! ($110.59 US) Isn't it strange and neat? For such an amazing price, who am I to complain about fading? It taught me to look into flawed copies of games, as good deals can happen with them. Balloon Fight was one of the five games I owned for NES the first time I had one as a little kid. It's one of my favourite NES games, and my favourite of all black box games. I'm also pretty good at it!
  14. The ones you still want are very expensive I'm guessing?
  15. Post Removed: Ready for locking of Thread.
  16. I have made this thread too quickly, and got carried away with my excitement about collecting with other collectors. I am deleting this thread, as I can't afford to buy a boxed NES game every week. NES in the box is more expensive than games I normally shop for, so I will have to do this slowly. Sorry to those who enjoyed it. I will post in the main show off thread from now on, and keep things fun by not shopping too quickly. The excitement of other collectors like me had me not think straight, and the thread made it feel like there was pressure to keep buying. I don't think there are even 52 NES games I want in the box. Please someone with the ability, lock the thread from further posts. I will remove the other posts too.
  17. This is my third broken Zapper! I'm going back to the store today and I'm going to insist they let me do some tests to find out if my cartridge, the TV, or the gun is the problem. (Yes, I have a CRT) The nicer employees are working there today, so they should let me. The other guy that works there is a complete jerk, and has sold me all three of these. I'm going to try and get them all exchanged too if they're the issue.
  18. Bayou Billy 1CC: No Training Mode Bonuses! I made it through the second shooting stage without dying for the first time, and it makes stage 8 so much easier like others said. I still only had one life at the end of the game, but it still counts! ^_^ I almost don't want to say this, but I think Bayou Billy is my new favourite Konami NES game. I hate to say it because lots of my favourite games end up being ones that need a lot of explaining why I like them, to the point where it's better to not bring it up. When I try to explain, people either don't care or still don't understand. I'd love to get a working Zapper, because it'd make the game so much better. I've bought two broken ones.
  19. Many people also hang on to lots of missiles, which is a bad idea. Unlike later Metroids where missiles are built mainly for bosses, missiles are very important for taking out normal enemies just to make it through the maze. Don't be afraid to use them!
  20. I didn't go into much detail, so now I will. I enjoy many things about the first two games that were done less good in later games. Maybe I'm just better at this, but the maps of Metroid 1 and 2 aren't very confusing. When you're playing, you learn and remember your way around just by remembering. Metroid is also best played without continuing. When I was learning to play the game for the first time in my 20s, I realized that once you die it's best to just start the whole game again. Metroid is a short game, so replaying from the start takes almost as much time as grinding for health and missiles. Each time you play, you want to figure out how to get a little farther, until you make it to the next E-Tank. The best trick is to save one of the early E-tanks for the end, when you're about to go down to where the Metroids live. Continuing in Metroid also makes you less familiar with the maze, as you forget where things were. By playing from the start repeatedly, you will remember the maze more quickly. I feel like many people who call themselves Metroid fans only really like Super Metroid, the first Metroid Prime, and Metroid Zero Mission. People who come to the series later on tend to notice the problems of Super Metroid and Metroid Prime. The fanbase as a whole isn't one of my favourites.
  21. I enjoyed learning and finishing the game years ago, but I've never gone back to it and forget how to play it now. It's a rough game despite its fame. Metroid didn't get really good until Metroid 2 on Game Boy. That one is still my favourite.
  22. It's been a phase going crazy with Konami, but it's been fun. I grew up with an NES, collected cartridges in my early teens, and later again in my mid twenties. Collecting in the box is new for me, but it helps to know which classics you don't want ahead of time before you spend a lot on them. An exciting package is at customs, and it's what made me decide to start collecting NES in the box. I hope it comes next week!
  23. Sorry to post twice, but I have planned out which boxed NES Konami games to buy. After that I would like to build my boxed NES collection further, and stop only buying Konami games. I had lots of fun playing and researching their later years, but now I am in love with the NES again. Here's the plan! Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Super C Life Force Track & Field Stinger Rush n Attack Jackal The Adventures of Bayou Billy Blades of Steel Gyruss That makes a nice set of ten that I will love. I am going to sell my copies of Base Wars, Metal Gear, and Double Dribble. I paid very little for them, so I will likely make all the money back and more.
  24. Some mail deliveries! I ordered these a long time ago, and they arrived today! Not counting Hudson's Deca Sports Freedom, these were the Kinect games that Konami made. There is little information on Adrenalin Misfits, which is true of many Konami games from 2009 and 2010. I heard Adrenalin Misfits doesn't work well, but Dance Masters is one of the best Kinect exclusives. It's a spin-off to Dance Dance Revolution, and the European title is better. Their version is called "Dance Evolution", as it's an evolution on Dance Dance Revolution. I was an early buyer of the DSi, so I noticed when this game came out as a DSi exclusive. It was in bargain bins everywhere, but I still never bought it. I've finally bought it now that I'm looking into Konami's later years. The makers of this game also made "The Cages: Pro Style Batting Practice" on Wii. The company is called "Alpha-Unit", and like many things about 2009 and 2010 Konami, is hard to find information on. Foto Showdown The Cages The company went out of business at some point, but they made some interesting budget games. The Cages was very good, so hopefully Foto Showdown is too.
  25. Bayou Billy 1cc baby!! No game overs! ^_^ I used the training stages to get the meatball and extra life, and started playing. I have learned many tricks to beat the first three stages very easily, so they weren't bad. I got reckless on stage 4 driving, and lost two lives. I lost more lives in stage 5 and was on my last, but near the end got an extra one from points. I finished the level with two lives. I beat the city streets without dying, and got to stage 7 shooting. I always forget what to target first at the boss, and I still don't have a working Zapper to make it easy. Hitting the little man's knives is the most important thing while also shooting the machine gun man. I lost one life, and was on my last after beating the gun stage. I still had the recovery meat from training though, so I kind of had two lives. Meat only activates in street fighting stages, and dying in shooting or driving doesn't make you lose it. Without any weapons or vest for the shootout stage that ends with the dog tamer, I was playing very carefully. Somehow I forgot about the meat, and played as if I didn't have it. I managed to get weapons and a vest, and finish the whole stage with the meat! On the last stage if you go in with the vest and whip, there's really no way to lose at all so long as you play cowardly. On my last life I rescued Annabelle, and off camera during the credits we ate the meat. XD That should be a secret ending if you keep the meat the whole game. It's like Bonk's Adventure meat on bone where they eat the meat together like Lady and the Tramp and kiss in the middle. XD
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