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Everything posted by BouncekDeLemos

  1. The Untitled Goose Game seems harmless to me. It does what it sets out to do, and plays it safe by not going beyond what it is, and what it is to me is so obvious that it doesn't exceed any of my expectations. So why does it have so many accolades? Maybe it's the simple graphics, short gameplay so it won't wear out it's welcome, cute goose who's also a a-hole... whatever the reason, it's giving something to the player that most games don't have while at the same time, it doesn't give what most games gives either. It's overrated because it's unconventional and for that it seems to stand out a bit. Doesn't make the game "good" or "bad", but imo just average. As far as indie devs, every one is different. Being an indie dev myself, I can't speak for everyone, but not being backed financially or being told how things need to be done by a corporation gives that developer more reign to experiment or creatively try things out a little more unconventionally than their standard-setting counterparts.
  2. That I just squandered posting it up out there for the world to see. lol If I only had the startup. hahaha
  3. Yeah, far too esoteric for people to need them. I mean, even I just learned that they existed. lol Oh well. It's not like people can't use something like one of those paper sleeve inserts in their place. Not sure how people feel about them, but it's better than having the disc rattle around in the case IMO.
  4. I used to work at a game store, but I lost that job now that things are like they are. However, I'm currently working at a liquor store which got me thinking... What about a game store that sells something that would make people want to get off their butts? Coffee? Alcohol? Lottery?... Hookers? I think Gamestop's tried something like that by making lounging areas, but I don't know how successful they are. Worked for arcades, now called "barcades" or "beercades" and they've seemed alright. I've joked about this before, but how about a game store that delivers pizza? Buy SMB3, a large pizza, and get a free 2 liter Coke. I've got dreams, man.
  5. Ah, sweet! Thank you for the info, it's quite difficult to track this down. I finally found one with a picture on Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ground-Zero-Texas-Complete-Sega-CD-CIB-Original-Game/153431005061?epid=6852&hash=item23b9335785:g:EvkAAOSwxoJcm~g5 Looks like it fits over the other disc, with notches to hold it in place. Not sure if they connect via the holes, but still neat. Now I wonder if anyone's ever even thought of making repros of them. Probably due to only 3 games needing it, plus there's not much of a demand, there probably won't be any. Heck, to this day, there's still no Sega Master System card repro cases, so I won't hold my breath. lol
  6. I always hated that the hinge holes on those Sega CD long box cases never matched up with the Saturn and PS1 ones. Here's something interesting. The two smallest holes in the cases were to be used for an extra piece that would've held a second disc. I wonder if any of those pieces were ever made? I've seen cheaper-made disc trays back in the 90s when I used to work at a game store (Which were also super rare, and very brittle. I don't think these were made by a Sony subsidiary like the rest of the long boxes, but I could be wrong.) , but never those second-disc holder thingies.
  7. Yeah, it's a known problem with everything. I had this happen to my Gameboy once. Fun refurbishing project. lol
  8. Double posting, but I to get back on track, I thought this'd be a bit more relevant. Found this image on Facebook, and yes, that's what their Twitter bio says. lol For all who asked, I'm right there with ya.
  9. Great points. Let's not forget Last of Us (A great freaking game IMO) and one game I'm looking forward to -- Cyberpunk 2077.
  10. Yep, same guy. lol He'd soon get banned after all the thread bumping, then months later come back with a sock puppet account. Mods from many forums has had their share of field-days with this one for sure. Some highlights I found from Famicomworld: https://www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=12973.0 https://www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=13223.0 https://www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=13464.0 This one takes the cake though. It's just the answer he got just cracks me up. lol https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20170505104337AAmmS0o
  11. I too am conservative, at least on how I was raised, but maybe I fall along to be more centristic as I got older? I know this subject is very tricky to walk though, so for the sake of the thread, I'll try not disparage anyone for thinking or believing a certain way (It's not my intention), but I play video games as means to escape. There's a reason why I don't fall totally over to one side anymore like I used to--this stuff drives me nuts. However again, at least for me, if the product was made to be an outright biased propaganda (again, either side) rather than an game, then I feel it has no business. In other words, that political stuff shouldn't be there, I have enough of that in the real world. I want to be empathetic here, so please see this as my own subjective opinion, if anything. I'd hate to derail anything here. Hell, I'm open to discuss stuff in PMs or in a new thread. Bottom line: I just want games to be "games".
  12. Who here remembers Siyah Beyaz? He goes by many other names, but he's the "I'm unban. I HATE BAN!" guy. I think he was from Turkey? Fun times. lol I still have the old HOS list in a form of a text file from a few years ago before it was shut down. I mean, I really don't know if I should fully air this out here or not so I'll take it to PMs rather than paste the whole thing here. So to anyone curious, PM me. I hope that's okay (Mods: if it isn't, edit this, PM me to tell me that I'm grounded for a week, and send me to my room with no supper. lol) Because the fact that it was shut down YEARS ago, it's best to keep in mind that it shouldn't completely hold true to this day. It is an old list so things have changed, people change, bygones, etc. There's also the fact that people were banned after it was shut down, so it's not a be-all, end-all. Just a little piece of NA history that I happened to have saved.
  13. As long as it's not too political to the point where a developer tries to shove it down someone's throat, I don't see a problem (That goes for either side of the coin). I personally play games to escape from reality's insanity. If it's subtle or ambiguous, fine. If it's loud and over-the-top to where the focus is solely on a certain political view, then nooope.
  14. Not all of them do, unfortunately. Curses N Chaos doesn't, neither is Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, the Shantae games or Lili. They have something in the cases, but they aren't manuals. (I can verify with pics if need-be. ) They're more or less what looks to be like an outer cover of a manual, or like a pamphlet that only shows the warnings and fine prints-- nothing of what I would consider a manual, not like how River City Girls is anyways. I see some AAA off-the-shelf games do this too, where it's just a piece of paper with no pages with character bios, story, levels, etc. Some do have at least the control options, but not all of them do. I did get manuals for Skull Girls and Pang though, so some have full manuals, some only outer cover pamphlet thingies.
  15. Dang. I wonder how the publishers of these games are feeling about the situation? Seems like they're being scammed too. They're the ones giving the money to this company to send the ISO and assets off to get them verified, converted, then pressed. Sad situation all around. On a lighter note, this literally came in for me today. I'm stoked! It even has a manual! LRG FTW. I'll get started on it as soon as I finish Shenmue 3. I know I said I won't buy any more 'till I get hired full time at my new job, but I ordered this back when I still had my other job before we ultimately had to close shop.
  16. I'll probably get back into collecting more LRG stuff sometime when I get hired on full time. lol Sucks too, there's a some good preorders hovering around. Maybe some other limited places too. Just got word about that one French company, "Warned Collectors". Anyone use their service and/or heard back from them? Their last tweet was in August, and some games were slated to be shipping Q3... well, it's the tail-end of the year, and people're getting pissed. So much so that some are saying it's a scam. Buyers beware until we see some orders in people's hands.
  17. Going through Shenmue 3 on the PS4 right now. I'm absolutely loving it. So addicting. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that one of the updates "added" a blinking camera-like overlay when you zoom in with the L trigger. I didn't like that since the only reason I zoom is to take pictures, and the overlay just gets in the way. The simple way I fixed this is that every time I start my PS4 and it tries to download an update, I cancel and delete the update before it applies to the game. Otherwise, I'd have to delete the game and re-install it from disc.
  18. ^ Aw, yeah! Ya see? That's the kind of stuff I like the most. Great work, @CasualCart!!
  19. Man, you guys are too kind. lol But I'm honestly gonna try and put a little handicap on it, as I just want people to have a chance at it first. I remember constantly winning some art contest on NA, and mostly it was me who jumped on it and won first-hand. Not trying to humble-brag, but to be the guy who constantly wins art contests isn't fun for me, or at least it's not fair for anyone else who didn't get a chance. There's so much great artists out there, and it pains me to not see what they've came up with. So to make it fair, I'm probably gonna wait it out a bit and slow down a little, and if it helps, I'm also down to collab with someone if anyone's game. Seriously, if anyone's struggling with Photoshop, coloring, or what-have-you, hit me up. Even if it's a question, I'll help the best that I can.
  20. I've always been under the impression that they make a little more in case of lost or damaged packages being sent out. There were even times when they've sold off any the extra residuals after a good while when they felt that all games have been delivered. I don't think it's any sort of "artificial limitation" thing they're trying to pull, although I can see what some may see it that way.
  21. LOL! Naw, there's no rush. I'll tone it down a bit so we all can get a fair shot. Hahaha Truth be told, you do some freaking awesome work. I'm pretty slow and not too good at animation all that much, so you'd probably totally beat me in that department. Still, I'd love to see what everyone else's come up with. I'm going for a image, both high rez and pixelated to give it a 16-bit-esq look to it. Plus, gonna do something gimmicky with the logo a bit.
  22. Just finished off a great game I'd recommend for Halloween, and that's the Ghostbusters Remastered game based off the 2009 game. I missed out on it back in the day, but I had a chance to get it here recently. It's spooky, it's funny, it's got great voice acting work (Original VA! YAY!), and as a huge fan with the franchise growing up, I came to appreciate it even more with all the lore and world-building this game comes up with (The classification system is very interesting) The complaints I've heard about this game are negligible, being that it's a game from "2009" and the graphics aren't as good as games now (Seriously? Compare this to Fornite or something), and the voice acting is a bit phoned-in, but to me the deliverances were as expected. The only real problems I had were the music going out on the main menu screen, a scene not showing up with audio-only, and a bug to where I had to trap one final ghost, but there was no ghost to be found, even while using the PKE meter. A quick reset fixed most of those problems. There were a couple of times I didn't know what to do like where to fling the slime to trigger a door to open, or where to fling flying cherubs, but I figured that out. There was also a couple of artifacts, one I couldn't find but I was right on top of it, the other I couldn't find a way to get to, but I somehow cheated and got it by pressing the PKE meter through the wall. lol Funny thing, I didn't fully grasp the entire concept of some things, like knowing there was a meter you can use to pound enemies until the near end of the game (I thought you could always slam 'em around with L2...), I didn't notice there was a health meter for the ghosts on the proton pack, and I didn't notice the PKE meter going off on the side of your belt when not in use (I was going through the whole game in full PKE and goggles mode when I didn't have to) I won't chalk this game up as having bad conveyances, but rather my inability to grasp said conveyances when they happen. But that goes to show how much awe and wonder I was in focusing on because I was being immersed in the world, which can distract me, but it's not a bad thing. Some pics coming up, just to show some parts of the firehouse and things. If anyone's interested, and haven't got a chance to play it on 360 or PS3, I highly recommend it. If you're a Halloween fan, a Ghostbusters fan, or both, go play it! Game start screen grab. These are difficult to get sometimes as when you try to capture the image, PS4 greets you with "Cannot take a screenshot right now". Do it enough times, and you capture it. It's a game within itself. Like catchin' ghosts! The infamous Ghostbusters NES ending screen on the computer on the bottom right. This game is full of references to past GB games and movies. (The old Ghostbusters 2 logo is also hidden in the firehouse somewhere. lol) The "Uncle Egon" image. It's stuff like this that makes this game great. This part was so cool to me. Someone got the Konami code wrong... (Under the Ecto-1 drawing lol) Also, "Proton feedback @π³ temperatures" while crossing streams. What ever that means. Some proof I beat it. Hahaha Cool image!
  23. Heck yeah, bud! How's it been?! I see you brought over your Power/Reset siggy-- I instantly knew who it was the moment I seen that! lol
  24. Neato! I'm totally down for this! Question(s) though: Fomat and resolution size? I'm thinking PNG or GIF or something similar due to the transparency effects, but what are the technical limitations? (Y'all can get crazy technical, I should be able to take it. lol) Also, would you accept concept sketches first to see how everything lands?
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