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Everything posted by NostalgicMachine

  1. What's your favorite on the NES, if you had to choose one? I haven't played 7 enough.
  2. Mortal Kombat 2 Arcade/Gen/SNES for the upcoming TGM video!
  3. Dude this is excellently written! I didn't even realize we could do that on this site lol. Thank you SO much for sharing this, stuff like this is exactly why I made this thread. How you feel about 5 is exactly how I feel about 4 and 6.
  4. I'm fairly certain Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks contains the arcade version of Mortal Kombat 2.
  5. Lots of people enjoy 2 and 3, particularly. As I get older there's just something about the latter three entries that just clicks so well for me.
  6. I ended up just completing the entire game instead of stopping for the contest, lol.
  7. I've played zero of these titles, but I'm willing to try .
  8. For real, though; this is one of the few games I'd legit and honestly give a 10/10 with no hyperbole. I can only think of a few games I'd give non-hyperbolic 10/10's to: A Link to The Past Super Metroid Mega Man X Super Mario Bros. 3 There's just something about Super Mario World that clicks the first time you play, and sticks with you to this day.
  9. I've heard all about the Famicom version, but I've never personally gotten the chance to play it. For the record, I have a dedicated 24" Phillips CRT for my NES .
  10. I just want to ensure everyone knows I was being sarcastic with that response, lol. I love both games for different reasons. There's just something about NES SMB3 that just does it for me, despite the quality of life improvements on later versions. Same for SMBW! Great post, btw.
  11. Reserved I was literally JUST playing this game all week lmao!
  12. You mean you don't enjoy lack of save states for SMB3?! Heathen! /s
  13. Easily a 10/10 title, no questions. I refuse to vote for your new fancy-pants game technology!
  14. I am certainly NOT one of those people lol. Sonic 3 + S&K is my favorite Genesis Sonic moment.
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