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Everything posted by 3rdStrongestMole

  1. Double Dribble lookin fressshhhh Gotta pay up for any game bold enough to be named after an illegal act in the sport... How did False Start Football never get greenlit??
  2. Still an issue of people not understanding these different grading companies. A VGA 95 or 95+ is probably the most difficult grade to get across the board. I would take a VGA 95 over a WATA 9.8 A++ in a blind pick, just knowing how VGA is. Oh well... Someone with a shit load of money is about to really make out here
  3. Anyone getting in on this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Jaws-Nintendo-NES-5-Screw-Tested-Authentic-Very-nice-/165070063156?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  4. I think its possible that the 80s consoles fall off a little in terms of collectible desire for later generations, but I think they'll always hold a particular kind of clout... that being (and Nintendo specifically) the roots of home gaming. I used to collect star wars and got all the Kenner stuff in the 90s when I was a kid, but I would've killed for the true retro pieces from the 70s, I just didn't have the means to obtain them. I think a collector's heart, though foundationally nostalgic, also has that little bit of desire to pursue the rare and historic items within their collecting focus. It's the reason why I want weird shit still, like a Zombies Ate My Neighbors box variant, or a 5 screw MTPO. None of that's from my childhood, but those things are just... bad ass.
  5. I would guess 7.0 for both. They are pretty harsh on box grades, and the SMB 3 has a tear in the corner and some minor crushing on the back edge. Could possibly take it down to 6.5. The SMB 2 has that wear at the top edge and some creasing there, too. And that's just what's noticeable by the pics. It's so hard to see the small things like scratches and corner sharpness. Just my opinion...
  6. Yeah. Possibly having people do these tasks that shouldn't be because they're so backlogged. Uh oooohh... not good if that's the case.
  7. I was always a collector, even from the time I was 8 and my parents would buy me Star Wars figures and I'd want to leave them in the boxes. It got to the point where they'd take them out of the packages before giving them to me for Christmas just so I'd play with them. But, I didn't start thinking of video games as a collectible until 2005. My second year in college I lived in a house with 4 other dudes and the guy in the room next to me (who I didn't know well at the time) started raging at his TV over a video game @Ghostofsparta. When I knocked on his door to see if he was okay, I discovered he was playing Mega Man 6. I had played and beaten all the X games, so I figured I could jump in and help... yeah... not the same thing. Wily was a savage in that game. Anyways, after that we shared all our stories about our favorite childhood games, and in order to convince eachother how bad-ass certain games were, we had to go out and buy them. That's when in-the-wild collecting was still fun. Anyways, I rebuilt my childhood collection over my college years and went from there. Needless to say, I'm much more passionate about video game collecting than I ever was about Star Wars or Beanie Babies
  8. I think most people here are a combo of these things... I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that. Plain and simple... pure investors and those falsely inflating the market are the problem. That has lately come in the form of graded games, and I think they've gotten lumped into that seedy or snarky category because of that. Game grading is not bad, inherently, but I think it's getting abused.
  9. This is pretty damn on point accurate I feel. Analogy: video game investors are like the douchebag guy that dates the super hot, funny, intelligent girl that the other guys are all actually in love with and would treat her so much better, but he's just gonna use her for her body and toss her aside. The in love dude always sees the best in her and that she brings so much more to the table than looks... but since the douchebag is monopolizing her, the in love guy can't afford her and thus can't show her the proper care and play that she deserves... A little muddled at the end there, but you get the idea...
  10. Yes, sorry @greennamek this was not meant towards you, nor to derail your thread. It's an awesome piece!! I'm glad it's authentic and I wish I had one lol. I'm a huge LttP fan.
  11. This is an interesting conversation. I've had WATA games and VGA games, and sold almost all of them, and submitted more that I'll keep... So it's a small part of my collecting. I love hunting down sealed games that I had as a child (well, not so much anymore, but I still try...) and then having a copy to play and one to grade and display... Anyways, what im asking is... why can't it just be PART of my collecting? Kinda like... collecting Nintendo plushies or signs... and just be exponentially more expensive?? When I do sell, that money usually goes right back into gaming anyways...
  12. That's why they all look so damn appealing in that plastic a 6.0 looks fresh af in a WATA slab.
  13. Thanks guy who's been here since yesterday. I am always sceptical nowadays, especially when new people jump in with rare items and things that were found going through old stuff. The market is full of bull shit, and I feel like it's perfectly fine to have questioning tone in certain instances. Don't get your feelings hurt... even though you're not the OP, just the savior swooping in from a Facebook group
  14. Wtf is up with beast-mode Mario? Does he transform out of the castle? I guess that makes the least sense to me out of everything...
  15. 2 things maybe... People don't like ambiguity, they like definitive things. A grading company does not necessarily have more knowledge or authority than another individual or group of people within collecting, but they're putting a number to something, which has the feeling of objectivity. A dollar is worth something because someone said it was, and then everyone agreed with that person. Maybe there are people out there that are like "fuck dollars, that's just a piece of paper". But the general consensus is a dollar has value. So, it could be a many vs few mentality also. If one dude was grading everything by himself, it might be a problem. But since it's a company people can believe that it means something more. And for what it's worth, if 10 hardcore collectors on this site got together and graded a game, I think that grade would be valued, too.
  16. Why would Nintendo reseal an NFR game with janky shrinkwrap? The only part of this that makes it seem remotely legit is the vent hole on the back. Also, seems like an odd place for an NFR sticker. You said you "believe" it was purchased by a former NOA employee. What makes you think that?
  17. I just started this same journey about 3 weeks ago and it's been a blast even so far. I can't imagine being only 20+ games away. Im trying to get all mine in the wild and hopefully through VGS. Obviously there are some that won't pop up in the wild (hagane, aerofighters, etc) but I'm gonna see what kind of damage I can do before going to fleabay. If I come by any of these needs for you I'll PM you! Good luck with the final stretch!!
  18. Okay this might be impossible to see in this picture, but I have a copy of Sonic Adventure (i know, you already said Dreamcast games are hit or miss) and it looks super clean, but it won't read. Tested other games in the Dreamcast so I assume it's the disc. I can only see this weird discoloration on it, almost like a faint coffee stain (only way I can describe it). Did someone botch a resurface on this game already? Or is it salvageable?
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