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Everything posted by 3rdStrongestMole

  1. You may have luck with Silent Service, there are a reasonable amount of those out there, but Star Force is a different story Edit: by reasonable I mean, more than 3 or 4
  2. So awesome that finds like this still happen. It gives me hope that I haven't had since 2015!
  3. Yeah. I really screwed up. Years ago it was in a local for 250, and I even posted on NA because i didn't know if it was worth it. Everyone told me to buy it and I didn't listen... So many mistakes by past-me
  4. I see your point, but mine is, if someone wanted to grade this game anyways, the price includes the service! If you're talking about someone against grading or just looking for raw, then yeah, they shouldn't even be looking at this listing.
  5. Well, Misty is an idiot, and you're completely right. It's 129 US dollars, for one. It costs about 100 to grade any game, so if you want a graded copy of this game, it would normally cost you 50 for the game, plus 100 to grade, and shipping costs, and, uhh... yeah, whoever sold this lost money
  6. I had to say goodbye to a cherished piece of my collection last week, but thanks to @Kain Highwind I got this big name checked off the list! Next up, Aero Fighters
  7. Yeah, and that's the issue im encountering. Surely some of these companies would gladly "cover" my games, but there's so little feedback on them, I wouldn't be confident a claim would go through without some kind of battle.
  8. Is home owners / renters insurance enough for your video game collection? Or, do you use a specific collectible insurance agent? If so, which one? My collection isn't insanely high value, but it's at least as much as my car . So I'm starting to rethink just having my renters insurance coverage
  9. The reason this is a problem is not because of the description, people reading it, buyers being ignorant, etc... it's because if there wasn't anything in the description, there would be few ways to prove these as fake. I agree, the coloring is off. But even the way she took the pictures is misleading... Surrounded by a bunch of Nintendo stuff, she is clearly a collector. It's more just shameful that she's hoping to catch a few hair trigger buyers, giving the whole thing a terrible scammy vibe. Her descriptions give her an out for people trying to get their money back for falling for this, but the seller should be ashamed for even selling fake H-seam games. TBH, what's the point of creating a fake H-seam other than to try and pass it as new?
  10. At least if you travel with them and say you can't take them aboard the plane for whatever reason, you don't have to board. They shouldn't open up sealed items without your consent, at least in US, but they might say you can't board if they can't take a peek. It might not be convenient, but at least your games would still be sealed if you can't board.
  11. It's nice they respond to your emails. Ever since I made fun of them in my email response for their New Years resolution they stopped acknowledging me
  12. Yeah that was my thought. It's an auction, so I'm guessing it was intentional. But if it's not the OG shadowless then im out lol Edit: By set logo, do you mean the "edition 1"? Because I see quite a few with that in the shadowless versions.
  13. Surely there is no way to tell by this picture, but what are some ways to verify fakes without holding them? Also... I dont know much about pokemon cards, but I think this is... what I think it is
  14. Exactly. So many things sprinkled through each issue that I completely forgot about, and the advertisements are fantastic
  15. Is there a font that does this with the capital and lowercase letters, or do you have to keep spamming shift or what's your secret?!?
  16. Local find! Definitely some cosmetic damage on the first issue, but hard to pass up finding one in the wild at a great price
  17. That's a fair point... Maybe if I can just get my hands on one down the road that'll fill that void sufficiently... And that's not even including the rifle. Geeeeez
  18. Yeah the money is crazy for these. And 3 is way worse than 2 if they're all 3k + (at least, in today's market). Also, I'm sure they rarely pop up FS anywhere, so that means whomever has one can slap a 10k price tag on it and let it sit on eBay
  19. How many of these are there? I've seen the Marksman Program and the Combat Simulator... Do I need these for a full set!?!? Gawd I hope not...
  20. How did I miss Donkey Kong Country going for 132,000... wtf
  21. Two more! Chipping away. Thanks @dr_orangejuicer
  22. One shelf improving thanks to a 30+ game trade w/ @DoctorEncore . Bulk trades are the best when there's 700+ games to check off!
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