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Everything posted by T-Pac

  1. Isn't this that game where the "Jason!? Jason!? Jason!?" sound-clip comes from? [T-Pac]
  2. Oh sick! I've always wondered what it would've been like to be a graphics artist in the 8-bit / 16-bit era. Like - how much programming knowledge did they need, and what compromises did they have to make for system limitations and stuff? [T-Pac]
  3. This brings a whole new dimension to the argument! If I remember correctly, the rationale behind the proponents of "P" was that PlayStation is a single word - so only the first letter should be represented in the acronym. But now that these bootlegs are branding themselves "P Station", we're back to "PS" - one letter to abbreviate each word. Still doesn't solve the "X" versus "1" problem, though... [T-Pac]
  4. Thanks, dude! I feel like this thread is fine for now. It's not terribly active anyway - plus I wouldn't consider my writeups "reviews" so much as "my thoughts on what I just read". [T-Pac]
  5. Haha that's makes sense. I guess I've just inadvertently established you as a "shoot-em-ups and Runescape" guy in my mind, so "sports-ball and carnival games" caught me off guard. [T-Pac]
  6. Finished reading The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. [T-Pac]
  7. Yup - that's basically how I responded haha. [T-Pac]
  8. Neat! I'm curious, though - what made you pick Barker Bill's Trick Shooting and NBA Hang Time? Those don't strike me as the type of game you typically play. [T-Pac]
  9. Also - Darkwing Duck is the best NES Mega Man game. [T-Pac]
  10. Don't feel bad - for every 1 person that gets upset at repeat threads, there's another person who missed it the first time around and yet another person who's more than happy to share their thoughts again. Anyway - these semi-frequent "NES Mega Man" threads are a good reminder for me to actually get around to playing all the games haha. [T-Pac]
  11. So I was talking to one of my supervisors at work yesterday, and apparently her first job in the animation industry was doing cleanup on Aladdin's idle-cycle in the Genesis game... I've been working with her for 2 years and I'm just learning this NOW!!?? Lost my mind a bit haha. [T-Pac]
  12. Wait - Bombjack is in Solomon's Key!? NES version or arcade? [T-Pac]
  13. Great watch! Wii Play got just as much playtime as Wii Sports with my family (if not more). Especially the target-shooting game. [T-Pac]
  14. Oh no! Am I a "YouTuber" now? Everybody hates those around here - I'm gonna lose all my forum cred! [T-Pac]
  15. Can't deny that - Sunsoft has a great track record of NES music for sure! [T-Pac]
  16. I wish I paid more attention to game soundtracks, but I'm usually too focused on the gameplay and visuals. That being said - the "password theme" in The Guardian Legend [NES] is the best thing ever. [T-Pac]
  17. I’d say my ROM collection is pretty unique because, due to my views on piracy, every ROM I have was dumped myself from my own copy of the game (excluding digital releases). Not many people can say that when they’re emulating a game, they’re emulating with the data from their specific cartridge. I would say that makes me more of an “outlier” than a “pioneer”, though - since most people don’t share my opinion on piracy and I don't anticipate much of a "ripping your own games" trend in the future... [T-Pac]
  18. I imagine most people start out collecting this way, though - since you can't really know what your personal tastes are until you've tested the waters based on others' recommendations to begin with. At least that's how I began my collection: watching "Top 10" videos on YouTube and picking up the most interesting / highly-regarded titles I saw in them. [T-Pac]
  19. 12/40 - Blaster Master [Nintendo Entertainment System - 1988] Finished: 2024/03/08 Caveats: Finished using save states, an online strategy guide, and the "pause glitch". [T-Pac]
  20. T-Pac

    T-Pac Arcade

    Blaster Master [Nintendo Entertainment System - 1988] No radioactive frogs were harmed in the making of this episode... [T-Pac]
  21. Incredible feat, dude! Any thoughts on your favorite / least favorite, hardest / easiest, underrated / overrated titles? [T-Pac]
  22. Problem: Early 80s arcade PCBs are nonstandard and an expensive rabbit hole. Solution: Buy expensive adapters to play the expensive PCBs on the expensive new arcade cab. ...I think I'll stick to Namco Museum for the PS1 haha... [T-Pac]
  23. Haha well I'll circle the blame back to you, since this question mostly comes from listening to you talk about "want-list" prioritization on Collector's Quest. [T-Pac]
  24. All great choices. You guys are making me think of this question in a whole new frame of mind... [T-Pac]
  25. 11/40 - Super Star Soldier [NEC PC Engine - 1990] Finished: 2024/02/29 Caveats: Finished "Normal Game" using save states. [T-Pac]
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