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Everything posted by tbone3969

  1. Checking eBay sold prices suggests it has started to surge for sure. One just sold at auction on April 1st for $200 and a buy it now on March 1st for $250. The only longbox version currently for sale is listed at $550. Lets see if it ever sells and at what price as it has the best offer option.
  2. Starblade Alpha..... That one sounds familiar. Oh yeah I have it on the Sega CD. Pretty low for that system still as well.
  3. Last Alert is whack dude. You should get a real Turbo game like Bonk 3 maybe... lol I'm just playing.
  4. How is this any way to run a business? I mean they must be making tons of money. Hire some more people for Christ's sake.
  5. I will take Kings Field 2. PMd
  6. Tried PMing you but can't.... I think you blocked me? What's up.... are you mad about that partial refund still? C'mon dude that was ages ago. Water under the bridge, no? Hit me up. Thanks.
  7. The aspiration card give you 10% back on these companies only: Aspiration has teamed up with companies that put "doing the right thing" at the heart of their businesses. Includes companies like TOMS, Warby Parker, and Blue Apron. Oh and there is a $15 per month fee.
  8. All I can do is look at my sales and fees. I sell mainly video games and I can say the fees have been about the same or slightly less overall. Honestly wish they just stuck with PayPal. The instant access to funds via PayPal was much better IMO.
  9. 10% back on debit purchases. This sounds way to good to be true and I have learned when it sounds to good to be true is usually is. This must be capped at a low amount or this card must be a scam. How could they be profitable giving 10% back? Just doesn't add up.
  10. Motherfucking Gio.... The man, the myth, the legend. Dude you were famous back on the PC Engine FX forums. Biggest TurboGrafx fan there is. Welcome to the site brother!
  11. Can't beat the thumbstick on the Neo Geo Color though. I also have the SNK to Dreamcast link cable for it. You could link up to the SNK DC games to unlock some stuff. I never tried it though. Got it in a lot.
  12. I agree. Very cool system. SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium is amazing on it. Worth it for that game alone IMO.
  13. Kung Fu on NES and Crash Bandicoot for PS1.
  14. Doesn't the Wii Indiana Jones game have a port of the old school point and click PC game Indian Jones and The Fate of Atlantis? I bet it is a good port. Anyone played it?
  15. You can play this game on a US NES and it has been modified to utilize the extra sound capabilities found in the Famicom cart on an American NES. Your NES would have to have the Famicom sound mod installed to hear the extra sound. Or you could use the AVS to play it with extra sound like I did. I only game on CRTs now and have the Famicom cart and system so I am selling this.
  16. Ok. I now have multiple offers. I will be contacting each via PM. Thank you.
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