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Everything posted by O.G. CIB

  1. Just wrapped up the 6th game of the years....The Last is Us..... woof what a game. I never played a modern game let alone one this story driven. In the beginning the talking was getting to me but once I got into it what a ride. I started looking at it as a interactive movie and wanted to see what came next. Have to say one of the best games I ever played. Now I have to decide if I want to stick to my guns and go back my list or jump into the DLC included in the Remastered version or go one to The Last of Us II. Decisions. Thanks to @Reed Rothchildfor starting this thread of I would have never got around to it.
  2. When they start publishing the Konami stuff like the castlevania collection that may rival SP but nothing else for now
  3. I think that's direct sales. AFAIK the Best Buy sales comes after when they decide what they want to order along with Mom & Pop shops. They have 3 levels Sku's for each platform plus UBISoft pushed it on their Twitter. Also, the Xbox version is coming soon and XBox minimum physical order is 50,000 so they all expected this to sell.
  4. Josh himself “ Only three hours into a six week sale and Scott Pilgrim is already our highest grossing release ever! Thank you to everyone who has bought it so far! For everyone else, you've still got six weeks to order so there's no rush.” he posted it on Twitter
  5. Yeah it confirmed. Here’s their reply to me "Yes this is european version, but as switch is fully region free, it won't change much expect the pegi rating on the art cover."
  6. Be careful.... the seller for $30 has feedback of sending out European or PAL version of games but showing NTSC. They are also listed out the country when you look.
  7. Great job! Protect yourself and your kids at all cost. People taking things like playing in the park too lightly thus why it keeps spreading and the numbers are out of control.
  8. Not yet..... but as they begin to gain knowledge that's what will set apart the graded CIB copies. No different than the same people you are selling to didn't care about any of this before they were educated by WATA.
  9. Alright here is my first stab! I have been a hardcore collector the last 20 years and not a gamer so I'm behind. I may have really played 5 games over the same time period but now that my collecting journey is done (maybe 2 games to purchase and some NES, SNES and N64 inserts) this thread came at the perfect time. CURRENT STATUS: 13/32 40% complete (also completed 7 not on the list) COMPLETED Metal Slug (Neo Geo AES)- never played COMPLETE 1/2 (with help from player 1 my son) Elevator Action Returns (Taito F3) - played with my son (then 4 year old now 5) and we didn’t finish. we need to run it back - COMPLETE 1/3 (tag team with my son; took it out on our first try) no ending scene kinda sucked. Hotline Miami 2 (Switch) - never played COMPLETE 1/11 Mega Man (NES) - I think I played as kid but don't remember. COMPLETED 1/15 Donkey Kong County (SNES)- never played COMPLETE 1/28 Last of Us (PS4) - never played - COMPLETED 2/1 -well this is one hell of a game. I never played modern games prior to this..... woof there is a lot of talking but overall its a great game once you get into it and start to pick up the game controls. Portal 2 (XBox 360)- never played COMPLETED 2/16 Splatterhouse (TG16) - never played but remember playing Bonk. COMPLETED 2/18 A Way Out (Xbox One) - COMPLETED 2/20 with my 5 year old son Castlevania (NES) - COMPLETED 2/23 most frustrating so far due to no saves. Street of Rage (Genesis)- COMPLETED 2/26 Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) - one of the last games I remember playing before stopping COMPLETED 3/3 Nights into Dreams (Saturn) COMPLETED 3/13 first Saturn game I played and beat REMAINING Astro Bot VR (PSVR) - Headset is setting here; time to give it a try Chrono Trigger (SNES)- never played Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)- never played Faxanadu (NES) - played as a kid; don't remember if I beat God of War (PS2) - never played Goonies II (NES) - loved as a kid but don't remember beating Grand Thief Auto: Vice City (Xbox)- never played Journey (PS3) - never played Kid Icarus (NES) - played as a kid; don't remember if I beat Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) - never played Luigi Mansion (GameCube) - never played the GameCube Metal Gear (NES) - played as a kid; don't remember if I beat Metroid (NES) - hated as a kid and need to get thru it Red Dead Redemption (PS3)- never played Resident Evil (GameCube was original PS1 but don’t have) - never played Silent Hill (PS1) - never played Sunset Overdrive (XBox One)- never played Super Mario Bros (NES) - I never beat as a kid Wonder Boy (SMS) - played as a kid but don’t remember beating VETO Nothing yet but got close with Nights into Dreams. 2021 Here I come! 1/1 Update Going to test my setup to make sure everything is operational before I get rolling. May take a group photo of all the games and display them (keep them insight so I can follow through). Haven’t decided on what game yet. 1/2 Update Ok most systems checked out well. The OG XBox time isn’t holding the date & time so it seems I need to replace a capacitor.... that should be fun. I spent the last few years building my ultimate gaming setup with everything google voice controlled, all systems hooked up with either SCART or HDMI .....ready to go in a moments notice so it was fun to see it all come together as planned. I got all the homies together for a group photo at the bar. Figure good time to start on a Saturday morning like back in the day. Now it’s time to see who’s first! UPDATE: Metal Slug first to go! Decide to take on a short game first. 1/3 Update We took out Elevator Action II. The ending was horrible so my son said let’s play Metal Slug 2 so we did. I actually liked it much more than MS1. Now that arcade based games are out the way back to Shakedown Hawaii 2. 1/11 Update Still plugging along in Hotline Miami 2! My son and I did knock out Metal Slug 2, X, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (not on the list) was tired of playing Metal Slug and I swore I dozed off once in MS4. Anyhow still plugging along. I should have Hotline Miami 2 done by the weekend. 1/12 Update Completed Hotline Miami 2. Cool game but gets to be a drag towards the end. Not sure what’s next 1/15 Update Completed Mega Man 1. Once I got rolling I remembered playing as a kid and then what weapon helps beat the stage boss the best. Amazing how memory comes back. It was honestly a lot of fun and what I dreamed of when I set out to collect games... pull on old classic off the shelf with easy controls. What’s next..... no clue. 1/28 Update Well finally knocked out Donkey Kong Country. Cool game and decent challenge. Off to the Last of US remastered on the PS4 or Resident Evil on the GameCube. 2/1 Update Completed Last of Us Remastered. Must say one of the best games I’ve ever played. Now off to something lighter. Maybe Splatterhouse or Conkers 2/10 Update I decided to complete Last of Us Part II (not on the list). After that experience Splatterhouse is next. 2/16 Update Shifted to play up Portal 2.... it was a grind and not my cup of tea but I got it completed. Now off to Splatterhouse. 2/18 Update Knocked out Splatterhouse today. I truly can appreciate a short and sweet game. I prefer this style to the hours long grind of new gen. What next????? No clue 2/20 Update Finished up A Way Out. Great game. Not sure what’s next. 2/23 Update Completed Castlevania. I got beyond frustrated with the game that the game couldn’t save allowing me come back to it. 2/26 Update My daughter stepped up when my son flaked out on me and we knocked out Streets of Rage. Cool beat ‘em up. 3/3 Update Finished by Halo. Great game and everything from what I remembered when I last played in 2002. 3/12 Update Veto Nights into Dreams after 4+ hours of play only to find out I need a C on every level. I wish they made this clear up front. Can’t be bothered 3/13 Update Got my act together and beat Nights this morning. Just hated to redo all the stages because the the grades but I got it done. First Saturn game I played and beat.
  10. You should be using a table saw for those long cuts vs a hand circular saw. Those cuts should be rather quick however, your end result looks good to me.
  11. 1. You’re assuming everyone knows how to do that. I can tell you my 70+ year old mother doesn’t. 2. I use an iPhone which doesn’t behave that way. the same way you analyze the process is the same way some people don’t care to go beyond what’s easy to them. Not everyone wants to learn the ins and outs of things.
  12. Couple reasons 1. the person is posting a photo that they don’t the original content 2. I’ve seen it when someone wants to make two copies of the photo to edit I.e. zoom into an area and protect the original photo 3. don’t know how to crop or they don’t find they need to take the time to clean up the screenshot It’s the positive and negative of technology. Somethings can’t be explained
  13. Walmart released in roughly 10 min increments starting at 3pm eastern with last batch at 3:30pm. I got lucky at the 3:20pm with them. The app works better with Walmart because you can continually hit the Add Cart button until you get in.
  14. Since your using the Billy you should be able to get a max 10 shelves per unit (8 for games and 2 skinny shelves for things like books or to lay Arkanoid flat). Should be 232 NES games with protectors ...spine out. If you decide to front face any games add 40 for a total of 272. Looks awesome!
  15. I have to disagree with the majority of them. The switch physical prints (not including 1st party) are not printed in the numbers of previous generations because of the digital push. Plenty games have gone out of print and still on the eshop. Throw in the limited print companies and it’s going to be a tougher system of the physical collecting bug is still going. There are already 700+ ESRB releases and if you included PAL & JPN with English you are over 1,000. No region lock and the “possibility” your near the end of physical games being printed it won’t be an easy system for a full set person.
  16. Awesome collection! It must be fun to keep up with whats being released. You are right about low shovelware for ESRB but woof Europe is loaded with them.
  17. He’s already unloaded some games on Hertiage. There is the “Atwood” collection. Go search Hertiage sold and some will pull up.
  18. I see a few people on Twitter and on Facebook groups still plugging along. I say about 5 people or so that I’ve seen. There’s a Reddit dedicated to it as well.
  19. I think you got the wrong read here. A few of us work together trying to determine what "possibly" could have been the CIB contents in a game because we care about trying to document as much as we can. As I've seen you post before you are against "guessing" what is in the box and rather keep you list with WIZ as pure as it can be which is no problem. In this case the young man is trying to make determinations on -5 and -6 poster dates and what he received in a purchase some years ago. Your paragraph on first prints............ save that for comic collectors. I've been doing this short of 25 years and I can tell you I don't put down new people who want to learn. I can tell the difference between someone looking to to make money and a collector and should be able to if you been at this 20 years. I take the time to help educate them and bring them along. To be clear I don't give two shits about WATA, first prints, last prints or none of that shit either. Never have and never will but I do care about passing knowledge along to the newer generation.
  20. More than you anticipate or even know.... the people who really have the stuff don’t post regularly in Facebook groups nor on Instagram nor hang out on forums on a regular basis. What changed? WATA? Do you really think WATA has over 1,000 regular clients at this point? It’s maybe 100-200 people pushing these prices that trickled over from comics trying to jump in early. WATA/Hertiage partnership maybe made sealed games take off but barley has made collecting games desirable. That’s years and years of gaming moving into the main stream. I would venture to say more people got into gaming with the pandemic and not grading games. I use to say for years games were under valued as a collectible but herd mentality and good marketing made a bunch of people want to collect graded games. The ones who made a boat load money off the boom in grading are the ones who help orchestrate and market it. Make no mistake about it if you’ve been around long enough it’s easy to see what happen.
  21. The full size poster comes with the last print that has a star in the box code.
  22. Yes! This image comes from @ThePhleo Instagram where I first found out about it. More things keep coming out the woods but the list is going to be epic thanks to help from people in this thread.
  23. Not all auctions are paid for and that’s a fact. They don’t turn around and sue the buyer either.... they may be banished from the platform or restricted from purchasing. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find a couple stories out there of what happens to the games when the seller doesn’t pay
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