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Everything posted by Webhead123

  1. Honestly, Castlevania is one of the most consistently-awesome side-scrolling franchises ever made. I think every main game in the series is top-of-its-class up through SotN, although I admittedly stopped playing them after that, with the exception of Adventure: ReBirth. It's a shame Adventure: ReBirth apparently existed only as WiiWare and seems to be basically unobtainable now, because it was truly exceptional. I'm tempted to rank it my second favorite game in the series right behind Super Castlevania and fighting Castlevania III for the spot. Yes, it's that good (in my opinion).
  2. I like Lester the Unlikely. A friend owned it back in the day and I would regularly ask to borrow it. In fact, I believe I ended up playing it considerably more than he did. I even managed to beat it, which I don't think he was ever able to do. Then one day, for a gag I guess (?), he busted the cart open and smashed the PCB with a rock! It's certainly not a standard platformer. It's got a very deliberate pace and requires patience and persistence. It has its share of cheap deaths and moments when the controls will just ruin your day. When all is said and done, though, I find it fun and charming and worth the occasional playthrough.
  3. Silver Surfer is a good game, despite the reputation. Hard as shit but still very charming. Outstanding music. Zombie Nation fits in that same boat, I think. I quite like the graphics and the creativity going on. It isn't the most polished game for sure and it gets pretty aggravating with its cheapness at times but it's so unique and entertaining, even if I never get very far.
  4. I've been thinking about Earthbound again lately. I rented it back when it came out but, as a rental, I was never able to get through the whole game. But even incomplete, I always remember how charming the game was. But something has been stirring in me recently that has me wanting to tackle it all the way to the end. Maybe this year is the year.
  5. I've never played the 7800 but I'd love to get the chance, simply for the experience. Before I was a Nintendo kid, I was an Atari kid and I've always looked at the later Atari systems with curiosity.
  6. 2016 and Eternal at the upper difficulties is certainly aimed squarely at FPS masochists. And it certainly benefits someone playing Eternal to have played through 2016. I will say, 2016 on Nightmare difficulty is toughest in the first 2-3 levels ironically enough, simply because your arsenal is limited. If you know the secret early weapon pick-ups, the later stages are actually not all that hard. You'll still die at times, of course, but it feels like you're slowly overtaking the enemies in terms of power-level (the feeling of empowerment being oh-so-sweet). Eternal on Nightmare is pretty damn brutal all the way through, although I think it ramps up fairly consistently, as opposed to 2016's front-loaded challenge. id clearly learned from 2016 and figured out how to keep the player from getting too ridiculous, mainly by really restricting your ammo capacity, thus forcing you to constantly switch weapons. And screw Ultra-Nightmare. I ain't got no time for that nonsense. But yeah, if someone who wasn't a savvy FPS player tried jumping into Eternal on Nightmare (or even Ultra-Violence), I imagine they'd have a really rough time even finishing the first stage (isn't there a couple of Arachnotrons in Level 1?). Some of the enemy types can be really aggressive and it doesn't take much to put the player in the ground. The only saving grace is the rather generous checkpoint system.
  7. Ooh! I would kill to see Nintendo remake/remaster the Super Mario Land games! I've developed a habit of playing through those about once a year. They're all just so much fun.
  8. Haven't played Ikaruga, although it's been on my radar for years now. However, bullet-hell shmups aren't my favorite category and I'm not great at them, so I haven't been in a rush to play it either. I'd like to play it but I'm also not terribly concerned if it turns out the stars just never align.
  9. I'm also not on the LRG bandwagon. I mean, I can understand why some people are...but it's definitely not something for me and my wallet is thankful.
  10. The Adventures of Bayou Billy is notorious for most of its levels being near-impossible, including the first stage. I remember renting it back in the day and not being able to finish a single stage. Thankfully, the game designers apparently realized this and give you a level select options right out the gate. Sheesh. I don't know that the game even deserves to be mentioned but I can't even get past the first few enemies in Cheetahmen II. You can't jump over them. You can't shoot them. You just tank four hits and then die. I'm sure if I stuck with the game long enough, I'd figure out some kind of trick or pattern to get around them...but who honestly wants to give it that much attention? I've also never been able to finish the first god awful stage of Dirty Harry for NES. It just goes on forever and I lose patience and refuse to resort to looking up a walkthrough. I don't think I've ever beaten a single stage in Silver Surfer either, although to be fair I haven't really put in more than about 15 minutes at a time. I'm sure it's something I could manage if I really buckled down and memorized the enemy spawns. I just haven't been that motivated yet. The NES has some obnoxiously difficult/broken games...
  11. Sadly, even modern console gaming has not escaped this issue. Oh, so I bought the disc but it requires a 25GB day one "patch" to play it? Yeah, that's not fishy at all.
  12. Honestly, unlike Ghosts 'n Goblins, all the weapons in Castlevania are pretty good. Even proper use of the stop-watch can be a potent tool in some situations, despite chewing through ammo like a Texan at a country fair.
  13. Doom Runs on Everything How to mod your Porsche 911 to run Doom
  14. I no longer have any Doom floppies but I do still have my Doom II CD-ROM.
  15. I still haven't played the new Wolfenstein games. They're all sitting in my queue, waiting to be installed. I just haven't made the time to get into them yet.
  16. Definitely been awaiting this game since I first heard it announced. I've always been a fan of ninja-platformers and this looks like it will be a quality new addition to that library.
  17. Totally understandable. That's really the purpose of game consoles, anyway. You buy it. You play it. Done. PCs are a much more involved thing, at least initially. They are also generally more expensive. I will say though, building a PC has gotten WAY easier than it used to be and hardware compatibility has become much less of a hassle as well. That's because everything's been pretty standardized over the past decade or so. I was initially intimidated when I got ready to build my new PC back in 2017. But once I committed and sat down with it, it was basically all plug-n-play. I just used a Youtube guide to make sure I got a few smaller questions answered. But yeah, for most people, it doesn't make sense to go through all of that. Of course, the benefit is the flexibility. As for keyboard vs. controller, I'm an adopter of both. There are simply some types of games that really need to be played on controller (platformers or most anything in 3rd-person) and some types that need keyboard+mouse (FPS, most strategy games and sims, overhead RPGs). So, I play all my platformers and action games on console and all my shooters and strategy games on PC.
  18. I may be one of 3 people on the planet that actually likes Space Harrier on SMS. Yes, it chugs along at about 5 frames per second...but I find that makes it into its own kind of experience and is still very fun.
  19. That's probably a fair assessment. Honestly, I can only imagine how much tougher DE would be on console, down to the control limitations. I only play FPS on PC anymore. I can't be bothered without having mouse+keyboard support. As a matter of fact, Doom 2016 was the game that finally forced me to build a new gaming PC...because I *had* to play that game and I *refused* to play it on a controller. So yeah, Doom is what got me back on the modern PC train.
  20. 2016 does feel closer to something like Serious Sam than Doom in some ways. Now, that's not to put it down at all. Serious Sam is a fantastic game! But yes, the greater focus on arena fights and the more linear stages is a bit of a contrast from classic Doom. Still, 2016 was a breath of fresh air in an age when the FPS genre has all but gone to sh*t.
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