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Everything posted by D~Funk

  1. Delete. This place is no fun
  2. Dug out the old Shmups collection pic. This pic is years old now and I've added a lot of titles but doubt I'd ever get around to taking another one.
  3. Updated OP pic! Got all my Godzilla movies back from my cousin so have every Godzilla on display Full line up on Blu-ray anyway!
  4. Awesome! I picked that up as well but haven't played it yet! It looks great! Playin the new pokemon right now with my girlfriend like a goof! Its pretty fun though! Like 15 hours in, got 78 pokermins!
  5. Been good yo! Still just jammin hard on Switch! PS4 has been in heavy neglected mode for a while though i did install Nier Automata the other day and been wanting to dive into it!
  6. Probably Soldier Blade for Turbografx! Has some of my favorite video game cover art and is an amazing shooter with great music! Makes for a fantastic coaster as well, really one of my favorites.
  7. Final Fantasy X2 all the way! What are you waiting for? Dress Spheres dude!
  8. No! I need it! ...apparently!
  9. I haven't seen that 1 yet but heard it was good! Was only 7 bones on Amazon so i couldn't not get it!
  10. Got a couple new Anime blu-rays!
  11. Im enjoying it so far! Im not a huge pokemon fan or anything. This is the first real pokemon game I've played since the originals but having a good time! Was really surprised by the multiplayer! Me and my girlfriend were able to meet up and run around together! We made curry and did a handful of dynamax battles! That aspect has made it even more fun to me anyway.
  12. Thought this was kinda cool. The joycons on your Switch in the Pokemon change color to what joycons you have attached
  13. Super Dope! Been playin this quite a bit on Switch and its a really fun game! A few Anniversary gifts from the girlfriend!
  14. Looks like this is your Black Friday deal. https://youtu.be/YQ2uquu9nNY
  15. @Fleck586 Looks pretty similar! i hadnt even seen some of these!
  16. I do love some Neo Geo action! Always wanted to start collecting some AES carts but always seemed out of reach for some reason. I did scoop up a Neo Geo CD with a couple games from an NA member a few years ago. Bought a couple extra cool games to go with it. I know the Neo Geo CD isn't very well regarded but i do enjoy the few games i have for it. Ninja Commando is probably my favorite!
  17. Just went through and figured out what Switch games i have ordered still its pretty ridiculous! Everything is pretty much paid for too except for the Amazon games which is good cuz im at a point where i need to chill it on ordering stuff. Only planning on grabbing 1 more Limited Run game this month which i can't pass up and thats the Blasphemous Collectors Edition.
  18. Last movie i had ordered! Some may recognize Reptilicus from MST3K! pretty cheesy good time! Also got this King Ghidorah statue that is from the same set as my lil Godzilla statue. Figured it'd be cool to have them both set up on the shelf!
  19. Hey now! Black Sigil does not suck! It may be a little slow paced but its actually a pretty decent more traditional style rpg! Also, may as well recommend another game while im here. Sands of Destruction is an awesome rpg if anyone hasn't played it!
  20. Watching Gurren Lagann now which is a lot of fun! Is on Netflix also!
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