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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizon. As we speak I am still waiting to discover the last few fossils, which I think I need 6 to complete that part of the museum. And unless I get luck with donations mailed to me the remaining two may not be completed this year. Ditto with the art gallery since I have not received an opportunity for some time now. Plus I have been transforming the house into a mini Nakano Broadway. The basement is an original design, but the rest will be a definite homage. Plus I am also playing the Street Fighter Collection. It was on sale and I have not played any Street Fighter games since 2013. The last fighter I did play was Million Arthur: Arcana Blood. And I literally beaten that on my first try. One 100 yen coin, 1-2 different single round losses, with me not having any clue how I was winning. But with this one I finally beaten Street Fighter III: New Generation. With the help of being able to save my game. Because the reasons why I have not finished my remaining JRPGs was why I needed to use the save feature.


    Here is some food for thought: "Why would any video game company stop making physical copies of games while profits exceed production costs?" So lets start by talking about the one benefit of having a physical media-free console: The only people who can steal your games is Sony. And sad to say the way their CSR treated me when it comes to this is one of two reasons why I prefer Nintendo. But if I was travelling and needed a solid machine to play select games Nintendo does not offer, I would seriously consider this. Just because in the end it would be safer than having a laptop be stolen, and a lot easier than travelling with both the console and a library of games. Now there is the question I had asked. The only sure-fire sign this will be a scenario is not when some online magazine writer says that the digital version will fail. Because that is as factual as me saying that Microsoft never had a successful console. And me using the Japanese market as the only example. No. It's when stores that use in-market practices like Best Buy and Gamestop stop offering physical copies of any game. Because lets face it, Target can drop this at any point and still make money. And Walmart? The only time they will call it a lost is when their so-called exclusives are not being purchased. In the end I say let this ride out. Sony makes more money in terms of physical media in Japan. So we still have years of them using that market as an excuse to ride the physical media train. But once the U.S. end of their CSR workforce get their literal shit improved, I would start to worry by the time PS6 becomes a rumor. Because before that time come their history of dealing with digital media is a sure-fire sign they will not ditch it when it comes to the PS5. With that said, and later edited... Feel free to agree or disagree. All I can say is that I will buy physical Capcom games for my sealed game collection as long as the specific title they made offers me some type of long-term interest.


    In all cases I guess I am "gross" for going digital. So I'll not say anything more since I don't want to "gross" anybody else out with what I had to say about that. But if I did say anything it would be that Resident Evil VIII is the only game I would consider buying if I was to expand my physical game plans into that generation. But I have to wait and see since I am mapping out my current goals for the time being.
  4. Since it's you... And not some clone, universal variation of you, or an evil world version of you... It's something that has me solely focus on Capcom games. And that is the most I can tell you without offering any spoilers. That, and I can finally say that I have finally beaten Street Fighter III. Something I could not have done if Nintendo did not have it on sale and the game did not feature a save function.
  5. EDIT: Putting up portions of my games up for sale. It's a long story.
  6. EDIT: Items either sold, or being sold off. It's a long story.
  7. Wait... Wait. Big boobies are emotions? That now has me rethinking the whole size of one's eyes determine their emotions.
  8. You're too open, too honest, and too polite. I mean seriously... The posters here are going to rip you apart and eat you alive. Like this one group of zombies did on the Sesame Street stage at Universal Studios Japan. So before I can say anything more, please accept my humblest of apologies for the sheer psychological torture you will experience here. ..... I'm kidding! Welcome and I hope to read all about your updates. So have fun and if you ever think any of us can be of some help, remember that some of us will try. And I also hope you will have a wonderful day.
  9. Not a problemo. And just remember that if I ever sound crazy, blame Capcom. It's a long story.
  10. Thanks. And to be honest I used to have photos of me just laying down and doing nothing during one boss fight in Dark Souls III. This is one of those times I wish I had them.
  11. Thanks. And to be honest, my list would have contained around 31-32 years worth of games if we were not limited to "highly acclaimed" games.
  12. I agree. That set is missing the sticker, which marked the magazine's Top 100 list. And that year Chun-Li ranked first in their 'Top 10 characters' list! With Ryu making third because people liked Cotton (Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton) more.
  13. Correct me if I am wrong, but you deserve to include this in your amazing collection. LINK: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1120440424&ref=doc&dispAdult=0&soldOut=1&categoryCode=06&keyword=street fighter&lang=en
  14. Here's my list. There might be more, but this is all I can remember not liking despite being told how good they are. Bloodbourne Call of Duty Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Castlevania (I prefer Vs. Castlevania) Dark Souls III Doom Final Fantasy II to IV Final Fantasy VI (which I have on Steam) Final Fantasy VIII to X (I like X-2) Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy XV Halo 2-3 Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 3 to 11 Silent Hill Star Wars: Jedi Knight Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
  15. Not a problemo. And I hope everything I say helps in some way. Collector Archive Service is technically still a new grading company. And one that has a controversial past. In 2017 a known 'pro-AFA' member of a Star Wars fan forum (that I used to attend) accused CAS of shady dealings. The reason? Ken Black of Sellersvile Auctions was part of their corporate team. I will not go into details since this is a different topic. And will say that Ross Barr was a class act given the situation he was facing. And that the OP created a scenario that did not help CGA, Inc. in the end. As for the "free" service, they offer their cheapest grading service in exchange of them using the photos they take of said post-graded item on the site. And if they still do plan to grade anything related to video games, I suggest you ask about any upgrades they can offer if you are not willing to deal with a long turn-around. It's something I am thinking of doing for a number of my games. But am also holding off due to both the COVID-19 scenario and hope that Wata will be able to encase PSP, PS4, and Switch games.
  16. Here's my list: 1. Dragon Quest IV 2. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd 3. Dragon Quest VI 4. Final Fantasy VII 5. Namco x Capcom Games #1-5 are reasons why I play JRPGs. And even if I do not own any physical copies of said games they will always be ones I want to play. 6. Monhan Nikki Poka Poka Airū Mura G 7. Skies of Arcadia 8. Grandia II 9. Phantasy Star 10. Dragon Quest V Games #6-10 are the same as my top 5. The difference is that I will buy them in one form or another. Even if I have beaten the game. But in the end they are the type of games I am willing to collect more than to beat right away. 11. Dragon Quest XI 12. Dragon Quest 13. Dragon Quest III 14. Dragon Quest II 15. Grandia Games #6-15 are games that I will willing to buy for the sake of playing. Owning physical copies will not happen because they are nothing more than a part of a series I prefer playing.
  17. If you are willing to pay what it costs to have it be graded, they will grade it. Heck, somebody had a box of Pokemon cereal be graded! So seeing how this minty fresh beauty is factory sealed... There is no question they will grade it. I only suggest that you contact them by email first just to see if they are accepting submissions. And do the same with CAS since you might be able to have them grade it for free.
  18. Edit: No longer in my collection. It's a long story.
  19. Edit: No longer in my collection. It's a long story.
  20. It's about time you showed up! I was worried that you might have fallen victim of some type of video game avalanche! And even thought about who to send out with hopes they will bring back a few rare gems to share. So since that did not happen, and we just met... Welcome! And I hope to interact with you in the future here!
  21. Same here. I mean it is a gimmie that it came from Mirage Studio's collection. But without that certificate, guess what? It's just another sealed game. Plus the amount being asked is pretty much around the amount I spent trying to create a hobby! Within the past 6 of the last 8 years! So for me I'd rather have fun diversifying my collection than put it on something that only has monetary value when it is bundled with said certificate.
  22. Dragon Warrior. I had games for both the Commodore 64, including ones that required audio tapes. But they were mostly unknown titles. Except Norad Link. That was something else. Plus my first console was a Magnavox Odyssey², which my parents won. But I only had one cartridge for that. So when it comes to Dragon Warrior all I can say is that it was the very first JRPG I have beaten. And to this day it is the reason why I will buy digital copies of Dragon Quest, attend Dragon Quest events, and buy select Dragon Quest items that spark my interest. Plus Final Fantasy was the only NES game I owned where it stated that my save data became corrupted and it had to be deleted. And I was in the final dungeon when that happened. So Dragon Quest for the win.
  23. I agree, but no. Not to at this time. I'm pretty much juggling between PSP and Switch because the cases are similar in size. Plus I am still debating on how I should flesh out my collection. Which currently has me at a crossroads when it comes to Monster Hunter, Rockman (Mega Man), Makaimura (Ghosts 'n Goblins), and Street Fighter. Including any spin-off titles those might have. Plus I am also debating how I want to collect titles published by both Capcom and Nintendo. Because as of right now I am swapping out Konami for 505 Games. So I have at least three chosen publishers for the core portion of this collection. So nope... I will keep an eye out just like I am with select 3DS titles. But at this time there is nothing I am prepared to buy at this time. And thanks.
  24. [Eventually...] Heritage Auction: "Guys! GUYS! We are ready to auction off any graded print of any PSP games out there!" [The following day...] [WATA Games announces that they are now grading PSP games.] Me (surrounded by VGA graded games while living in a retirement home): "It's about time!" *turns into dust*
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