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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. “Can I ask a stupid question?" "Sure. Ask away." "It's sort of more than one question. But... Look, um... Why do we hurt? Why do we die? Why isn't life good all the time? Why isn't it fair?" "Those aren't stupid questions, Hazel. For some people they're the only questions that matter." "Does that mean you won't answer them?" "Sure, I'll answer. But it's kind of a big subject, and it's got lots of answers, and the answers don't really mean anything-- They aren't stupid questions but they could just as well be 'When is purple?' or 'Why does Thursday?', if you see what I mean..." "Not really." "Well, I think some of it is probably contrasts. Light and Shadow. If you never had the bad times, how would you know you had the good times? But some of it is just: If you're going to be Human, then there are a whole load of things that come with it. Eyes, a Heart, Days and Life. It's the moments that illuminate it, though. The times you don't see when you're having them... They make the rest of it matter.” ― Neil Gaiman, "Death: The Time of Your Life" “What win I if I gain the thing I seek? A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy. Who buys a minute's mirth to wail a week? Or sells eternity to get a toy?” ― William Shakespeare, "The Rape of Lucrece"
  2. Reserved for the original game's replacement.
  3. Oh Cartman! January, 2005 for me. And speaking of "ass burgers"... I have encountered quite a few who should be served one. Granted, I cannot since I have a project I need to relaunch. But I have to believe that them eating one will be the nicest form of karma they get during this lifetime. Just don't quote on me it because I am aiming for that high-functioning "sociopath" look. But on a different note... My cousin is consulting a game company that is developing a platformer where the main character is Autistic. Hopefully I can convince her to convince them to promote it here.
  4. Lets point out the facts. Derek Chauvin is lucky to even have second degree murder charges at this time. So lets talk about his body language, witness testimony when it comes to his history when it comes to black people in general, and the fact he used the Police Department as his own personal smoke bomb. The following arrested officers do not need to know what he was planning to be arrested. All he needed was them to be there while he wore his uniform, while they were on duty. So that case is them being guilty because they were trying to do their jobs. Which means that they can be found innocent if it is proven that none of them were aware of what he was planning. And now onto Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley's killing of the two police officers. Every report states that the act happened weeks after both courts found said officers innocent. They also used the word "ostensibly" in the case he might have done it out of revenge. The word is an adverb that means "apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually." Meaning that there is no validation of your claims that this was remotely race related. Because he also shot, and seriously wounded, Shaneka Nicole Thompson. Who was his 29 year old girlfriend. He then took a bus to Brooklyn, randomly chose what he perceived as an easy target, and killed them. Before fleeing to a New York subway where he committed suicide. Your claims dismiss the fact there is no solid validation that he did it for any reason that can be connected to the BLM movement. And the second link I have offered extends on that proof. As stated in the Wikipedia article, "Daniel McCall, who was appointed to represent Brinsley in Georgia, said Brinsley was not difficult to represent and that no psychiatric problems were noticed at that time." It follows up on the statement "On the day of the attack, Brinsley had tried to commit suicide with his gun before killing the police officers, but he was talked out of it by his girlfriend, Shaneka Nicole Thompson, whom he then shot." Before going on saying that he tried to kill himself the year prior. Which shows that he has a history of emotional instability. In all cases if you were right he would have said this might have connections to some portion of the Black Lives Matter movement. But it doesn't. Before he did the act, your only validity to your case is this quote: "I'm putting Wings on Pigs Today ... They Take 1 of Ours ... Lets Take 2 of Theirs." His reason for going from the idea of killing himself to killing any officers before killing himself is a sign of mental instability, not doing something that "benefits" the Black Lives Matter movement. Because everything he was dealing with caused him to become a sociopath. Because as the definition states, he was a "person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience." Plus Charles Wade said the following in regards to this: "We've all said that this is a horrible thing that shouldn't have happened. I say time and time again that I'm against police violence, and I'm not against police officers in general. I have an issue with improper policing, police violence and police impunity." Prior his arrest in 2016, he was considered the leader of the Black Lives Matter movement. And based on his word, and those who have connections to this crime, there are zero connections between what what Brinsley did and what the Black Lives Matter movement represents. Because after looking at everything Derek Chauvin failed to use his role in the Police Department as a means to cover up his own crime. Where as Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley would not have done his crime if his second suicide attempt was uninterrupted. I would say more but every document on the incident you are trying to use says that it has zero ties to anything regarding to the BLM movement. And that showed those tied to it being there for the Police, even when the Police were only there for the Police.
  5. It's a 6 year old event that ended with the person who did it committing suicide. One of the officers was Asian (Liu) while the other was Hispanic (Ramos). The shooter was also known to have been arrested 19 times and still managed to obtain a handgun. He also had no active role in BLM at the time, was reported to also have shot his girlfriend that day, and only did it becaused he was angry over the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases. And atop of that, authorities in Baltimore had sent an advanced warning to the NYPD. But it is also believed that their warning came at the same time his threats of doing this happened around the same time he did it. In the end this act is based more on talks for gun control, which is an aspect of what both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison promoted, and less about the BLM movement. Because the BLM movement is an extension of what the Lincoln Administration established. This was a case where somebody was angry enough to kill anybody who wore the officer, which turned out to be both minorities themselves. Here is a link to the follow-up involving this incident: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/21/nyregion/two-police-officers-shot-in-their-patrol-car-in-brooklyn.html Here is the Wikipedia page tied to this incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_killings_of_NYPD_officers In the end this event is not discussed because many, including those who might be part of the BLM, used this as a means to promote the end of violence on both sides. Which is commonly something people do not look up, or even add when talking about what one person did to one group on people. And vice-versa.
  6. To be frank I have been dealing with this type of misinformation for 15 years (after I was diagnosed with Asperger's) and more than 15 years prior. The problem is that a lot of opinions made on both sides are based on the emotional end of said spectrum, and not anything else. I mean the debate on who the Republicans and Democrats are these days is pretty much something you'd find on You Can't Do That on Television.
  7. Long answer short... They sell for less because it's considered a "niche collectible" these days. And outside portions of the internet, there is not a graded game market in Japan. The closest you will get to that are stores that grade their CIB merchandise as a means to justify any price differences. So the answer to your question is this: The price is currently based on what the buyer is willing to pay.
  8. EDIT: It's a long story. Sorry if this annoys anybody.
  9. I just use whatever is included with the item that happens to be listed. Because it eliminates the procurement fee, which stacks with their standard and service fees (both were 500 JPY). Plus I am reluctant to find out how much more their fees would be since I don't want to buy anything that has an ugly sticker on the packaging.
  10. I was the same before my first experience with their proxy service. And I still am, but I am also a bit apprehensive when it involves ones others have requested.
  11. Edit: Rebooting my attempts at starting a collection. Expect me to show off my (future) graded stuff.
  12. Yeah. And its a shame that I have no plans going to visit their location. Because I would totally like to ask them why they never made a fourth game before I am escorted out.
  13. Not a problemo. And from what I originally found Panesian is no longer a softcore porn making video games. So any rights they have goes to their successor, MAG. And since MAG makes computer hardware (giggity) any data they had involving this game might be gone. Which would explain why it will be impossible to prove digital piracy is an issue here. Plus I should add that the closest I will ever get to playing adult games is Dragon's Dogma. Both Akihabara and Nakano Broadway killed H-games for me.
  14. I understand. And what I say is me respecting you, your role in the entertainment industry, and the fact the buyer is fodder for any future art pieces. Because I want to believe, that you being in the industry, the first thing you need to do is talk to a lawyer. And in this case the lawyer will tell you that piracy is the physical form of copyright/trademark infringement. Which means that the product in question has to look as close to the original as possible. Atop of being promoted as an authentic product. Otherwise you are limited to having an unauthorized reproduction if the original copyright/trademark is still valid. In the case of Toy Toni, the person could simply buy the original labels, chips, and carts and it would be a pirated good since it was not made by the original owner. And in cases with video games, the digital content does not have to be included. Because that is digital media of generally unknown origins. Plus I have found a complete eBay listing for the original game. There is zero resemblance between the two. So the question is tied to the digital content since nobody can bring up the validity of who produced this reproduction, where, etc. Not even former stores that sold it have this information. And since Panesian never did file a cease and desist once it popped up, the ink you use to do your artwork has more monetary value than it did prior to being graded. Point being is that I have studied this law for both studio and business purposes. And have to because of my history on how others (outside Japan) have treated me, even after they knew I have Asperger's. Plus since I have family that span across the entire entertainment plateau, it's my way of trying to respect those I might want to do business with (in Japan). Hence why I refuse to make any conclusive accusation until I have all the evidence saying that is the only conclusion. Because this is a Wata making a conclusion and somebody profiting off of it. Not somebody purposely selling graded Toy Toni Star Wars figures as original seals.
  15. Sorry to say this but your claims are wrong. Because what you are detailing is copyright infringement, not piracy. The legal definition of piracy is this: "...willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale." Where as copyright and trademark infringement is using a percentage of anything while clearly not making it identical. Is the difference annoying? Yes. But it is something worth knowing when you are marketing anything you have copyrighted/trademarked. Reproduction is not always the means of making a clone of said product. As proven with this game there are differences between the original and this version. Meaning that the unaltered content in question would be seen as copyright infringement. Because everything else (language, case, name, etc.) are what makes it not be a pirated game. Nor is it a copyright infringement, thanks to further finds that lead me back to what Wikipedia says (and other sites back up). Again, this goes back to the fact that not all licensed games are registered for such protections. Unless Japanese copyright laws say otherwise. Which leads to me also stating the following: : "...and there are hints that it was legally reproduced." Based on what I did say, both Hacker Japan (a Japanese company) and Panesian (a Taiwanese company) were registered as unlicensed game companies on a French website (which is saved on the Wayback Machine). And if you look at the link I have supplied, you will see that Panesian was allowed to reproduce said game. Which makes the game a legal reproduction, even if there are differences between both versions. So with that said... I want you to know that I'll always like your art and wit. But you also need to put that energy into fact checking before you make any conclusions. And not at the level I do these days. Because with what I have discussed happens to be something I learned in 1999-2001. And refresh every time I forget a small portion of it. With reasons that have me spend more time trying to avoid legal issues than I spend developing my business plan.
  16. *facewall* Black Lives Mastter is a modern take of an ongoing series of campaigns that have been happening in the United States since Southern Conservatives created "Separate Yet Equal" -- A pro-White law that is based on a legal loophole that the Republican party overlooked when they established both the 14th Amendment. It follows suit from the "I Am a Man!" campaign (which also has roots to a separate campaign in both the United States and South Africa). As well as one similar to what was seen in the 19th century when it came to Native Americans, etc. The issue here is that those either mocking it, or even dismissing the history of this ordeal, are being the ideal excuses that White Nationalists need. Because campaigners for BLM have stated that all lives matter, that the goal here is to establish racial equality (as mandated by the Founding Fathers, and later expanded by the Founding Members of the Republican Party), and have it be done so no person of any 'race' can be targeted because they stick out in said neighborhood. Which is something that, again, White Nationalists hate to see happen. And why? It's the same reason they have created the White Knights, helped turn the purpose of the Republican party against those who have established it, and allowed former KKK leader (and Holocaust denier) David Duke to be registered as one. And it is also why even President Donald Trump was part of the birther movement after he donated to Hillary Clinton's failed campaign, why there are reports of select regions that are not 100% Republican have been combating voters and voter registrations, and more. Much more, for a very long time. It's because people want to have the United States be seen as a White Conservative Christian nation. Something that is no different than what Adolf Hitler wanted for Germany. Something I have lived through my entire life because the person knew I was different, did not care that I am Autistic, and/or have preferences that are not their own. Which is why I take the actual time to learn the history of this nation, look for legal loopholes that haters want to ignore, and everything else that keeps me sane while I am living in this toxic environment. Plus, FYI, if I had it my way I would be running a business called "Black Cats Matter" in Japan. And it would not receive any racial flak because people would realize that I am not a racist.
  17. Plus it is by far the greatest game that came out on the Nintendo PlayStation 360 console!
  18. That would be true if it was a pirated product. It's an unlicensed adult game that was translated from a unlicensed Famicom game called AV PAchisaro. So there is no acts of piracy, and there are hints that it was legally reproduced. Which makes the "crime" be that they are auctioning off a unlicensed erotic game.
  19. Sega's stand-up urinal games that are/were found in Joypolis. If you look at my avatar you will see one example. Heck, you would see my favorite! But in all cases while they are not tied to a console, they are tied to a console-like system. Ones made for guys to enjoy while they clear out their bladders. And for the record... I am doing a character-focus collection for the time being. Because my plans and goals bar me from doing anything bigger these days.
  20. I am going to say something, and can only apologize to those who might get riled up. And apologies for making this a TL;DR moment for others. This is a translation from Volume 1, Chapter 10 of Adolf Hitler's book titled "Mein Kamf". During his campaign days he chose to target the Jews for the same reasons why he targeted Liberalism (including Liberal media), Marxism (which today is mistaken for Socialism), and immigration: They all prevented Germany from being great again. Namely his claim to power was him using his social status as a means of convincing the voters that he could "Make Germany Great Again." Now lets modernize this so it sounds like it was written by somebody who claims to be a Conservative Republican (despite claiming such at this point are misnomers): This is how scary the United States has become. People who claim to be "Patriots" are acting in hopes that a speech like this would be said. None talk about the portions of the Bible, the United States Constitution, or even what past political leaders have said because those things go against their agendas. Hence why I say that the term "Conservative Republican" is a misnomer. The opposition are in favor of what past Republicans did not want for this nation. And I can go on. But instead decided to edit this because it turned out to be a TL;DR post for many. So instead I will point out that those who say that they are Conservative and are in opposition to Black Lives Matter, working with Liberals and/or Democrats, etc. are NOT upholding anything tied to the United States. They are conserving what the Confederacy wanted, was denied, and eventually forced into the United States after they lost. More if needed. Otherwise, that is all I will say.
  21. I'm currently having issues with CGA, Inc. So hearing them claim that has strengthen my resolve to submit my games to Collector Archive Services if I do not use Wata.
  22. It's full name is Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Or, if you want to do it with the same mannerisms done with other consoles, "Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System". Feh... Kids these days. If it was not for the fact I am trying to both catalog and collect every disc-based home console port of every Street Fighter arcade game, as well as ones that sport the Street Fighter name, in Japan... I would not be too busy deciding on how I should collect these games!
  23. EDIT: Putting up portions of my games up for sale. It's a long story.
  24. I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizon. As we speak I am still waiting to discover the last few fossils, which I think I need 6 to complete that part of the museum. And unless I get luck with donations mailed to me the remaining two may not be completed this year. Ditto with the art gallery since I have not received an opportunity for some time now. Plus I have been transforming the house into a mini Nakano Broadway. The basement is an original design, but the rest will be a definite homage. Plus I am also playing the Street Fighter Collection. It was on sale and I have not played any Street Fighter games since 2013. The last fighter I did play was Million Arthur: Arcana Blood. And I literally beaten that on my first try. One 100 yen coin, 1-2 different single round losses, with me not having any clue how I was winning. But with this one I finally beaten Street Fighter III: New Generation. With the help of being able to save my game. Because the reasons why I have not finished my remaining JRPGs was why I needed to use the save feature.
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